Too Many Brilliant Ideas

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"I'm writing this book about an epic dragon, and this one about a girl in the jungle, and this one about a boy who gets a disease which is going to kill him, but it will help other people, and I'm writing a series about tragedies on mountains, PLUS this really good one on the history of the Elf nation XHwarshmlan. "

Ever had that conversation with someone? Today we're discussing the OPPOSITE of Writer's Block (which actually can be one of the main causes). I know I go through streaks where my mind is overly creative! Somehow, EVERYTHING inspires me! If you went in my room during this time, you would find five plots strewn around complete with character profiles and first chapters! These days or weeks are really great because you (or I, at least) are always excited to write! The problem becomes when you have to split up your time. You say: "I'm going to work on this one for an hour and then this one for fifteen minutes, and those two for the rest of the evening if I feel like it." Unfortunately, nothing ever really gets done and you end up with eighteen unfinished books and a LOAD of homework.

What do I suggest you do with all these burning, blistering and beautiful ideas? Open up a word document and label it "story ideas." That seems pretty obvious, but sometimes you do not need to go overboard! In this document you can write epic title ideas, awesome lines you want to use, first paragraphs of stories, and plot outlines. If you have scenes from certain books which you decide to scrap, but don't want to completely lose, copy and paste it into this document to use later! These are REALLY simple things which you can do in under ten minutes (depending on what it is, Ink Jars)!!!

How many books/ stories are good and how many are TOO many? I would suggest having one main book or series you're pouring your EVERYTHING into, but then you also have one or two short stories going at the same time. More than three becomes way too difficult to handle! Now, I'm not saying that you are NOT ALLOWED to start writing any of these other great ideas, but what I am saying is that all you'll do is "start writing it." Make sure that even when you're working on these minor projects, you are always continuing progress on the main work. Honestly, keeping this mentality has restrained me from writing a lot of little stories which would have fallen flat of what I wanted or dragged me off track of my main passion. Keep in mind that all authors are different. Some of you probably can come up with six short story ideas and complete them all within a week, but I know that I CANNOT! This, Ink Jars, is what I have discovered for myself and would advice it! If you have other ways of sorting out which book to write, let me know and I might add it to this chapter and dedicate it to you!

Ink Jar Mission: Remember, this book relies on your participation. I would love to review your book, so-even if you've asked me before-you're welcome to ask again (with the understanding that I can say "no," and with the knowledge that I sometimes forget). PLEASE make sure your story fits ALL the rules! EVERY SINGLE ONE! I know it's demanding, but you have to understand that I would be doing you a service! I always vote and usually comment on every chapter. Anyway, bring me a book to read!!! If you have any other requests for advice chapters please let me know! I'm beginning to run out of ideas!

Your faithful writer, Lewis

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