Part 2. Chapter 9.

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I woke up in the morning and it seemed to me that the sun is shining brightly again. Getting up from the bed, I headed shower. After the cool water brought me back to reality, I went into the bedroom dressed dress, hair done and went to breakfast. It seemed to me that the whole world turned upside down, and I just wanted to smile.
- Good morning - I said, and I turned Serena Dan and Rufus.
- Good morning, Mom.
- Good morning, Lily.
- Good morning. - Rufus said it all smiled.
- Mom, we were just talking with Rufus and decided that breakfast will not hurt us, sit down, waffles are ready. Everyone laughed, because they remember those wonderful days when going for breakfast and we all native Rufus together.
These breakfasts can be made in the book of desires: the laughter, the joy, sarcasm, fun, praise, jokes. All you need to love in this family. And now it seems to me all the more eager to smile. Dan and Serena went to the table, and Rufus came up to me and kissed - has cut good morning - whispered and kissed - we just talked about the fact that everything happens very quickly and that children hope that everything will be better than the the last time - as he said in a whisper.
- I hope so too. - He smiled, took my hand.
- Let's go to. - We went and sat at the table. On the plates were already wafer and the wine is poured in glasses. All of course the first attempt, that would not drink on an empty stomach, and then Serena took the glass.
- Mom, I consider it a festive dinner in honor of our return, and your reunion. I tell the truth. I do not really reacted to your relative to their marriage. It's terrible how every time you treat people who love you. But I know that can not contradict this, because true love, it is eternal, I really want, that would now be on your way no one stood and that it would have been your last reunion - after all laughed and raised their glasses to me too .. this whole situation seemed rather strange, but life is not an easy thing priori.
- By the way - said Serena - Eric arrives tomorrow, he said he would have to fly, after I told him the news.
- M - she said Dan chewed wafer - Jenny also told arrive tomorrow.
- Guys, what's happening? Why do they need to fly?
- Really - said Rufus - it is not so new. We still do not strangers.
- Mom, Rufus, it's okay, they still have long wanted to fly, because immediately after the wedding, flew from New York.
- By the way mom, Blair said that your exhibition was held on "Hurrah!"
- Yes? - I tried to smile - yes. - I guess I still do not remember anything, except that I told William. On this we are with Rufus and smiled.
- Mmmm - Serena swallowed the wine - we all did not monsters, and brought you souvenirs - they laughed and Dan stood behind the sack with gifts, took boxes from there and gave them to us.
- Mmm how interesting - we began to unpack gifts and finally got to the bottom of boxes. In my box it was easy to assume that there is a bottle and I smiled but stared first at Serena and Dan for a gift.
- Guys, you're serious? - I tried to smile. - Same..
- Yes, Mom, this is it. I know you always wanted it, but with your travel for a maximum of Santa Rica you would have never bought it ..
- Yeah .. - I was finally able to smile - Thank you, I'm thrilled, I hugged Serena and Dan.
- You know the guys - said Rufus - How was it possible to find these strings? It's just a work of art. I feel sorry for them to wear their old guitar - laughed
- Jenny took care of it - said Dan smiled and then they hugged and hugged Serena Rufus.
- Yes, guys, you have certainly embarrassed by such gifts.
- Do not worry Mom, earlier you gave us gifts, and now it's our turn.
- Pass the baton - he said Dan smiled
- Okay - said Serena - Mom, Dan and I are late for Blair and Chuck. They have been waiting. See you tomorrow. - Smiled, hugged me, then hugged me, Dan, Rufus they hugged and left the penthouse.
- Well. - Rufus said - turned to me and put his arm around her waist - What will you do? - I smiled and threw her arms Rufus's shoulders.
- I think it would be good to climb to the top and see what kind of a movie. How are you? - I smiled a happy smile, which she could ..
- I think it's a great idea! Then let's go! - He grabbed my hand, and then we laughed, and he carried me to the bedroom.
- Gently please! - She said laughing. I guess that's what it means to find a man who will carry you in my arms. How long, I was not so happy this is the day of which I had dreamed for many years.

Rufus has brought me into the room and laid down on the bed, then she kissed and looked at me. - Well? What movie do you want to see? - I asked and smiled a seductive smile that all the thoughts in my head are mixed.
- You know - put a hand on his shoulder - I think - her hand to his chest - you can do without the film - tenderly kissed him, looked into his eyes
- I have not I find the remote from the DVD - said under his breath, smiled again and again looked into his eyes after an abandoned look at his smile.
- Yes? - He answered the kiss - Then we will not find him. TV is harmful. - He smiled again and abruptly pulled my head to her accompanying it with a passionate kiss, and then put me on the bed and the room was filled with the noise of love: heavy breathing and passionate kisses ...

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