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three year later

the girls just turned three years old and they are walking around and talking. they've grown up so fast. i feel like i blinked and they are grown.

rich and i decided a few months ago that we want more children. we love being parents.

this morning my mom and dad were over for a little casual brunch and rich asked me if i wanted a mimosa and i got this feeling in my stomach that i shouldn't drink that.

when i said no he looked at me confused but when on.

my parents left a few hours ago but im honestly anxious about me being pregnant or not. it's probably a freak accident but still. that was the only sign and it wasn't even a real one.

A "hey babe i'll be right back." i walked upstairs to our bathroom and found a pregnancy test. who knows what the results will be.

after i took it i set a timer on my phone for 5 minutes. during those 5 minutes i thought about so many different things. is this good timing? what if it's negative? what if it's positive? is rich going to be happy?

finally the timer went off and i went back into the bathroom to check the test. 3,2,1

i'm pregnant. i sit in the bathroom and cry. not sad tears. there happy. i can't wait to tell rich.

after i got myself together i went downstairs to play with the girls. Amelia, Adeline, and rich were all sitting in the living room.

the girls came running up to me and wrapped their little arms around my legs.

A "hi babies"

once the girls let go of my legs they went back to playing and i sat next to rich on the couch. he rested his hand on my thigh and looked at me.

R "where did you go?"
A "i just had to do something"
R "like what?"
A "nothing"
R "adele"
A "rich"
R "i'm your husband why won't you tell me"
A "i can't tell you in front of the kids. I'll tell you later." the girls look at me.
Adeline "what is it mommy?"
A "nothing sweetie."
Amelia "why will you only tell daddy?"
A "because sometimes things are suppose to stay between adults."
when i said that rich turned back and looked at me and mouthed 'are you pregnant?'
i didn't answer. i went back to paying attention to the kids.

rich got up and left. i think he went into his office.

rich pov

i'm calling her mom to pick up the girls. she has to be pregnant. when i asked she didn't answer but she told Amelia and Adeline that it was something that should stay between adults.

on the phone with penny

R "hey penny"
P "hey"
R "any chance you could pick up the girls"
P "sure when?"
R "like now"
P "um yeah is everything okay?"
R "yeah adele's been acting kinda strange and i need to figure out what is wrong."
P "okay i'll be right over."

we hung up and i walked back into the living room.

R "babe your mom is going to come and pick the girls up."
A "why?"
R "because i want to spend time with my wife"
A "aw okay. when will she be here?"
R "she is leaving now so probably 5 minutes."
A "okay"
Amelia "wait mommy?"
A "yes sweetie"
Amelia "is grandma and grandpa coming over?"
A "yes they are going to come pick you and Adeline up."
Adeline "but why"
R "because your mom and i need to talk." adele gives me a look and then looks back at the kids. wonder what that was about.
A "girls you will be back soon you're just going to spend a little time with them. they love you."
Adeline "okay. can we watch a movie tonight?"
A "absolutely"
Amelia "does that mean yes?"
A "yes baby is does"

i love seeing adele be a mom. she is so good at it and our daughters adore her. i will never know what i did to deserve her but im never letting go.

i hear the door open and Penny and Mark say hello. they come into the living room and get the girls and then leave.

now's my time to talk to adele.

R "babe?"
A "yep?"
R "what's going on. your emotions have been all over the place and you went upstairs for a while."
A "i'm pregnant"
A "yes" she smiles and i see a tear from the corner of her eye fall down her cheek.
R "aw baby i love you so much." we stand up and hug and she rest her head on my shoulder.
A "i love you too baby."
R "i think it's a boy."
A "me too"
R "you know since we're alone"
A "richard"
R "i mean we are never alone and it's safe to do when you're pregnant."
A "take me upstairs Mr Paul"

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