Chapter Five

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   Y/n sat in front of Roxanne as she took of y/n's shoes for her and then setting them neatly against the wall. "What do you need me to talk about" y/n softly muttered as she took off her own fishnets and slightly pulling up her skirt for Roxy to have all access to each and every fresh cut on her thighs.
   "How bout we start with what happened a bit ago. Your story doesn't add up, like I've said before." Roxy rubbed her thumb softly across y/n's cuts causing y/n to wince slightly. "How deep did you cut, kiddo? " roxanne kinda muttered to herself as she grabbed a cotton ball, pouring peroxide onto it.
  "Well let's just say Gregory said something not so nice things to me and stormed off. " y/n said shrugged. Roxanne rolled her eyes, and gently dabbed the cotton on one of the deepest ones. "I think I got that hun, but I'm asking for the details. Why it put you into such a hurting state. " Roxy said looking the girl in the eyes. It was y/n's turn to roll her eyes and sigh. "But I don't think its necessary, " she winced again this time making a hurt noise as Roxanne pressed it to a deeper one than before. "Fuck Roxanne that hurts!" Y/n clenched her teeth waiting for the burning pain to subside.
    "I know y/n, I'm sorry, but water isn't gonna clean them fully, and honestly some of them I believe actually opened more, bleeding more. and I get you don't believe it's necessary but it's only me. It's not like im planning on telling everyone else. Your safe with me. " Roxanne told her placing her hand on the side of y/n's thigh away from the cuts and placing the cotton ball to look at y/n's face.
   Y/n liked the feeling of Roxanne's hand on her, if felt nice.
   "Fine." Y/n muttered as she bit her lip and looked down at Roxanne's hand on her thigh, trying to focus on something. "So.. I had followed him out because he seemed upset but before I could ask he like stuck his finger in my face. And like. Said all these mean things like about how im fake, he thinks I dress like a slut, and that I'm an attention seeker, and then proceeded to tell me that everything that's happened to me was fake and I was just saying it all for attention when I used to literally confide in him when things would happen. And he'd comfort me.. I don't know what happened. I don't know what I did wrong.. " y/n's voice squeaked a little towards the end as she tried not crying all over again.
   The wolf hummed, anger really over coming, thinking about what they should say next, that wasn't rage filled so she didn't scare her. She then began to clean more of the wounds, except she kept her one hand in the same place, but squeezing it lightly in a sense of reassurance. "That was, genuinely like fucked up of him to do. And I know how close you guys used to be. I know the two of you drifted. These friends he's been hanging out with. It's like they are, completely, changing him. He's become an utter asshole. He went off on me the other day actually too. Saying that I'm self-centered and shit. " Roxanne began tilting her head slightly, concentrated on cleaning the cuts nicely.
   Y/n looked a little surprised. ''He even went off on you?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, which is fine honestly. I get nitpicked at all the time by little kids but I don't even know where your story begins or is like. Which i'm sure is why it effected you so greatly. Where I'm wanting to go with what I'm saying is, one he's fucked up to do that, and two, you dress like. Really hot, not trying to make you uncomfortable or anything I just like genuinely like your style, three your honestly more real to me than most people, four your honestly not an attention seeker. Your just shy. " Roxanne took a deep breath after saying most of it in one breath. She dabbed three more cuts as she had said all that. "Yeah.. It really hurt my feelings and it like. Triggered me honestly. He said that I was fake for what I had told him but it was real! And its really effected me." Y/n took a deep breath, trying to calm her breathing. "So what is it that has happened? " Roxanne asked. "I don't really wanna explain that right now. " y/n muttered softly as she watched Roxanne finish the last one and try to bandage some of them.
   "Okay I get it, whenever your ready I'll always be here." She smiled softly before grabbing both of y/n's hands with her. "Is there anything you wanna do to ease your mind and possibly make you smile? " roxy rubbed her thumbs over the top of y/n's hands, which really soothed y/n for some reason.
   "I'm not super sure Roxanne.. " y/n shrugged and chewed the inside of her lip out of anxiety. "Okay that's okay I  have an idea. " Roxanne pulled her chair back a little to pull out a drawer. She put the stuff in it she had out and then pulled out the middle drawer which was full of nail stuff.
  "How bout I do your nails for you? I'm not like really good at doing stuff for people so I'm sorry if it looks like shit but maybe i can make you giggle some, " she half smiled, hoping it would do just that. She grabbed one of y/n's hands and began to cut her finger nails at a pretty length. She did both hands and then grabbed a cuticle tool and did that. She then put cuticle oil on her.
  "What color would you like? " Roxanne said pulling out all the different colors she had. She only had, black, white, green, purple, and red. "Can I have red please?" Roxanne smiled brightly. "Of course! "
  Roxy unscrewed the top and held the fingers of Y/n. She shakily painted each nail getting a lot of paint also on her skin. "Geez I told you I'm bad at this! " Roxanne growled jokingly, which, made y/n giggle slightly. "Its okay! This is actually really special to me right now. " she told her, watching her do the same on the other hand contently.
   As Roxanne finished, she grabbed a small little fan that sat on the end of her desk and turned it on, facing it toward y/n's hands, to quicken the drying speed.
   "Roxanne? " y/n looked up at roxy. "Yea  kid? " she responded, looking up too, as they looked at each other. "I wanted to say thank you a lot. This is actually really helping me. When I first met you I never thought you could be so gentle and caring. " y/n admited shyly. "I get that, which is okay because that's just how I come off. I'm just so glad you actually are open with me and try with me. Not a lot of others want to try, like other animatronics and or like security guards, although they don't really see me as a living person like you do. Theyre always thinking that Im just gonna like hurt them. Which I wont! But also I dont like a people. I like you though. Your cool." Roxy smiled at her.
   Finally as her nails dried, Roxanne yawned a little. "Hey kiddo, I think its time for us both to get some rest it's pretty late." She said as she stood up, holding her hand out to lead y/n. "Yea I am pretty sleepy actually, I only slept so much last night" y/n chuckled nervously, taking Roxanne's hand and standing. Y/n quicly grabbed her boots with her other hand and had already put her fishneys inside of them.
  They went back to Roxy's green room and then the main room with all the displays.
  They walked together the whole way back to the daycare, chattering about everything and nothing. As they got there, sun met them at the pickup entrance door. "Hello friends! " he beamed. "Sorry we were talking some and I painted her nails. " Roxanne smiled softly letting go of y/n's hand so that y/n could go in. "Thats fun. Well have a good night! " sun waved before turning to y/n. "And you to I'm going to bed" he dramatically yawned and then almost dissapeared in an instance. "Bye Roxy" y/n waved shyly before turning to walk back. "Bye, kiddo."


Words- 1475

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