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Amelia "when will the baby get here?"
A "not for a while sweetie."
Amelia "but whyyy?"
A "the baby needs to grow in my belly"
Amelia "did sister and i grow in your belly?"
A "yes you did"
Amelia "how did we fit?"
A "my belly got really big"
R "ha yeah it did" i playfully hit his chest

Adeline was clearly thinking about something. she wasn't talking much and i wanted to figure out what was wrong.

A "Adeline baby what's wrong?"
Adeline "at preschool Jenna was talking about how she had four grandparents. why don't i?"
rich got up and went to the bathroom and i knew why. when i found out that i was pregnant with Laney we talked about how we would talk to our children about rich's parents. this was much sooner than we both had expected and i knew rich wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared.
A "well baby daddy's mom and dad are no longer with us."
Adeline "what does that mean?"
A "when daddy was 19 his dad died and when he was 36 his mom died. that's why you only have two grandparents."
Adeline "oh"
Amelia "where did daddy go? is he okay?"
A "yes he's okay. but imagine losing me and daddy. it would be hard right?"
Adeline "i don't want you or daddy to leave"
A "and we don't want to leave you two and i promise we won't"
i saw rich walking back to us and he sat back down next to me.
i rested my hand on his leg and he looks at me blankly.
A "i love you"
R "i love you you too"
Adeline "daddy?"
R "yes baby"
Adeline "are you okay?"
R "yes sweetie i'm okay. i love you and Amelia so much. never forget that"

once our dinner was over the girls fell asleep in the back of the car so we decided to just go home.

A "rich"
R "yes baby?"
A "i'm sorry for what happened at dinner if i knew she would have said that i wouldn't have asked."
R "no adele it's okay. it was going come up anyway. so thank you for talking to them."
A "you're welcome baby. i love you"
R "i love you"
A "i told my mom that they could come over tomorrow."
R "okay what time? i have a meeting"
A "on a sunday?"
R "yeah is annoying but my meeting is at 10:30"
A "what time do you think it will be finished?"
R "11:30"
A "okay i'll ask my parents to come over at 12:30"
R "what's our plan for telling them?"
A "uh well when i found out i may of ordered them shirts that say 'big sisters' on it and i got a notification while we were at dinner"
R "ha of course you did"
A "hey what's that suppose to mean?"
R "nothing"
A "whatever"
A "so they will just wear their shirts and hopefully my mom and dad will see them."
R "okay text your mom and see if 12:30 works for them"
A "okay"

once we got home last night we all were so tired. rich just finished his meeting and now we are waiting for my parents to get here.

i need the girls to put there shirts on because that's a part of the surprise.

A "girls can you do something for mommy?"
Amelia "yes"
A "do you know what this says?" i said showing them their pink big sister shirts
Adeline "no what does it say?"
A "it says big sister can you put these on?"
Adeline and Amelia "yes"
Rich helped Amelia get her shirt on and i helped Adeline. by the time we were done i heard a knock on the door.
A "rich can you get that."
R "yes"
A "girls come here. don't show grandma and grandpa your shirts let them seeing them there selves."
Adeline "okay mommy"

P "hi girls"
Adeline and Amelia "GRANDMA!"
my mom looked at their shirts but i don't think she noticed anything.
M "hi angels"
Adeline and Amelia "GRANDPA"
my dad definitely saw it.
M "penny look at this" rich and i looked at each other and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
P "are you pregnant?"
A "yes"
M "no way"
i nodded my head and my mom hugged me while my dad hugged rich.
P "i'm so happy for you sweetie"
A "thank you mom"
then my dad hugged me
M "i'm so happy i get to experience this with you. i wish i was there for the other times but i wont ever leave again i promise. you mean the world to me sweetie and i love you so much." he wiped my tears away and hugged me.
A "i love you so much daddy"
Adeline "mommy? why are you crying? i thought you were happy."
A "mommy is happy sweetie. these are happy tears"
R "get use to that girls. your mom is going to be crying a lot"
A "oh shut up. you will too"
rich laughed and then we all went into the kitchen and the girls went to their playroom.
P "so how far along are you?"
A "i don't know i found out yesterday."
P "oh so that's what you couldn't say in front of the kids."
A "yeah"
M "when did you tell them?"
A "last night at dinner"
M "imagine if it's twins again."
R "god i hope not two newborns is a lot."
A "yeah imagine giving birth to them."
P "you think it's another girl?"
A "i think it's a boy"
P "really?"
A "yeah i do"
M "well you know my family only had boys and your moms only had girls so it might be"
A "yeah and rich has boys in his family so you never know"

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