Chapter Nine

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   Roxanne ended up falling asleep with y/n in her arms, holding tight onto her. Y/n clung to her as much as she possibly could. She didn't wanna leave her safety.
   A soft knock was heard on the door to Roxy's room, causing the wolf to stir awake. She looked over at the door and cussed under her breath. "Hey, Kiddo, I gotta get up really quick. " she whispered to the sleeping girl before getting up and walking to the door. She opened the door to be met with a bright sun. "Hello Roxanne! Where is y/n? " he asked. "Shes with me, she had a really rough night and I think she's gonna continue to stay with me, I don't want her anywhere near those boys," she yawned. "Okay that makes more since! They said a really unbelievable story so I just had to check with you. " sun beamed. "Is she doing alright?" He asked. "I'm not really sure," Roxy sighed, scratching the back of her head. "Oh no," Sun frowned. "Well I'll be back! Also today our events got canceled. Thank God I dont think I could look at another little one today." he laughed before waving and walking off.
   Roxanne shrugged and closed the door, locking it behind her. She crawled back onto the bed with y/n clung back to her, mumbling in her sleep. Roxy smiled softly, "kiddo, we should get up," Roxy whispered. Y/n slowly opened her eyes, "I don't wanna... " Roxy hugged her. "I know but you get a whole day with me, your favorite."
   They sat up and Roxy moved to sit in front of them. "I know you just woke up but how are you feeling?" Y/n yawned and wanted to reach out for there hug again but refrained. They're only friends right now you can't do that. Y/n shrugged sitting criss crossed. "Your gonna have to tell me so I can know what I need to do soon," Roxanne ruffled y/n's hair. Y/n nodded her head. She really wanted that hug again. No.
  Roxanne got up, grabbing the water bottle she kept on her desk. She handed it to the girl and got back on the bed, sitting in the same spot. "Drink that for me please, " Roxy told her. Y/n nodded. "Caden raped me.. " y/n whispered really really quietly, looking down at the bottle in her hand. "It was my fault I'm really sorry.. " She felt more tears well in her eyes as she stared down.
   Roxanne's jaw dropped. She was in bewilderment. She was enraged. "Did you just fucking say what I heard you say?" Roxy asked getting up and putting her shoes on. "Roxy please don't do anything I don't want them hurting me more!" She shouted as she watched Roxanne get ready to leave. Roxanne turned around. "Fine I won't but I'm at least getting everything of yours and bringing it here, and I'm going to help you get what you need. Get him arrested anything but he's a literal threat now. I should have done more last night I'm sorry. Plus it's not your fault I promise. None of this is. It just fucking pisses me off that you had to deal with those idiots, I am so sorry" Roxanne ranted, her mind was filled with complete anger. Y/n's eyes watered, tears begining to flow down her face. "Ill be back, " Roxy said before leaving the room.
   Roxanne knocked on the door with all the strength she had, causing the boys to open the door quickly. Once again another look of pure fear painted there faces. "Out of my fucking way. " Roxanne growled, pushing the boys out of the way and to the room y/n's stuff was in. She gathered everything. Caden stood in the door way. "Look at that nice ass, " he cackled as Roxanne had to lean over to pull the suitcase out from underneath the bed. The comment caused her to stop in her tracks. She turned around slowly, with fury on her mind. "The fuck did you say?" Caden shrugged. "I said nice ass." Roxanne took her fist and planted it into the blonde's nose. Caden stumbled back as his nose began to bleed.
   "What the fuck are you? Fucking freak!" He yelled before rushing off to take care of his nose. Roxanne's breathing began to quicken as her adrenaline filled her body. A bad type. She was literally so angry. She grabbed the luggage and everything else. She took it and sat it by the door. "Your all fucked up." She spat before leaving.
   Roxanne made it to the room safely with only a little bit of blood on her fist. Y/n was still sitting on the bed sniffling. She noticed the bit of red on her hand and her eyes widened. "What did you do!" She shouted, jumping out of bed. Roxanne set the luggage by the door. "Caden said I had a nice ass so I fucking punched his face," Roxanne shrugged, taking a plastic bag from the empty trash can in the bathroom.
    "I want all the clothes you had from that time being in the bag right now. " she demanded, setting it on the desk. "We have somewhere to visit by the way. " she mentioned, walking up the stairs to her own luggage. She pulled out a pair of black paints and a grey sweatshirt for herself to wear.
   Meanwhile y/n shakily took the rest of her unwearable clothes placing them in the bag. She felt choked up. She knew she had to wear the ones she currently did knowing it probably had his "finish" on the bottoms she wore. She never could do anything about it. She was in horror.
  Roxanne walked back down with a set of car keys. "Cmon kid, I'm not letting him get away with what he did, " y/n nodded, agreeing. "I want to do this.. Ive never been able too for any other occasion. " y/n said softly and ashamed. "It's okay, I just want to keep you safe. " Roxy ruffled her hair again.
   Before they could leave, a knock was heard on the door once again. Roxy opened it to see Sun standing there again. She invited him in and closed the door behind him. "Hello sunshine!" He beamed looking at y/n. He pulled out a gift and handed it to her. "I thought you'd want this so here I am giving it to you! " he nervously chuckled before leaving again.
   Roxy shrugged and let y/n open the small gift. She took the wrapping off of
the box and opened it. What laid there was a book. A book on writing skills. How did he even know it was one of her favorite hobbies? You know, writing?
   Y/n looked down, half smiling. "This is so sweet. " she pulled it out and pushed the box aside. "This is exciting. " she mumbled before laying it on the bed. "I suppose I'm ready then. " y/n muttered softly.
   Y/n followed Roxanne back down to the car. Roxy drove them to a local police station. They walked into the building and walked up to the front desk. Roxy spoke first. "I want to place a report, I know someone who raped my friend, " Roxy started straight off.


Words- 1235

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