Chapter Six

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Over the next two months y/n tried avoiding Gregory as much as possible. He really hurt her, but she couldn't confront him or else he'd just spit back the same insults.
   Unfortunately for her, one of the bruises continued to stay, having her stomach constantly in pain when touched. She tried keeping it protected, but it really was so bad that the bruise would turn red then back to purple. Roxanne still has yet to know about it.
   She got closer with the whole gang, sun and moon. She got super duper close with Roxanne. She felt as if she were even developing feelings for her. But she ignored those feelings and pushed them deep down.
   It was the night they were leaving to go to the lodge, learning that its an extremely cold place and has lots of snow. Y/n really didn't mind the cold. she in fact really enjoyed it.
They had all the luggage packed but they had a small issue. There wasn't enough room for them. Y/n was standing out in the cold night, waiting for them to figure something out, her teeth chattering. "Well, could someone just sit on someone else's lap?" Sun asked with the back seat car open.
Y/n wasn't particularly listening which led to her being voluntarily, by Roxanne, to sit with her. Which was so unbelievablely rude at one. Sarcasm.
They all climbed into the car, sun and Monty up front, Roxanne with y/n, and then Freddy and Gregory. Then Chica. She got her own fucking seat. Why couldn't that be y/n?!
The car was definitely a squish. The ride slightly uncomfortable. Especially with how y/n had to sit. With Roxanne being a full 6'0 her leg room was extremely limited, leaving the best option for y/n to be sitting with her legs wrapped around Roxanne's waist. Very somewhat uncomfortable. And no personal space.        
   "Thank God this is a short ride" Gregory seethed, being short as always sitting crisscross. "Cuz this is straight up bullshit" he huffed with his arms crossed. "I'm not some little ass kid-" before he could finish his sentence Roxanne slapped a hand over his mouth. "Just shut up," she growled, her tone somewhat laced with genuine anger. I guess what he said to y/n pissed her off that bad.
   Y/n laid her head on Roxanne's shoulder not knowing what else to do. She held her hands together in front of her, which met with Roxanne's stomach. Not that uncomfortable. She was definitely tired though. So she, obviously drifted off.
Roxanne noticed and took her opportunity to grab y/n's hands slowly, setting them in a more comfortable spot, one on her shoulder and the other down by her waist, resting. She then wrapped her own arms around the girl and set her chin on y/n's shoulder opposite of y/n's position on her. She held her tight to her body, listening silently to the conversation of the rest of the car, not saying a word worried to wake her. She rubbed y/n's back gently.
As the ride continued on a few hours in, the rest of the people drifted off in s sleep too. Except Roxanne and Sun. Thats because Sun had slept a long time before they left.
    "Hey Roxanne? " sun whispered to roxy as he entered a small little town. "Yes? " Roxanne said very quitely, trying to prevent from waking Y/n. "Just so you know we are in the town were staying at, if you want, you can take y/n to your room until the rest of them wake up to go to there's. Gregory's friends are already in there room with all of them but Im sure y/n doesn't wanna be in a room with them without someone familiar." He whispered back.
   Sun parked in a parking lot and then turned around, handing y/n a card. "Here can you also check in for us?" He asked. Roxanne nodded, taking the card and putting it in her pocket of her race jacket. She opened the door with her other hand on the left of her, the other holding onto y/n still. Roxanne then set y/n in the seat as she got out. She stretched and yawned.
"Hey sun, ill be back for her" the wolf said before walking to the entrance of the lodge. She walked into the doors and scouted out the desk worker. She handed her what she needed and she shivered slightly from her choice of wearing her normal clothes. The desk worker handed her seven different room key cards. She stuffed them in her jacket pocket. And walked out back to the car, grabbing y/n from the seat and closing the door.
Suns phone illuminated light on his face as he mindlessly scrolled waiting for someone else to be awake. Roxanne kept two of the key cards and handed the rest to sun before taking y/n to her room.    
    She walked up a flight of stairs. She soon found her room and pressed the key against the lock before hearing a click. She took y/n and sat her on the neatly made bed.
Roxanne hurried out to the car one last time grabbing hers and y/n's luggage and taking them back. Y/n was in the same place before, out cold. Roxanne unzipped her suit case, pulling out a makeup case and setting it on the desk in the room.
    The room was honestly huge for just her. A bed sat in the main room in the middle of the wall, a tv on the opposite wall. Two night stands on each side of the bed. A desk was against the window that looked out to a snowy forest. There was a staircase that went up to a small loft with another tv and a couch. With a giant open doored wardrobe. Underneath the balcony type loft, was a bathroom. Questionably huge for just her.
  She sat down at the desk and pulled out a mirror, also from her luggage, clicking the button on it so she could see her face more clearly. She got makeup remover wash and took a small cloth, first wiping off her lipstick. She then took off her eye makeup. She looked weird to herself with no makeup.
   She took off her jacket, as it was getting pretty hot in the room. She took off her accessories and was just left in her red shirt and bottoms. Just her normal wear she wears for everything. Technically her uniform. She grabbed a hair tye and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.
  She sighed softly before sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked beside her, seeing y/n sleeping peacefully.
   Roxanne. Felt something odd toward the girl. Different than normal. Everytime she spent time or had a simple hand touch, her heart would start beating fast. And that car ride about killed her. She didn't understand what was happening. So she just decided to ignore it.
   Roxanne stood back up and moved the blankets on the bed, covering y/n with them. Roxy then went to head to the bathroom. She turned the knob on the bathtub to as hot as it possibly could go, it was literally like a hot tub almost. It had the jets and everything. Pretty spacey.
   The wolf stared at her self in the mirror.  The way she looked. It felt gross to her. Roxanne bit her lip, trying to bury the feelings trying to climb up her throat. Both hands gripped the counter uncomfortably rough. She turned around abruptly, taking her attention off of the mirror and stripped herself of her clothes.
   She got into the very hot bath, soaking herself. She just stared straight forward. She wasn't feeling the best about herself like she usually was. It almost made her want to cry.


Words - 1332

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