Chapter Three

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After Gregory placed the two boxes in y/n's room and left, y/n decided to take a five our nap, waking her up around, 10:45 am.
Y/n groggily sat on the edge of her bed, her head pounding in pain from before her nap and lack of sleep. She rubbed her eyes and got up, making her bed with the sheets and blankets brought in from her car. She unplugged her phone from a charger and placed it on the desk.
She dressed in a tight black skirt, fishnets, and a red crop top. She topped the outfit off with a black zip up hoodie and just brushing her hair.
Her hair was short, barely touching her shoulders, a h/c color. It was shorter in front than in the back. It was a very short hair style.
Realizing the time, she walked down the hall to the daycare pick up. She opened the double doors and made her way to the elevators, trying to avoid the busy crowds of people and the bots working around.
She squeezed into an elevator quick and watched as as a little girl hit the button. "Look mommy we get to to up! We get to go see Freddy, and Monty and Roxy! And even Chica! " the little girl beamed looking up at her mother, whilst her father held onto her hand. Y/n stayed in the corner trying not to pay attention. It almost felt physically painful to. It brought to many memories from her childhood she wished she could forget. Her parents weren't always bad..
Getting off in the giant main area, y/n walked down to the mainfloor where the birthday parties happened. She slipped right in with bots recognizing her in there systems with Freddy and Gregory's help. She walked up closest she could be, on the right side facing the stage.
She watched as the animatronics raised up on stage in a blast of music. Yet she couldn't help but stare at roxanne's every movement. The way her claws would press each key on her keytar, the way she seemed so truly enthralled. And of course each aspect of her was perfect. Obviously because she was in robotic form. She already missed roxanne's soft hands from before her nap.
"Hey kid, watch out" a teenager snickered as he shoulder checked her on purpose. Y/n rolled her eyes and leaned against a half wall, crossing her arms over her chest.
Not realizing how quick the small show ended, the robots walked down the steps of the stage. Chica came up to y/n, waving with one hand, her instrument slung to her side. "Hey y/n! I heard you finally got settled this morning! " she beamed before walking away. Y/n nodded akwardly before turning back to find Roxy.
Roxanne was no where to be found. She stood on her tippy toes to find any glimpse of the familiar grey hair or ears. Yet she couldn't. She turned all around herself and huffed. She missed her chance to say hi.
Y/n decided to go looking around. As she was walking she found a familiar sign. Roxy's Raceway. Y/n quickly hurried over, entering the attraction and looking over the balcony to the track. She looked around but was only met with not finding her.
Feeling utterly defeated, she plumped down onto a bench and slumped. The Plex was covered in people. A typical Saturday. Y/n people watched, but she just felt pouty. So she pouted. Her eyebrows furrowed and her bottom lip slightly puckered out.
Deep in her own thoughts, y/n jumped, startled by the sudden hand placed on her shoulder. Ready to swing, she turned but quickly realized it was Roxanne. "Hey kiddo, why are you over here pouting instead of coming down and racing. I bet you cant beat me! " she proudly beamed pointing a claw to herself.
Y/n feeling a little excitement rise, jumped up and nodded enthusiastically. "No way, I bet I'll beat you!" She spat back out. Instantly regretting her decision of choice of tone, she bit her lip. She followed quitely behind Roxy as she walked down the steps to the starting line on the track. She stood in front with a black racing jacket put over her normal wear, with black sunglasses and a checkered flag in her hand. With her free hand she cupped it around her mouth and shouted, "C'mon kids! Lets race! Youll never beat me! But if you do you get a special prize! " her voice carried very loud.
She nodded her head in satisfactory as she watched a few kids stumble to beat each other there. Roxanne pointed to a go-kart next to hers and nodded her head in motion for y/n to sit. Y/n shakily sat down in the kart, her height letting her barely fit perfectly. She buckled herself and set her hands on the wheel. She turned her head to watch as Roxy led different kids to different karts behind her.
Roxy was very gentle with kids as much as she claimed to not like very much. She was very patient with them. She'd tell them to sit in which kart in line and then instructed them to get buckled. After finishing with the kids confirming the right amount of kids to start, she stood at the front. She then began to shout instructions, "no purposeful bumping into one another! Listen to the colors of what is last lap and crossing the finish line, and no putting your hands outside of the moving vehicles. AND REMEMBER NO ONE LIKES A LOSER LET'S ALL BE WINNERS! " Roxanne excitedly hopped into her car, pressing a button before doing so, starting the count down. She counted out loud, and then off they went.
Y/n was nervous, for what? She had no clue. She'd done this before. Y/n glided through the track, keeping up with Roxanne. But the wolf was stupidly and insanely good at it. So any corner to turn, Roxy took it smoothly while y/n and the rest of the kids would accidentally bump into the side of the track or slow down in order to take it better. This allowed Roxanne to gradually climb ahead enough to guarantee her win like normal.
Watching the light turn yellow, y/n took her last lap and ran through it more smoothly than before. She turned the kart and let it roll into the line of other karts seeing Roxanne already stepping out to give further instructions.
As the last child stopped , Roxy began her speech, "okay racers, let's unbuckle ourselves," she began to walk in between the karts making sure the kids got it or needed assistance. Y/n unbuckled herself and continued to listen. "Now everyone, you guys were great competitors, " she cheered. "Everyone did great! Come back again if you wanna take your chance again at beating the best! "
All of the kids exited, all chattering excitiedly amongst themselves. Y/n followed shortly behind and was about to exit the section of the building until she felt a hand grab her arm. She turned around, knowing it was Roxanne. "Hey y/n? " she asked , letting go of her arm and looking down at them. "Are you doing okay? " Roxanne closed the gate to a shop and led y/n to a room for fixing the karts when they needed. She closed the door behind them and turned to look at them.
"You know Roxanne, a giant robot keeping me in a room is kinda terrifying " y/n giggled smuggly. Roxanne rolled her eyes and pulled a chair to sit on, clanking down. "I just want to check up on you." She calmly said, crossing her arms over he chest. Y/n bit her lip, her cheeks Rosey red from embarrassment. "But I'm completely fine. " y/n's smile faded and her cheeks feeling more hot.
Roxanne got up in a quick movement and got into y/n's face. "Kid, I don't think your okay when you have fresh cut marks covering your thighs," y/n gasped and backed up, hitting a wall. Roxanne "don't you have more races to do?" Y/n's words shook as she watched the robot sigh. "I guess your right, but I have my priorities," Roxy shrugged her shoulders. "Roxanne it's fine really. " y/n's throat felt closed.
Luckily for her, someone knocked on the door. Roxanne sighed heavily and walked out and pushed the person back out of the unauthorized area. "Ma'am you can't be back here" y/n heard Roxy say. Y/n took the chance to slip away. Sighing in relief, y/n hurried away.


Words- 1462

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