Emo bitch (frostiron english)

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ich habe mindestens eine Stunde nach einer möglichst richtigen Bezeichnung für lokis gothstil gesucht.. und weiß immernoch nicht ob ws der richtige ist..


"You will be working on a project for the next few weeks. I will be assigning the partners." the teacher made clear. "Mrs. can I work by myself?" Loki, a blackhaired, e- girl, asked imediately. "No, you may not. You will be working with Tony."

Loki rolled her eyes.

"Great. I gotta work with the emo bitch... She doesnt even talk." Tony comented annoyed, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh please, like its an absolute pleasure to be working with you. Besides, its rather goth, not emo, idiot." she snaped back.

The bell rang and school was over. They walked out together. "Look, I have a lot going on with football and stuff. So I need you to work on the project alone." Tony said bored. "How cute. Thats not how this is gonna work, Stark. Its 50 50. We both work on it." "Ugh, fine. But we will work on it at my place." "Fine. Give me your adress."

Tony gave her his adress, and they met there later that day.

She rang the bell. Some guy opened. "What can I do for you, miss?" "Oh uhm, hey. I am here to work on a project with Tony Stark. Is this the right house?" "Yes Miss. please, come in. Mr. Stark is coming in a second." "Uh thanks." She came in and waited for Tony. He came down half way of the stairs. "Come on. My rooms are up stairs." She followed him upstairs.

"Your house is huge." she told him, siting in his room. "Yeah, its sick having a big house until your dad works 24/7 and you never see him." Tony just said and sat down infront of her. There she placed everything they needed for the project. "I'm.. sorry to hear that. Anyways uh, just lets get started." "Can I play some music?" "I am not really interessted in listening to your Justin Bieber crap." Loki told him the truth with a little annoyance. Tony scoffed "I dont listen to Justin Bieber."

He started playing some music, while Loki started writing something down. She froze as she heard it and widened her eyes. Then she looked at him. "You listen to AC/DC?" she asked with a slight smile. "Yeah, do you?" He asked back, smirking a little to himself. "Yeah. I love them." she smiled. "Well, cool." he laughed a little.

They continued their project with just little of talking.

After a while Loki started sweating. "Is the AC busted at your house?" "Uh yeah, someone was suposed to come and fix it but they didnt.." "Uch, its to hot in here, I cant think. I hope you dont mind, its just really hot in here." She took off her shirt.

"You hope I dont mind wha-" Tony looked at her with big eyes. "Damn, you'r hot." "Uh... Thanks? I guess?" "Sorry." He imediately apologizes and looked at their project.

They worked in silence.

After some time Tony asked her "I.. already told you a little about my family. What about yours?" "First of all I didnt ask you to tell me about it, but... I am happy if my father isnt at home..." "..Why is that?" "Its complicated.." "I can try to understand if you tell me." She sighed "Cant we just finish this damned project and never talk again?" "Nope. Thats not how its gonna go. Come on. Tell me." ".. fine..." she groaned annoyed. "He isnt.. quite the nicest guy... at least not with me." "What does he do?" "Well, I have an older brother who seems to do everything right and never makes mistakes and I am just the adopted girl that didnt turned out like she should because I am not a girly bitch." "Hold up. You are adopted?" "Yeah, why?" "I.. was just surprised. I didnt know that." "I swear to god, if you tell this to someone else I'm gonna kill you. Understood?!" "Calm down, morticia." "Are you really comparing me to morticia adams now..?" "Well, yeah. Do you have a Gomez?" "Oh my god. This flirt atemt was so bad." she laughed. He joined laughing. "But really now. Do you?" "No. No I dont have a 'gomez'." she laughed, not knowing how else to respond. "Maybe I could play that role in your life?" she grew serious. She realised that she wore nothing but her bra to cover her uper body. "Are you really trying to flirt right now? You called me an emo bitch earlier and as soon as you see my breasts, you ask me out? How obvious do you wanna act? you just want in my pants, dont you?" "what-no. no I dont. I-" "just shut it.. We are done here..At least for now."

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