Chapter Thirteen

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    Year passing, Roxanne and y/n continued to push there feelings deep down, especially Roxy. She didn't wanna have to worry. She really wanted her, but she also didn't want her heart broken.
     Y/n was too afraid of Roxanne not feeling the same. So they both genuinely loved each other but could never admit it.
   Y/n stumbled through rockstar row, her mind in a full blur as alcohol burned through her system. What a fucking hypocrite. Y/n wondered as she made her way to Roxanne's green room. She knocked on the door with great force. Roxy opened the door with a confused look on her face before she noticed y/n.
    Y/n's drunk brain was making her really want Roxanne's kiss. She really wanted that intimacy with her. Y/n wrapped her arms around Roxy's neck, pushing her farther in letting the door close behind them. "What are you doing y/n? " Roxy asked, placing her hands on her hips. "Nothinggg." She slurred looking deeply at Roxanne. "Your really pretty. " she giggled.
    "Thank you, but you don't seem okay? " Roxy said confused. Y/n giggled some more before smashing her lips into Roxanne's. Roxy felt startled but kissed back, not sure how to react. They moved back and Roxanne sat down on the couch, y/n following, climbing into her lap.
   Y/n deepened the kiss, biting down gently on the Wolf's bottom lip. As soon as y/n had the opportunity she, slid her tongue into Roxy's mouth, exploring every inch.
   Y/n pulled back, breathy, and placed both her hands on Roxy's waist. "I really like you. Like, I love you, " she laughed before kissing Roxy's cheek, trailing down to her neck. "Y/n, doll, are you being truthful with me?" Roxy's face heated up as she let out a small whimper feeling the girls teeth sink into her skin. It felt good though.
    Y/n hummed a giggly yes, putting her hand on the side of Roxy's face. Y/n gently kissed Roxanne again on the lips and pressed her hips against hers. Roxanne felt really confused but was just going along with it.
    Roxy knew she was drunk by this point meaning she wouldn't let her go any further, afraid of anything bad happening.         Roxy pushed the girl back, keeping their kiss connected, and pushed her down onto the couch climbing on top of her.
    Roxy kissed along y/n's jawline, and down her neck. "Fuck I really really love you Roxanne, " y/n kinda moaned, not in a sexual way, as Roxy placed her hands on the girls hips, putting her body weight on her.
   Roxy smiled, but kept the lingering thoughts of it all being fake pushed down. Roxanne kissed the girl all over. At least hoping to make her feel loved some.
    "Roxy, " y/n hummed, smiling. Roxy held her top body weight with her arms looking down. "Your really cute." She giggled. "Well your very giggly. I personally think you need to drink some water. " Roxy gave a quick kiss to y/n's cheek.
    "Noo." Y/n squirmed a little, letting Roxanne think she needed to get up. She got off of y/n and helped her sit back up. As if a switch was flipped while Roxy's back was turned grabbing a water bottle off of her vanity, giving herself a quick check in her big bright star mirror, y/n burst into a fit of tears.
   Roxanne turned around quickly, full of confusion. "Why are you crying? " Roxanne calmly asked, handing her the water bottle. Y/n, with tears spilling from her eyes, said, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm drunk!"
   Roxanne sighed softly and sat down beside her, putting a hand on her back. "It's okay, I just want you to be okay, so please drink your water, and then I honestly want you to take a nap," Roxanne motioned her hand to the bottle.
   Y/n took a sip, still crying. "I'm sorry I really like you. Im really sorry. You are super great though. " y/n sobbed, turning to Roxy. "It's okay like I  said. " Roxy played with her hair some.

"Roxanne, your truly the best, I wish you knew that more. "


Words- 710

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