Chapter One

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Shivering from the wet rain, Y/n slammed their car door in a rage and locked it. She crossed her arms, warming them with their palms by rubbing.
  It was 4 am in the morning, the day of her 18th birthday. Yet here she sat, in the cold rain, all alone, with no jacket.
  She leaned against her car, looking across the empty parking lot of the pizza plex.Well semi-empty minus the security workers car.
"Fucking hell Gregory, where are you? " she hissed as she began to walk to the entrance of the plex. Almost giving up in no time y/n walked around the large building to find the all familiar sun and moon logo on a metal door. She knocked  hard enough her knuckles burned a little.
  She waited, and waited for a second, giving up more with lessoning hope. Her whole body was shivering now, her T-shirt soaked. Her jeans sticking to her skin tighter than before. But right before she turned to walk back to her car, the door swung open with a wide smiling sun. "Hello dear! Come in come in! your gonna catch a cold!" He caringly invited the cold being in. Y/n hurried in and slung her backpack off her shoulders and onto the ground.
  Sun, noticing y/n's bad mood, and said, "Is everything okay? Are you hurt? " sun put both of his hands on there shoulders and looked down at them worried. "Everything is fine, today's just another shitty birthday for me" y/n seethed, kicking her bag with great force.
  The bag spilled over, the zipper broken and showing the contents of her bag, anxiety pills, a bag of care stuff, and more. Getting more frustrated, y/n flumped to the ground and picked up the items putting them back in.
  Sun bit his lip, not sure what to say. "Honey, I know youve been having a rough time but-" "sun I'm fucking tired! I just got fucking beat to death like two hours ago and I hurt! there are no buts! " y/n yelled out of frustration as tears began to spill from their eyes. "I was just gonna say but your finally safe with me and moon.. " sun fidgeted with his fingers while mumbling the end of his sentence.
  Y/n put her finger to her temple rubbing it softly, shutting her eyes. "Look I'm sorry, it's been a rough night and Gregory said he'd let me in at this time and he's not even here and I'm cold and I'm just in pain." Y/n then rubbed their tears away quickly and looked up at the other being in front of her. "Sun where do you want me to stay." They slumped there shoulders and picked there bag back up. "I reserved a room up around over there, I'll take you" sun pointed to the balcony area.
  Soon they stood in front of a door way away from public areas where guests would be. Truthfully an off limits area from guests. Sun opened the door to an empty-ish room, a bed in one corner and a desk against the wall. "Here it is, sweets. And remember the bathroom is just down the hall, no one really uses it except for staff when they come around these parts. Mostly for "maintenance" on us. " sun smiled softly and gestured a hand into the room. "It's all yours. And you know where to find moon and I " sun beamed before walking away.
   Y/n sighed softly before setting her bag down into the ground. She shut the door to the room and locked it. She then grabbed a small make-up bag out of her backpack. Which was not in fact filled with make-up. She pulled out peroxide, and band-aids. She sat down on the tile floor and pulled the last thing out.
  Shakily breathing, y/n took her shirt off, reavealing her stomach being littered with contusions. One big one in the middle purple, almost red in some areas. Y/n gently touched it, wincing and jerking her hand back as she looked at herself. She unclipped her bra before digging in her bag to find a baggy black shirt. They slipped that on and replaced their wet jeans with a pair of black shorts.
  She looked down at her thighs. She gripped the blad in her hand and stared down at her bare thighs with littered faded scars. Too faded for her liking.
  She pressed the sharp end of the blade to her soft skin and drug it across, wincing and watching as blood slowly emerged from the newly opened wound.
  Scattering more across her two thighs like stars in the sky, she placed the blade on the ground and buried her face in her hands and cried. She sobbed. Loudly. She choked on her tears. She almost felt desperate to find someone to cling onto. She desperately needed someone to cling onto.
  Her body was enflamed in pain and her mind was unbearable. She cried. And cried. And cried even more. Cried even harder. She cried till no tears were left to fall. Her eyes felt baggy and her feet felt like stones. Her body felt like a ton of bricks she could hardly even pick herself up. She was exhausted.
  She slowly picked herself up and made her way to the bathroom as fast as she possibly could, in fear of someone seeing her in the unstable state she was in. But unfortunately for her she noticed a familiar gray tail coming around the corner.
  Hoping she wouldn't notice, y/n slipped into the bathroom and began to splash water on the cuts and dressing them as quickly as possible. She heard the heavy foot steps of the wolf nearing her faster. Her hands shook so extremely as she she wiped herself off of any lasting blood hearing her enter.
  "Y/n? I was coming to see you but it was like your avoiding me. What are you doing?! " Roxy stomped over to them, standing uncomfortably close, looking down at them. "I-i promise I wasn't trying to avoid you I was trying to uhm. Wash my hands! I got them dirty doing something! " y/n backed up to the sink hoping Roxanne wouldnt notice her lie. Y/n frantically pulled down her shorts hoping it covered all of the fresh cuts.
  Roxy's eyes stared deep into y/n's. "I smell fear on you. " Roxy snarled as she grabbed the girls arm. "Roxanne I'm fine , everything is fine" y/n exaggerated with her free arm.
  Y/n tried to free herself from Roxy's tough grip. But her claws held on too tight. "Something is wrong" Roxy growled stepping closer to her.
  Y/n's bottom lip began to quiver. "I'm sorry I don't know what to do.'' She whispered, wide eyed.
  Roxy noticing them about to cry, lowered her voice and silently pulled them into a warm tight hug. "Your gonna talk to me so come on, lets get out of this nasty bathroom. "

Words- 1185

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