i dont think i can do it.

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adele pov

we landed in Cleveland last night and went straight to Brandies house. the girls were excited to see their aunt but i made sure they knew the reason we were here.

when we got to Brandies last night rich went straight up to bed and didn't socialize with anyone.

this morning there is a breakfast at Brandies house and then the funeral is at noon.

i walked downstairs and saw Brandie in the kitchen. rich nor the kids were up yet so we got to have our time together.

B "so how's everything going with you and rich?"
A "pretty well. we figured everything out and we are happy now."
B "i'm glad to hear that."
A "how can i help you out this morning."
B "nothing really i did most of the prep before yall got here."
A "okay just let me know if i can do anything to help."
B "thank you adele." rich walks down the stairs and comes and sits next to me at the kitchen table.

R "morning babe." he says and kisses me
A "morning."
R "the kids aren't up?"
A "no"
R "B what time are people coming over."
B "8"
R "okay i have an hour and a half i'm fine."
A "you may but i have to get myself and the kids ready." i say and start walking up the stairs.
A "babe?"
R "yes"
A "can you get the kids up and have them brush their teeth?"
R "yes"
A "thank you."

i make my way into the room were rich and i are staying and open up my suitcase. i pull out the black maxi dress that i brought and some black heels. i put those on and make my way into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

i am straightening my hair because that's about all i know how to do. and my makeup i'm keeping simple because i don't have my makeup artist here either.

i check the time and see that it is 7:15 so i make my way into the room were the girls are staying.

rich was in there playing with them and reading them stories.

A "you girls need to get ready"
Adeline "okay mommy." i pull out the dresses that they are wearing and help them get into them. rich walked out of the room and is getting himself ready.
Amelia "mommy."
A "yes sweetie."
Amelia "is today the day we say goodbye to Memaw?"
A "yes" is wipe the tears that are falling from my daughter's eyes and kiss both of their foreheads.
A "everything is going to be okay."
Amelia "you promise?"
A "i promise. now let's go see auntie Brandie"
Adeline "okay"

rich pov

everyone has been here for around an hour. it's all of my family and some old friends. it just feels weird. my mom isn't here, my dad isn't here, and now my step mom isn't here. everything just feels off.

adele has been talking to people and it makes me happy knowing that she is socializing with my family. but i know that she is upset like the rest of us. adele and justine were extremely close and now that's gone.

the girls have been playing with their cousins in the living room while the adults are in the kitchen.

i see my brother coming up to talk to me and so i expect that fact that i will have to speak to people.

M "hey man"
R "hey"
M "look im not here to talk about Justine."
R "okay"
M "what im here to say is that you really found someone who cares so deeply about others. watching her interact with our family and your children is something that you don't see in a lot of women. the way her eyes light up when she talks about you or the girls is priceless. never let go of her please rich."
R "i won't i promise."

Meco walks away and i walk up to adele.

R "hey baby"
A "hey"
R "can i talk to you for a second."
A "sure" i pull her into a different room.
R "babe i don't think i can do this."
A "what do you mean."
R "i can't watch the funeral."
A "yes you can"
R "no i can't"
A "rich stop. you are so strong and this is just one thing that you need to get past. you will forever regret it if you didn't go to the funeral. i understand that you are hurt. we all are but i know you can do it. just think about your family and your kids. think about all of that."
R "i guess you're right."
A "i always am"
R "i know"

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