Chapter Eight

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   Roxanne's tail swished as she smiled brightly, concentrating on each note she played getting everything right. She finally started feeling a lot better. She loved the attention. She felt like the best. It even felt that way for each event she attended for the next two weeks. She felt literally on top of the world. She just needed a little confidence boost was all. She felt amazing.
   On the other hand it was a volley between y/n's room, Roxanne's or Sun's. She felt safe with the other two. But she felt not at all safe with the boys. It was a decent trip for her, but she spent a lot of it either walking around the lodge, attending the events just to see Roxy, or hiding from the boys harshness.
   Y/n attempted to get back into her room without them picking at her but Caden grabbed her. None of the others were in the room, she thought she was fine. Caden covered her mouth with his hand and dragged her to his room. She flailed and tried to kick away. she tried screaming but her attempts of getting away were only muffled and stopped. She was terrified. What was he doing?
   Caden threw her into his room and locked it behind them. He grabbed her and stuffed her mouth with a cloth after he tied her hands behind her. She continued to scream but it was too muffled for anyone to hear. "I got you all alone now, fucking slut." He snickered before pulling her up to be on a chair and tying her hands to the back of the chair. He set a laptop in front of her and then sat down on the bed, also in front of her.
  He pulled up a website where two people were centered in the screen. He unpaused the video and made me watch as a guy and a girl made love. She began to cry and close her eyes not wanting to see it. She tried gasping but the cloth would restrict her.
  Caden laughed at y/n's struggles and put the lap top away. He took a pair of scissors and ripped open her shirt, making her topless. He smiled at himself and got close to y/n's face. He grabbed her chin with his hand. "Dont make a fucking sound or else I'm gonna really hurt you." He threatened before taking the tie off her hands.
   He pushed her to the bed and climbed on top of her trying to control her. He ripped the rest of her clothing off and his own.
  He fucked her as she cried. She tried to resist but he continued to restrict her every movement. He was hurting her. He would pound into her with so much force that it felt like her inside was getting ripped apart.
  As soon as he finished. Inside her. He put her back in the chair. He put his clothes back on and left. She ripped the cloth out of her mouth and scrambled to find any of her clothes wearable. She grabbed all of what was left and rushed to her room locking herself in. She had scratch marks all over her body from him. Her bruise throbbing from the force put on it. Her body hurt. His hand grips on her hips and throat were begining to bruise already.
   She put on another set of clothes and sat in her floor rocking back and forth. She would no longer be seeing Roxanne to hangout tonight. She couldn't.
  Roxanne paced back and forth in her room as the clock hit the mark of a new hour. Y/n was a full hour late and she worried. She knew y/n cherished her time with her. Why was she not here? Roxy growled, upset. Her tail swayed back and forth, and her eyebrows furrowed.
   Roxy began to really get frustrated and decided to stomp to the shared room of the four. She knocked aggressively on the door, and waited. All three boys opened the door and stood, slowly looking up with a look of terror plastered on there faces. "Oh hey Roxy! " Gregory awkwardly said. Roxanne ignored the short kid and pushed him aside.
   She went up to what was Y/n's room and banged on the door hard. "Y/n, are you in there?" Roxanne asked. On the other side of the door y/n was gasping for breaths on the floor as she sobbed. She was sobbing so hard that it was quiet. Her body jerked violently as she grasped her chest.
   "Y/n is busy Roxanne." One of the boys snapped. Roxanne slowly turned, feeling fucking pissed. "I don't fucking care about what you say," The boys slowly took a step back before going back to the couch.
   Roxanne turned back to the door and knocked harder. "Y/n, kid." She called through the door. She felt a pit set in her stomach, she knew something was absolutely wrong.
   She jiggled the door knob somehow wiggling the lock loose and opening the door. She barged in , not seeing her at first. She then noticed a glimpse of something on the floor beside the bed. She closed the door and walked around the room, finding y/n completely broken down on the ground.
   Y/n noticed Roxanne towering over her and began to sob more, gasping to breath at that point from how bad she cried. Roxanne had shock covering her face. She knelt down quickly, pulling the girl into her lap, hugging her. She sat down on the ground and rubbed the girls back. Y/n gripped onto her shirt and sobbed into her shoulder.
   Roxanne noticed all the little bruises all over y/n. The fingerprint bruises on her neck. "I'm so sorry" y/n sobbed to Roxanne as she held onto her. Roxy felt that pit in her stomach deepen. It made her feel physically sick.
   Y/n bit onto Roxanne's shoulder trying to quiet her sobs. Tears spilled from her eyes. She felt like a little kid all over again. She felt almost as if she was back in the same place she left.
  Roxanne rubbed her back softly and gently rocked her in a way to sooth her. Roxy would kiss the top of the girls head and continuesly tell her that she's there. And that she wont hurt her. That she's safe.
   Y/n looked up at the wolf, teary eyed. "He- he. " she choked and hid her face again. Roxanne just shushed her and continued to rock her. "It's okay baby it's okay. " she repeated. She felt like the name was best for her right now. She knew y/n was in an extremely vulnerable spot. 
   After 20 minutes Roxanne kept the girl in her arm and used her free hand to boost her up. She stood all the way up and held tight onto the girl. She grabbed the girls backpack, not her suitcase, and threw it on her shoulder.
   Y/n wrapped her legs around Roxanne's waist and her arms around her neck. Roxy carried the girl all the way back to her room. She locked the door behind them and set the bag by the door. She sat down on the bed, leaning against the headboard and let y/n hide herself.
    Y/n felt a sharp pain in her pelvis causing her to cry more. She cried out in pain, scrunching more into a small ball. "Hey what's wrong? " Roxy asked, keeping her hands placed on her waist. Y/n shook her head violently and gripped Roxy's shirt more.
   Roxanne continued to sooth her. And y/n finally got to the point where she was all numb but sniffles. She just blinked, hiccuping occasionally as she let Roxanne hold her. "Roxy.. " y/n muttered with an extremely soft voice. "I'm here, " the wolf responded, kissing the top of her head again. "He hurt me.. " she whispered, nuzzling her face into the crook of Roxy's neck. "Who?" Roxy tightened her grip on the girl, anger filling her eyes. "He did more than hurt.. " y/n mumbled, feeling her eyes get heavy. She was exhausted. "Like what.. " roxanne's voice growled low, but not enough to cause y/n to notice to be afraid. Y/n's eyelids continued to fall closed but she'd open them immediately. "He... Did things I don't like. He touched me and did things I don't like... " y/n whispered extremely lowly.
    Roxanne held the girl in an extremely tight grip. She held the girl thinking of what to do. "I'm here okay? I wont let anyone get near you.. "


Words- 1453

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