Chapter Fifteen

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    Y/n approached the door of Roxanne's green room, hearing a giant shatter. Y/n felt scared. She knew roxanne was probably really upset. She had never seen the wolf in such a fit.
   Y/n hesitantly knocked on the door. Roxanne's tears flowed down her face, her makeup all ruined. She held her knees to her chest as she clawed at her face to stop her cries. "Leave me alone!" she yelled, her voice squeaking. "But I need to talk to you!" Y/n's heart was slowly beginning to ache, knowing she really fucked up. "I lied to you about something please let me in!" She shouted, feeling a lump form in her throat.
    Roxanne's ears perked up for a second before her chest filled with anxiety. She didn't unlock the door yet or open it, but she moved with her back pressed up against it. Her hair a mess, her makeup ruined. Her heart in shambles. "I don't wanna see you right now Y/n." Roxanne fibbed, she really wanted to see her. She wanted to prove to her that she was viable for love.
     "I know that's not true, " y/n's voice broke, afraid of it really being true. She sat on the ground, at least getting communication through a metal door. "Roxanne I'm sorry I lied to you about something and I think I really messed up. " her voice softened and she sat criss crossed, picking at the skin surrounding her nails.
    "What," Roxy snapped, her claws now gripping her sides as she hugged her stomach, feeling almost sick as she felt devastated. "Roxanne.... I really like you.. I'm not lying at all. I wanna kiss you and I wanna be able to hold you or you do same to me. I wanna have that type of bond.. I don't wanna be just your friend anymore.. I wanna be more.. " y/n admitted, biting her lip as her own tears began to slowly fall down her face.
    Roxanne's heart began to pound, but she stayed quiet, picking at the waist line of her shorts. "I don't believe you, y/n.." She tried controlling how her voice sounded but with great attempt and a fail, she sounded uneasy. Her crying had slowed but tears still streamed down her cheeks, leaving black streaks of makeup.
    "Please how can I prove it to you. I'm fully sober please, " y/n begged as she felt herself begin to sob. "I love you so much I cant handle it, " y/n choked on her words as she scrounged for the right words.
    "What about that person on your phone. He said he loved you, " Roxanne felt angry with that still, her tone salty as ever. "Adam hurt me. Hes just trying to get back with me and I dont want him to because my eyes are on you. I have no other intentions of love except for loving you, " y/n took a breath, trying her hardest to stay calm.
   Roxanne slowly stood up, keeping her palm on the door, afraid of opening it. "Then kiss me... " Roxanne slowly opened the door seeing y/n picking herself up off the ground. 
   Y/n placed her hands on the Wolf's face, wiping her tears. Roxanne hesitantly put her hands on Y/n's waist, awaiting. Y/n kissed her nose, then her cheek, then grabbed her hand, kissing it. She then placed her lips on Roxy's. Roxanne blushed, kissing back. "So your for real, " she breathed, pulling away. Y/n nodded. "Roxanne, I could slap myself a million times before I stopped feeling guilty for lying and even then I would still be guilty, I'm so sorry. " roxanne's hand cupped her cheek.
   She pulled away for a second holding onto her hand. She led them back to the couch, navigating through the broken glass and mess in the darkness. They sat down and Roxanne kissed y/n. Y/n put her hands on Roxy's neck, pulling her closer. "Your my pretty girl," she muttered before going back to the kiss. Roxanne's tail subtlely wagged, as she let herself give a small smile in the kiss.
   "I can't pretend for shit anymore, y/n, I fucking love you, I have for a really long time, " Roxanne gripped a chunk of y/n's hair in the back, deepening there kiss.
  Y/n let out a small whimper, squeezing her legs together as Roxanne positioned herself to sit exactly straight in front of y/n. Y/n sat mirrored as there gentle kiss turned sloppy.
   Roxanne was hungry for her. She wanted every inch of the girl. She wanted the world to know she's hers. She can't but she sure hell can claim it with every kiss thats peppered all over her body.
    Roxanne pulled away, breathing heavily. Y/n's heart was racing as she stared at the wolf. Y/n put her hands in her lap, feeling shy. "So what now.. " she whispered, wiping some of Roxy's makeup streams from her crying.
   Roxy shrugged her shoulders taking a deep breath. "I don't know, maybe be mine forever, be my lover? " she offered, leaning towards y/n pecking her cheek.
    "Id like that. If you don't mind I can help you clean your room," y/n slowly got up off the couch, standing holding her hand out. "Oh okay,  actually that would be really nice, I got really upset. " roxanne rubbed the back of her neck with guilt.
   "It's okay, I just choose to destroy a different thing, me " y/n made a bad joke before realizing it was a little too dark. Roxanne grabbed y/n's hand, joining her as they stood.
     Y/n flipped on the lights, and picked up the shattered star mirror leaning it against the wall. "You should ask to get another mirror put up, " y/n leaned down picking up glass pieces along with Roxanne.

   "Thank you so much y/n. I don't know I just. Your really pretty. And I'm so thankful I know you. "

"Your great Roxy. You truly are"

Words- 1016

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