Chapter Eleven

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    By the time they made it back to the Mega Pizzaplex, y/n had felt as if she were developing a cold. She was starting to realize she was just really bad at communication because she had yet to tell Roxanne. Sun had kept a close eye on her but the robots never had much time from the Highspeed demands of shows and rentals. And obviously Roxanne was a fan favorite  so she wasn't particularly available a lot.
   Y/n occupied her time with watching the animatronics to keep an eye in case one of them malfunctioned. But as she was doing this work, day by day she felt more and more miserable. Her nose was stuffy and she could hardly breathe. Her chest hurt and she had a bad cough. She would get nauseous time to time but had yet got to the point of vomiting. She would constantly get light headed and she would need to take a break just to sit down to reground herself.
    Y/n looked over the track in Roxy race way placing her hands on the cold glass railing. She watched as Roxanne drove her kart and the kids laugh as they tried to catch up. Y/n sneezed into her elbow and groaned feeling pain in her chest. She walked over the small bridge and to the area in Roxy Raceway with all the food stands. She made her way down the steps to the track and watched as the kids made there last lap after Roxanne. Roxanne stopped her kart in the designated place and hopped out.
   Y/n looked over at the large robot as she helped the kids out of there karts. Y/n kicked the ground before heading back up the stairs. Before she could make it all the way, her balance became unsteady causing her to have to grip on the railing and sit down on a step. She cursed at herself under her breath noticing the 6'0 machine make her way over. Y/n sighed before getting back up, trying to avoid the wolf.
   "Hey, loser!" The wolf yelled out before a flood of children came into the attraction. "Whoah! Slow down! " she yelled as the kids ran past Roxy almost knocking her down. Y/n looked back over her shoulder watching the wolf sigh and turn back to run another race with the kids.
   It made y/n feel bad that she just ignored her. What type of person does that when all Roxanne had done is help her out.
   Y/n tried making it through the atrium but her dizziness hit her again. She couldn't slow down she was only a few feet away from reaching the elevators. It was near closing time anyway, so maybe she could take a small break and sit down on. She looked around herself, kinda stumbling.
    Chica noticed her and ran over to her waving. "Hi y/n!" She smiled brightly. She noticed y/n swaying with an uneasy look to her face. Chica made a quick move and grabbed her arm. "Hey cmon let's get you to sit down, " Chica guided y/n to a chair at a table and handed her a water that she somehow spawned out of literally no where.
   "Do I need to get Roxy for you?" She asked, sounding kinda worried. y/n shook her head. "I'm okay. " y/n's voice was nassely sounding which she finally noticed. "Im not feeling to good, " y/n muttered, slowly opening the cap of the water. She took a sip of it and put the lid back on.
     "I think I need to get Roxanne.. " Chica said looking down at the girl with worry. "I promise you I'm okay I just need to get back to the daycare so I can slowly navigate my way back to my room from there, " y/n began to feel nauseous and put her head down to stop from possibly throwing up. Y/n groaned, miserable.
     "I really think I need to go get Roxanne y/n." Chica said more stern this time. "I promise I'm really okay please just let me do this on my own. It's all I know how to do is take care of myself, " y/n said, muffled with her head down.
    Chica sighed, a little frustrated that y/n wasn't being complient. Y/n sat up and sighed, "okay I think I'm okay. " y/n said semi-confidently as she got back up, making her way toward the elevators. Y/n could barely make it there again before a large rush of nausea overcame her. She pressed her hand over her mouth and grabbed onto the nearest thing to hold herself.
    Chica moved in front of the girl as she missed the wall to hold herself and fell forward. Chica caught her and helped her stand back up. "Roxanne." "No." Y/n looked up at the chicken with a serious look. "I don't wanna be another burden to her, shes been busy running the track and doing shows," y/n let Chica guide her back. "Ill just stay here till the days over we got like 10 minutes left, " y/n looked around herself taking a deep breath.
    Roxanne finished up the last race and began to pull karts into the garages some to check for repairs. All she could think about was how y/n was acting so off. She wasn't acting like usual. She only expected y/n to come to say hi but she just ignored her and walked off. It slightly angered Roxanne.
   Roxanne walked out of Roxy Raceway to go back to rockstar row, but as she was doing so, she noticed Chica looking angrily down at y/n as y/n had her head down at a large table.
   "Chica I'm sorry I'm making you so upset but I'm really okay, " she once again had her face in her arms as she tried to keep herself from being too nauseous. Y/n heard from the other side of her another machine stomping over here. "Whats going on here?" Roxanne's words flooded y/n's ears, slightly startling her.
   Before Chica could speak, y/n sat up fully, reaching her hand up to cover Chica's mouth, muffling her words. Roxanne looked over at the two confused, "I'm genuinely asking, " the wolf placed her hands on her hips and stared confusingly. "I'm okay Roxy, nothing is going on," y/n got up, keeping her hand over chica's mouth as she failed to desperately out the girl.
   Y/n took her hand off of chica's mouth as she felt herself have the energy and balance to make it to the elevator. Still, without Chica being able to get one word in, Roxanne decided to follow the girl. Y/n finally made it into the elevator and watched as Roxanne sped up making it in time before the doors shut just in time. Y/n's face heated up as Roxy stood, now trapped with her in the elevator for time being. "Why do you sound so nassely, " Roxy pulled the girl toward her. "And don't tell me your getting salty because I've been busy. I can't help it I'm sorry. " her eyes narrowed as her claws wrapped around the girls midrift. Her bright yellow eyes stared into y/n's eyes as y/n began to feel dizzy, thankful Roxanne had ahold of her. "I sound nassely cuz I'm sick, but I can take care of myself, and I'm not getting salty in fact I come to the raceway quite often, " y/n protested as she her cheeks stayed a light pink color, one from being flustered, two from being sick.
   Roxanne sighed extremely exaggerated and held onto the girls arm. "Oh I can take care of myself boohoo let someone be decent to you for fucks sake. which means me. You cannot escape my detrimental grip, " Roxanne mocked the girl some but also in a way forcing her to let her help. Y/n glared up at the robot, too nauseous to protest anymore.
   Roxy nodded in approvment as the double doors opened, allowing them to walk out. Roxanne grabbed the girl, picking her up and took her to rockstar row. Y/n allowed it, too nauseous to want to speak.
   As soon as they made it to the green room, Roxanne set y/n down so she could walk in but y/n's nausea got so bad to her that she had to run to the nearest trash can, vomiting up any water and food left in her. Y/n groaned in agony and sat down in the floor. Roxanne humanized herself, before she hurried to the girls side.
   Roxanne put her hand up to y/n's forehead noticing the most definite fever. Y/n felt defeated in that moment and held her hands out wanting to be babied at that point. She could hardly take a walk without almost wanting to fall over or pass out.
  Roxy sighed sympatheticly and picked up the girl, bridal style. Roxanne sat her on the white couch and shut the curtains. Roxanne walked into the back, going into her room and then the bathroom that stemmed from it. She grabbed a regular cloth and a cold cloth. She came back and handed y/n the cloth to wipe her mouth.
   Roxanne then told her to hold the other cold cloth to her head until she could was finished with what she wanted to do. Roxy stood in the middle of her room, stripping herself of her red halter top and shoulder pads. She then threw on a tight black tank top that hugged her body in a really nice way. She took off her boots, replacing them with comfy socks and took off her red shorts that matched her top. She took off all her other accessories before hand and she also put on some black flowy pants.
   Roxanne went into the bathroom and leaned down, turning the facet to a warm temperature and put bubbles in it. She then grabbed some extra clothes like a sweatshirt and some shorts for y/n. She set them on the counter in her really neat and put together bathroom. She then added a towel to the pile.
   Roxy went back into the green room. "Cmon kiddo, your gonna take a bath for me, hopefully make you feel better," she informed as she sat on a table that was in front of the couch and helped her take off her black converse. Y/n mumbled something incoherently as Roxanne helped her up and led her through her room to go to the bathroom.
  "Ill leave you in here for now, ill be out here doing whatever, just call me if you need me, "


Words- 1810

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