Chapter Four

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Y/n sat down at the group table where, Roxanne, Freddy, Gregory, Chica, Monty, and Sun sat. It was finally after hours and they were all tired from the constant being around kids. Except Roxy. She just looked overall pissed.
Freddy stood up and walked to the end of the table. "Okay everyone listen up, " he snapped his fingers catching everyone's attention. Which y/n noticed it peeked Roxanne's mood a little. "Y/n it's your birthday. And you're finally here with all of us. So since I've learned from a few different messengers, Youve never had great birthdays. Which led me to ask to give you an opportunity and everyone agreed." Freddy rambled on. Y/n leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "We want to invite you to come with us to Georgeson Lodge. We would go in two months. And stay for a whole month. Reason be why we are going is because we have some events going on but we also aren't going to be doing a lot. Events are only mornings and occasionally evenings. But we'd really like for you to come with us. also because we may or may not have booked an extra week just for your birthday, which works out because the Plex will be going under revision for some parts. " Freddy beamed, excited to tell the news.
Roxanne stared y/n down, well the most of them actually. Except Gregory. He was just kind of off in his own zone. He looked pissed. "That actually sounds great" y/n shyly said, her cheeks warm and red. Roxanne gave a slight smirk, as the rest of the gang smiled all satisfied with there response, y/n gave. Gregory just rolled his eyes and got up abruptly, quickly leaving the room.
Feeling worried, y/n got up to follow. But as she was, Gregory turned around and pointed his finger in her face. "Your ruining everything y/n! Oh y/n! Oh she's whatever! Your just taking the center of attention! Like you always have! I had to fight these robots off just to get out of here safely. Sure everything is under control now. But I swear. None of what you said happened to you never happened. Your just a huge ass fucking lie. Your fake. And you dress like a fucking slut. " Gregory spat in her face. The abrupt anger causing her to jump and fall back landing down on the ground.
Tears began to form in her eyes as she watched Gregory storm off. She just sat there in the middle of the hallway. Her ass hurt from falling, her body felt gross from all the things she remembered happening, that were in fact not fake. Her body shook but no sound came out. Just tears falling from her eyes, a hand cupped over her mouth in shock.
Her thighs burned by the lines of her fishnets rubbing against them all day, and her stomach felt achey from the bruises.
In a response of a panic attack, she put her arms over her head and balled herself up, rocking back and forth as her body violently shook from her cries. She didn't hear anything around her except for her loud head. She gripped her hair, coughing with how hard she was crying. She choked on her tears and felt her whole body in pain.
Y/n heard multiple foot steps approaching her faintly. But her mind was literally too loud for her. She felt as if she could pass out on the spot. She slowly moved her hands down her body touching her stomach then her thighs, then her arms, then her neck. In an instant it felt as if the hands were still holding onto her body as she was helpless.
Roxanne knelt down by y/n as she watched her hands move around to the different places on her body. "Kiddo, whats wrong what happened?" Roxanne tried getting her attention, but was met with no response. She looked up at sun, Chica and Freddy, shrugging , not sure what to do in the situation as it was not in her strong suit.
Roxy stood up, switching places with Freddy. Sun standing closer than before kneeling down in front of her too. Freddy put a hand on her shoulder gently and spoke, "hey superstar, can you take your hands away from your face so we can see you? We want to know whats going on" Roxy began chewing her bottom lip, nervous of whats going on.
Y/n was slowly coming to. She was aware of the people attempting to get her attention back but she felt so trapped.
Roxy felt her tears welling up. She didn't understand why the fuck she was even getting emotional. Why was she crying about this girl. She needed to suck it up and be strong! But she felt so much emotion to her. It made her sad to see y/n in so much pain. And she really wanted to help, she felt the need to. All she could think was, what the hell is happening?
It took a good 10 minutes before y/n was fully responsive, but she was still blubbering, a face full of tears. She got up, fidgeting with her fingers as she tried gasping for breaths as her breathing was extremely unsteady. "Y/n we need to understand what happened. " sun softly said.
But for y/n, what Gregory said, stuck. And she half believed it. She was just fake, and an attention seeker. But for her, what she thought was a best friend was a complete bitch. "No no I'm okay I was just having a panic attack" Y/n choked out as she tried wiping away her tears.
As the others chalked it up to be what it was, Roxanne felt like the story didn't match. Gregory walked out angrily and y/n followed. Now Gregory is gone but she's on the floor having an attack? When she was, completely okay before hand? and Gregory is no where to be found? It just didn't make since in her head.
As y/n asked people to leave, Roxanne decided to stay despite her wishes. Everyone left and now y/n was waiting on Roxy. "Roxanne Wolf, why the hell are you still here!? " y/n whined, not even caring. "Because I don't believe your story. " The wolf said as y/n was already heading toward her. Y/n buried her face into Roxanne's chest and tried not crying more. She gripped on tight to Roxanne.
Y/n felt so hurt by Gregory's words that they kept replaying in her head. "Fake... Lyer... Slut.. " they kept playing through her mind. "None of what you said happened to you never happened... "
Y/n just held on tight as Roxanne stood there holding her tighter in her arms. Roxy put a hand in the girls hair, brushing it slightly with her fingers and just overall trying to comfort her. Roxanne put her head ontop of y/n's. "Y/n, it's okay I'm here. " she kept saying over and over trying to console her.
"Do you just want to come and hangout with me for a little bit in my room? " Roxanne offered, pulling away from the girl a little to look her in the face. Y/n's face was wet and salty, even her nose runny. She nodded her head, her face still in the look of almost crying.
This broke Roxanne's heart. It absolutely tore it apart. She silently took the girls hand and led her through the pizzeria again to go to her green room.
They mad it there soon and Roxy opened the door and walked in, closing it, then leading her to the back where the charging station is, but went past it to another room across from the elevator. She closed the door and led y/n to sit down in a chair at a desk.
Y/n looked around noticing it to be Roxanne's actual room and not her green room. "Stay here for a second kiddo, I got to fix something. " Roxanne said, ruffling the top of y/n's hair and then pulling up another chair to the desk. She cleaned it off and pulled some medical items like peroxide and cotton balls. "Technically not fix but pull out " Roxanne shrugged before sitting to where they were super close, y/n's knees sitting between Roxy's.

"so do you wanna talk with me now? "

Words- 1425

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