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we've been parents for two months now and it's been going pretty well.

i really enjoy being a mother and seeing my daughters different personalities.

today my mom is going to come and watch the twins while rich and i go out. we haven't had a night to ourselves since they were born.

my mom is coming around 4:30 because rich and i need to run some errands before we go to the basketball game.

our favorite dates are basketball games because it's just a fun way to get out and see people.

when penny gets here

A "hey mom"
P "hey sweetie"
A "the girls are in the living room with rich"
P "okay"
she walks into the living room and the girls smile when they see her.

over the past two months they have gotten really close with their grandma and it makes me so happy.

both rich and i were very close with our grandparents and this is the only one the girls have because my dad is no longer in the picture.

P "so what is y'all's plans for the night."
R "we need to do some errands and then we are going to the Lakers game"
P "fun"
A "okay mom their bottles are in the fridge they get one at 5 and then one at 6 before they go to bed. start putting them down at 6:15. we will be home by 10:30."
P "take your time i've got this."
A "thank you."

rich and i walk out the door and get in the car.

R "you know what would be funny."
A "what?"
R "if we got home and your mom was asleep on the couch and the babies were gone." he laughs while he is saying that
i look him dead in the eye and say "that wouldn't be funny." he stops laughing immediately.
R "your right im sorry"

pennys pov

adele and rich just left and babysitting Amelia and Adeline for the night. they are the cutest little babies.

they are a perfect mix of adele and rich.

it was 5 so i needed to give the babies their first bottle. adele had them already in there pajamas so that's one less thing i had to do tonight.

the girls had no problem taking there bottles but it's strange having to feed two babies at the same time.

i did this 35 years ago and haven't had to do it since so im definitely a little slow at this.

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