what I want (frostiron)

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Loki was on his way to tonys lab. He got called because he needed some help with a project.

Tony had learned that Loki was very good in tech-stuff, even if he didnt tought so. Afterall he was asgardian and thor, as only example, wasnt quite... intelectual.

"whats it, stark?" loki asked as soon as he had opened the door to the lab. "I need your help with that stuff. I want to build a lasersword for peter. You know how he loves those movies. And I .." "you what?" Loki smirked, knowing how it scratches on the other mans ego to have to ask him. "I... dont know how to do this... happy now?" "uhh, yes. Im happy now. Now give me that." "how about a pretty please?" "I dont say 'please', Stark. Now give me that." Tony rolls his eyes and gives the already built stuff to the god. Loki starts tinkering and really finishes it till the evening.

"stark, how about you getting food. I am starving and since I finished your little project, you could do that at least." loki ordered. "I think you forgot that I am not your servant. Actually you should be obeying me, since it is your punishment to live here on earth in MY home." "go and cry about it." loki rolls his eyes.

Tony sighs at the gods ego and goes to actually cook a little Something, afterall loki was right. He DID finish his project.

After about half an hour, while loki cleaned up his workspace, tony brought him the food. loki just took it, without saying anything.

"uh, how about a thank you?" "I dont say 'thank you', Stark." "thats not quite kind or Something. I mean, I made you food afterall." "oh, wow.." Loki said unimpressed. "and how many times do I cook for you and your little friends?" "But we say thank you, loki. So what is it with you? You arent really in a position where you can keep your princess ego up." "oh shut up." "uh no. I am here to put you in place or Something." "I do what I want, Stark." He took the plate with the food and went into his room.

"we will see about that." tony smirked. He had seen the slight blush on lokis cheeks, as he spoke of puting him in place.

Lokis face grew hot as the mortal talked about puting him in place. He didnt wanted Tony to know anything about his toughts and so he stood up and walked away, hoping he didnt saw him blush. That would be very embarrassing...

As the next morning came, Loki came out of his room and almost imediately got pinned against the wall by Tony.

"Norns! what is wrong with you?!" Loki called out. He was to sleepy for things like this. "Well, i decided that I will teach you to say please and thank you. On the one or nother way. So, if you want me to let you go, you will have to say please and if you just push me away, next time, I will apear in your bedroom and will teach you there. If you understand what I mean." Tony smirked slightly. Loki looked at him perplex. "I am not begging you to let me go, Stark.." he rolls his eyes and covers his actual toughts like that. He cant decide if he would like him in his room or not. "well, seems like you will be begging for release instead soon. Meet you in your bedroom." "I dont think you actually do that. I mean, wich mortal would bed a god?" "oh? so you are a bottom?" tony smirks. "that- that is not what I just said!" "Oh, you so are. Damn, didnt tought so at first but well, that is even better." Loki pushed the grining man away. "Shut the fuck up, Stark" "Say 'please'." "I dont say please! Now fuck off."

Tony left him alone, laughing on his way to the kitchen.

Lokis face was hot from this incident. "what the hell is wrong with me?" he whispers to himself as he cools his face with his cold hands. "this is nothing I should like."

Loki from that moment on was always cautious when walking around the tower or even sitting in his room. Tony didnt do it again. Loki already tought that steve or someone else talked to Tony, so he wouldnt do such crap. That until he woke up one day, with his wrists tied to the bed.

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