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~!*' 6 MONTHS LATER~!*'

Months Later, Secrets moved in with ariella, chyna and Lanika. Bree's parents were the ones, who adopted mason.. They all grew a band closer then other. Especially chyna and secrets they had a strong Bond, chyna would talk about everything and anything with secrets. Diggy and Bree were buried weeks later.  Princeton and chyna have become a very tight couple even best friends, it took a while but chyna' finally got back on the Good side of her best friends Kayla, Ka'Layla, and Na'Kayla. Ka'Layla and Roc became friends but nothing else, Ja'Tayla and Ray are now engaged and Kayla and Prod are still together with a serious relationship. Chyna was now class valet vectoring she did not join cheerleading or Basketball again, and got accepted in UCLA. They crew decided to attend the same college and will be touring with the boys, over the summer! Now it was graduation, they Boys and chicas were now graduating...

~!*' Chyna's P.O.V.~!*'

This was the moment, I been waiting for my whole Life. I smile lightly, as I look at the podium. I stared down at Daniel's letter. I felt all eyes on me, and I read the Last part. The media and even a parking Lot full of fans had there phones, cameras and just watched as I finished my story, I read Daniel's last words to me.

Me: don't cry.... Just celebrate my life. Don't worry about the hatred, and I want you to love someone like I loved you, I want you to be happy. I love you chyna I truly do, like we always used to say .You have my heart, and I have yours..

 (From the Skies the Heavens and Earth)



I heard applause, this was it. This was Graduation,

Me: Ok, On 3 for Daniel Simmons, and for Bree Sanchez, people that will truly be missed.

1..... 2.... 3...

Everyone threw there Golden caps in the air, and I smiled. Princeton hugged me as we walked off on stage, I wiped my tears and give princeton a kiss.

Me: we made it,

We hugged and pulled apart as his tour bus, pulled around the curb. I looked back and my girls, were waving and kissing the Boys goodbye. I let the tears fall, after Daniel pasted away, me and Jacob grew closer he became my best friend, we grew even closer, if ya know what I mean (; I laughed, as Princeton wiped my tears. He pulled me into a deep hug, as I lingered on to his neck, I could smell his polo cologne. I was gonna miss that, and him.

Princeton: this is it, am gonna miss you.

Me: Am gonna miss you, too.

We start walking on the Tour Bus, and He took a step back. We interlocked hands, and I felt my heart caught between my chest. He climbed on the tour bus, slowly then turned around. Before I could respond, he pulls out a purple velvet box, I heard screams and mutters and clapping including cheering.  I stared at the Diamond, it was huge. I cheesed so hard, I could feel my cheeks burn.

Princeton: you would make me the happiest person in the world, if you said yes.

I looked up at him, and I could see his eyes water. I slipped the ring around my finger and nodded. I jumped onto him, and wrapped my legs around his waist and giggled.

Me: YES, Jacob! YES!

He laughed as he hugged me back, the crowd went wild. I heard camera flashing and instantly I was blinded by the camera flashes. I looked back at the crowd, then at the sky. I swear I saw Daniel smile, he looked down and smiled. For once I can say, I was broken and now am saved, and over the years I realized 

Princeton: I love you

I whispered back into his ear.

Me: I love you too,

~The Ending, for Now...    


I hope you Like the Story! Lol, Like I said it took me 3 months to write this story, but comment below if I should do a sequel,, so tell me what you think, VOTE,COMMENT! be honest, it not may be the best story, but I think it was good! i twisted the plot, to make it more intersecting! and dont steal my story! but I hope you enjoyed it, read my other stories! Thanks  STAY MINDLESS , PEACE -MAKING JETSETTERS(: -Meme

B.R.O.K.E.N. (a Princeton&Diggy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now