Chapter Seven

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   Y/n woke up to sunlight blinding her. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. As she opened them she noticed she wasn't in the car anymore. She was in a room. She looked around, slightly panicked. She got out of the bed and walked up the stairs. She gave a sigh of relief as she noticed Roxanne curled up on the couch, fast asleep.
   Y/n was very urged to just climb onto the couch to cuddle her, but she refrained. She gently shook the wolf awake, but it seemed as if her face was a little tear stained.
  with a fail to wake up the wolf, y/n knelt down, eye level with the sleeping one. She gently shook her again, "hey Roxanne? Is everything okay?" Roxanne suddenly jolted awake, shooting up, a look of terror plastered on her face. She put a hand to her chest and settled her breathing. "Dammit you scared the fuck out of me!" She said as she turned her face, away from y/n. She got up from the couch and let her hair out of the pony tail. She hurried down back to the bathroom locking herself in.
   Y/n banged on the door, confused. "Did I do something wrong? " she asked, concerned. Roxanne clutched a fist to her chest as she slid her back against the wall, a tear falling from her eye. "No kiddo, you did nothing wrong, I just don't want you seeing me like this. " she said, aggressively whiping her tear away.
   "Roxanne, are you okay? " y/n asked through the closed door. "Everything is okay, " she quickly put her regular clothes on, putting her t-shirt and shorts on the counter. She opened the door and went to the desk, turning the mirror on again. It illuminated light to her tear stained face as she frantically tried to cover it all with her makeup. She was shaking. She felt too vulnerable.
   "Roxanne, you looked like you had been crying! " y/n protested as she tried getting closer to the wolf. "No I wasn't crying I just took a bath last night was all, and please don't get near me right now, I don't look like normal. " she said, plastering her lipstick on frantic, messing it up. "Fuck! " she yelled frustrated.
   Y/n stopped in her tracks, watching Roxanne stress. Y/n put her hands in her pocket looking down at the ground not sure what to say. "I'm not sure if I really believe you but okay.. " y/n muttered softly, before sitting on the bed. "If you don't mind I can just take my key card for my room if you don't want me bothering you anymore. " y/n whispered, picking at her nails.
   Roxanne finished her makeup, still kinda sloppy looking. "It's okay your not bothering me but here" she said, getting up, finally feeling calmer. Roxanne grabbed the card out of her jacket pocket that laid across the back of her chair and she handed it to her.
   "I'm giving it to you so that when I go to my event in a little bit you can go to your room. " Roxanne sighed, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I probably startled you, punk. " she smiled, ruffling the top of y/n's head.
   Y/n nodded and swallowed hard. "Okay then, I guess I can leave now if you'd like. ' y/n grabbed her suitcase and set it by the door and putting her shoes on top. " Roxanne huffed, feeling kinda irritated and sad from the night before. "But I really dont want you to. " she said, her face seeming stressed.
   Y/n walked up to the wolf placed a hand on her cheek. "Whats really going on? " y/n asked, tilting her head slightly. "Why is my most favorite person feeling down? Your not hiding that very well. " y/n smiled softly and watched as Roxanne leaned into her hand. "I'm really okay. " she said before checking the time on the clock that set on the wall.
   She pulled away fastly before putting her shoes on. "I gotta go, I'm sorry kid!" She said rushing out of the room. Y/n sighed and grabbed her stuff, walking down the hall and across the lodge to her room. She opened the room and watched as all three boys sat around a tv, playing a game.
  Y/n snuck passed and opened another door in the room filled with rooms. She locked the door behind her and put her stuff underneath her bed.
  "Oh y/n, why don't you just come out? " Gregory snickered from the other side of the door. "Fuck you found me! " y/n sarcasticly groaned as she rolled her eyes. She watched and heard as the door knob jiggled. "Oh you locked yourself in, boo-hoo" one of his friends cackled. "Fucking idiots. " y/n whispered underneath her breath.
   She continued to ignore them and changed into something more warm and appropriate to wear for the day. She grabbed her pair of boots and put socks on to put the boots on. She slipped her phone into her jacket pocket and sat on the edge, hearing them insult each other and occasionally me through the door.
   "Your such an idiot, Maxwell. " Gregory said, pushing the black haired kid away. "Not as much as an idiot as Caden, "  y/n listened, trying to learn the names.
   As she heard them kinda walk away, she took the opportunity to unlock her door and bolt out. She walked out and stuffed her hands into her pocket, walking down stairs kind of exploring the lodge for familiarity. Y/n walked outside and took a lap around the lodge, just kind of kicking snow about. She just wanted to get away from those literal idiots. She didn't like the way they made her feel.
   As y/n was doing this, Roxanne was taking her time, frustratedly trying to play the right notes on her keytar before the event started. The giant robot couldn't grasp it. Her mind was too foggy and she was already late enough. And on top of all of that, she felt as if she had hurt y/n's feelings.
   "Fuck," she muttered under her breath, taking the sheet music out just to get her fingers to press the right keys. "I feel like there is something wrong with me, I can't do this like normal." Roxanne complained as she ripped the music away, pushing it to the ground. "Well when was the last time parts and services came to do a check up on your system?" Chica asked, plucking the notes of her guitar mindlessly. "Look I don't know, it's been a while. " Roxanne groaned and continued to press the keys how she thought she remembered but it kept going off wrong. Chica picked up Roxanne's sheet music and put it back in front of the wolf. "Here, focus on the actual key your in, not the notes." She suggested, pressing the key that the sheet music started on. Roxanne swatted Chica's hand away and pressed the same key, hearing the right sound. "Thank God, " she sighed.
   "Roxanne you seem a little stressed?" Chica mentioned, putting her instrument down. "Everyone has said that, I'm seriously fine. " Roxy mumbled, concentrating hard on the sheet in front of her. Pressing each key, finally getting it. "I usually know this but it's as if I just forgot it all of a sudden. " Roxanne huffed as she put her sheet paper away and positioned her instrument better on her body. "Maybe I am a little stressed but everyone gets stressed right? " Roxanne sighed. "Whatever let's just go. " Roxanne rolled her eyes and stood on her spot on the stage behind the curtain, putting on her confident face. "Let's do this. "


Words - 1308

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