Chapter Sixteen

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     Roxanne sat in her chair, looking at herself in the big purple star mirror smiling. She had a really good show and was just over all happy with herself. She had good hair, her tail was pretty, everything about her was on point just how she liked that. And dont forget y/n.
    Roxy adjusted her hair a bit, preparing herself to do more autographs and meets. She opened the door, looking outside of her green room watching as people flooded in the doors.
     Roxanne spent the next three hours meeting kids and taking pictures with them. She felt really happy. She felt as if life was becoming complete.
    Roxy finished up and closed the door, closing her curtains and sitting down on her couch. She took a breath, decompressing. As she was standing back up, about to go to her room, she heard a knock on the door.
   She walked up to it and opened it. Chica stood there, her white fluffy hair sitting perfectly. "Hello Roxanne, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout? " she looked up at the wolf grinning. Roxy shrugged, "sure I don't mind," she invited the bright and cheery girl in, taking a seat in her chair by her vanity.
   Chica sat herself down on the couch letting herself get comfortable. "So you and y/m huh? " she started giggling to herself. Roxy nodded, "yea." She looked off for a second, biting her lip. "Do you wanna go grab something to eat? Because don't you have all access to all kitchens? " Roxy diverted the conversation.
   Dont get Roxanne wrong, she loved the girl. But it also kinda scared her some, for it to be out. Not because she was with her now, not at all. Because she just felt all new to it. She didn't wanna take things too fast. She didn't wanna tell the whole world but she wasn't afraid to tell someone if asked.
    "Do I?! Of course I do! " Chica jumped up, snatching Roxanne's hand, marching out of the room dragging her with her. Roxy laughed softly before falling into step so she wouldn't be dragged along.
    They made it to one of the kitchens and Roxanne hopped up on one of the counters. Chica waltzed around the kitchen grabbing random things and putting them on another surface. Roxy swung her legs back and forth, sighing softly. "So how've you been Chica? " Roxy asked, trying to spark conversation. Chica shrugged, her soft white hair bouncing with each movement as she decided last minute to cook something.
   "Ive been okay I guess. Personally I've actually been kinda sad believe it or not," Chica opened some packages and pulled out a cutting board. "Want some spaghetti? " she offered as she began to chop tomatoes. "Sure," Roxy smiled, trying to figure out how to respond to the other. "Well I'm sorry you haven't felt super happy, I get it. Have you ever gotten so upset you broke your mirror? " she asked, curious. "No, have you? " Chica glanced her way before focusing on her perfect like cutting.
   "No, " Roxy shrugged with a lie. "How bout you? " Chica moved the tomatoes moving onto the next thing. "I've been doing really well actually. Ive been having really good shows, I can play my keytar with memory" she laughed, remembering her frustrated tries from the lodge. "Thats super good! " Chica giggled along.
    "So back to you, whats been on your mind recently to cause you to be feeling down?" Roxy placed her hands on each side of her. "Oh my self worth to be honest. Oh and I feel annoying sometimes but don't we all!? " she laughed it off. "What would make you think that?" Roxanne tilted her head.
   "Oh well, it's been a few things, nothing we need to discuss" Chica shrugged it off, beginning to boil water in a pot. "Well, whatever floats your boat, "
   "How's y/n doing?" Chica put the dry spaghetti noodles in, taking a kitchen utensil to stir it. "Shes doing well, a lot better than she was." Roxy hopped off the counter, walking over to chica's cooking area.
     Y/n hurried through the door hoping no one was in but to her avail, Chica and Roxanne snapped their heads toward y/n. "Oh shit- hi! " y/n waved nervously. Roxanne hurried over to the latter, engulfing her in a hug, picking her up off the ground slightly. "Hi! " the wolf beamed, excitedly. Y/n chuckled, kissing her on the cheek. "Hello cutie. I, am, confessing, as my guilty pleasure. I get midnight snacks. Frequently." She smiled softly as Roxy let go, pulling her over go Chica.
   "Hi y/n! " Chica waved with a bright smile. "Do you like spaghetti? I'm making some!~" she announced in a singysong voice. "Oh my gosh that would be so amazing!" Y/n matched the enthusiastic energy. Roxanne wrapped her arms around y/n's waist from behind pulling her back to her chest.
    Y/n settled in the spot and placed her hands on top of Roxy's, looking down at her pretty green long nails.
   Chica soon finished the food and served it on plates, putting them on the counter for the two. They took there food, finding a random place to sit.

    "This is good! "


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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