Chapter Two

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Roxanne led y/n through the large intimidating pizza plex to her room. As they approached her room, Roxy opened the door for her, letting y/n in.
Before going in, Y/n began to resist. "Roxy, please I'm really okay." Y/n pleaded, but Roxy wasn't having it. "No y/n, " Roxy picked up y/n temporaryily before shutting the door to her room, closing the giant curtains . She set them down on the couch and stood in front. "Your gonna talk or you wont leave. " Roxy crossed her arms and peered down at the latter.
"Roxanne. I'm fucking tired." Y/n snapped, glaring up at her. The tall wolf did nothing and continued to stand in front of them. "Y/n." She said, concern lightly lacing her tone.
Feeling too guilty in a way, y/n burst into another fit of sobs. Roxanne took a breath and sat by her, rubbing her back as she sobbed.
Snotty faced and teary eyed, y/n frustratingly wiped away the tears from her face, yet it was more like clawing at her eyes than to stop her from crying because y/n could hardly breath in that moment. "Y/n. I'm here. " Roxy whispered under her breath.
To Roxy, y/n was different. She didn't understand what so ever, but she didn't wanna be, better, or compete with her. She just felt okay with her. And for Roxy's opinion she was even prettier than herself. Y/n really was something special. But it almost made her angry about how she felt. She was supposed to be the best in her mind. Yet. It was different. Y/n was fighting for the best in Roxanne's head without even knowing.
"I'm just so tired! I. I hurt so bad! My body aches! I-'' y/n choked on her words and exaggerated with her hands, staring straight forward, elbows on her knees. She put her face in her hands again and cried more. "Y/n what do you mean your hurt?" Roxy scooted closer, not sure how she meant it.
Roxy didn't know a lot about Y/n, she just knew that she was a cool person to conversate with, yet she cared to much as well, with barely knowing her. Or the true her. y/n fed into her confidence. Which Roxanne ate up. It made her feel good. Who wouldn't befriend someone who made them feel good mentally.
Y/n wiped at her eyes some more with the heel of her palm. "Roxanne that's a lot to unpackage." She muttered softly, her breathing rapid and her body shaking. She turned to Roxanne, eyes big and wide. "I'm terrified Roxy. Of so so many different things," y/n began to hyperventilate. "I- fuck. Roxanne? Can we go back to my room or can I go back I need to-" she took a deep breath putting a hand to her chest, tears still rolling down her soft pale cheeks. Y/n's vision felt very blurry, Roxanne looked like a blub of different colors, green, grey, purple, and red. Probably more.
Without any warning, y/n shot up and bolted out of the room. She couldn't handle the embarrassment she had been putting herself in. She heard the Wolf's steps right behind her. But she felt like her throat was being closed off. And she couldn't let herself do it, explain herself. She couldn't.
Y/n let her legs carry her as fast as she could make it. She sprinted through the giant double doors to the daycare pick up and passed by two public restrooms. "Y/n wait!" Roxy's voice carried out as she continued to chase after y/n. Y/n busted through a single door and ran down that hall turning a corner and running to her bedroom at the end of the hall.
Y/n busted into her room and fell hard to the ground by her bag. She scrambled to pull out her pill bottle. Roxanne quickly busting in after. Y/n popped a couple of pills into her mouth, dry swallowing them then pressing her back to the wall, the pill bottle clanking to the floor and rolling under her bed. They tried to steady their breathing yet was continuesly unsuccessful.
Roxanne sat right by them, pulling her knees to her chest and staring straight forward just to be present for the girl. Her tail rested to the right of her, the opposite of Y/n. She looked down at her worn pair of boots, just waiting for y/n to say something.
"I'm really sorry roxy.." Y/n muttered, her breathing steadying. "It's okay, kid. I get it believe it or not" she said softly turning her head to look at y/n. she smiled softly to the wolf in front of her.
Roxanne was truly really pretty. Her soft pale skin. The complex of how she did her makeup seeming perfectly. Her hands so dilligent looking. Her fingers nails still in resemblence of her claws in robotic form. The way her eyes can go from hard and bright looking to a soft light feeling.
"Roxy, Ill tell you one thing if you don't mind.. " y/n looked down at her bitten up nails. "Kiddo, Ive been tryna get something out of you for like 45 minutes, whats up? This can be the only thing you say. Don't push yourself. " Roxanne held out a hand to y/n. They grabbed onto there fingertips holding on lightly. Their eyes fluttered some as they took a deep breath. "I'm here now because of how my parents are. It's truly not the ideal living situation but. It's better than before... " y/n sighed, there breathing staggering. Tears slowly fell down her cheeks. "What about your parents made you want to be here? " Roxanne, not catching on, tilted her head to the side. "They hit me... And like. It was just like a drunk house and they did so so so much to me. I'm not ready to reveal that yet though. . " y/n whispered, gently squeezing Roxy's hand and concentrating on that.
Before Roxanne could put out some words of how badly she now wanted to protect her, Gregory burst in. And like an instance.. Its like y/n put on a facade? Thats exactly what she did.
Y/n's wobbly body stood up and went over, punching Gregory forcefully on the arm. "Where the hell were you? I was all out in the cold! " y/n halfway yelled and laughed some.
Roxanne no longer feeling needed yet without the satisfaction of telling her what she wanted to say to help her feel better, decided to leave the two best friends alone.
"Bye kid," Roxy huffed as she walked out of the room. Y/n waved back and turned to Gregory. "Now for leaving me all alone I need you to get all the shit from my car and come bring it in here so i can make it more personalized" y/n made bedazzle hands as she swivled to exaggerate the bland room. "Fine fine," Gregory huffed as he took the girl into a warm embrace. "I got caught up with some friends" he guiltily mentioned scratching the back of his neck. "At 4 in the morning? On my birthday? " y/n looked at him confusion painting her face.
Gregory shrugged and spun on his heels to exit the room, but before doing so, he held out his hand, "if you want me to grab your things I'm gonna need your keys to unlock it." With bewilderment, y/n knelt down to her bag and pulled out the key chain with her keys. "Here you go.. " she muttered dropping them in his hand as he was gone quicker than he entered.


Words -1305

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