my baby

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today while the girls were at preschool rich want me to take a pregnancy test. he seems to be convinced that i am pregnant but i don't think that i am.

rich is coming home for lunch and that is when we are going to do it. he said that he should be home in about 5 minutes.

R "babe?" he yells as he comes through the door from the garage.
A "hey baby." he grabs me by the waist and kisses me.
R "you ready?"
A "sure but rich please don't get your hopes up."
R "i won't."

we walk upstairs and into our bathroom. i go into the cabinet and grab a pregnancy test. i take it and start our 5 minute timer.

R "i've never done this before"
A "oh yeah."
R "adele look at me." i turn to look at him and he pulls me into his arms.
R "what ever the results are it's okay. if it's not positive we can try again but if it is positive that's wonderful."
A "i love you"
R "i love you" the timer goes off on my phone and we turn to look at each other.
A "you ready?"
R "are you ready?"
A "yeah"
A "3,2,1" i flip it over and see one line. i start to cry because i know rich really wants another baby.
A "rich i'm sorry."
R "woah it's okay. i promise. god will give us our baby when it's the right time."
A "i know but you really wanted another one."
R "yeah but it's okay. we can try again."
A "okay"
A "i understand if you want to leave me."
R "adele. under no circumstances would i ever leave you. why would you even say that?"
A "because im not pregnant. we've always had just an easy time getting pregnant i don't know why this time is different."
R "baby it's okay."
A "are you sure?"
R "yes i l-" my phone starts ringing and it's a call from the girls preschool.

A "hello"
"hi is this Adele Paul?"
A "yes it is"
"hi this is Susan Reynolds from the office at Sierra Canyon Preschool. I just wanted to inform you that your daughter Amelia is having symptoms of a heart attack. in all of the records we have in the office it says that she has a heart condition so we wanted to call and see if this was normal."
A "um no that's not normal. please call an ambulance my husband and i will be there in a few minutes."
S "okay ma'am" i hang up the room and run downstairs to grab my purse.

R "babe where are we going"
A "amelia is having symptoms of a heart attack."
R "oh shit okay let's go." we run out to the garage and we get into the car.
A "why does this have to happen to my baby."
R "shh everything is going to be alright."
A "i hope your right"
R "look you run in and figure out what is going on with Amelia and i will go and get Adeline."
A "i already texted my mom to pick Adeline up early and meet us at the hospital."
R "okay"

we pull into the preschool parking lot and the ambulance is already out side.

"my baby" is whisper under my breath while i am running into the school.

i run into the front office and see the medical professionals standing over my daughter who is laying on the stretcher.

i hear one of the EMTs yell "she stopped breathing are her parents here yet."

my entire world stopped in that small sentence.

i run up to them and say "yes im her mother."

they take her out and put her into the ambulance. rich and i follow them in.

EMT "so, your daughter has a previous heart condition right?"
A "yes she was born with her heart on the wrong side of her chest. but i was told that wouldn't affect her as she got older."
EMT "i think it was just a freak accident. your daughter is breathing now."
i reach over and grab her small hand. rich smooths out her hair and i see the tears drip down his face.
R "will she be okay?"
EMT "yes but she will need a lot of recovery time. she did have a heart attack"
A "oh." i feel rich grab my hand and he didn't let go the entire ride.

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