Chapter Twelve

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   Roxanne held the nice and clean girl tight to her. she was using the opportunity as an excuse to cuddle her. Y/n felt super safe with Roxy, so Y/n just did her own thing, sleeping, as Roxy scrolled through random shows on her TV. She hadn't noticed anything interesting yet, but she was more feeling giddy that she had y/n laying on her.
   Roxanne frowned thinking too hard about her feelings, flipping on a random music playlist. She sat the remote down and placed a hand in the girls hair. She looked down at y/n. "God I have all these odd feelings, " Roxanne whispered, stroking her hair softly. "It's like anytime I see you or hug you or have any type of physical touch with you my heart starts pounding like crazy and sometimes I wish I could just kiss you. But I could never tell you that when your conscious. It's too risky. Plus I'm an unlovable person in that sense, " Roxy huffed, brushing y/n's hair with her fingers.
   Y/n continued to sleep peacefully, comfortable in roxanne's arms. Roxy wanted a relationship with her, desperately. But she felt as if it were an unobtainable wish.
   Y/n groaned in her sleep, startling Roxy a little. Y/n wasn't feeling any better as she started to wake up from the unbreathable need to breath better. Roxy sat up better, helping y/n up some as she  became awake, erupting into a coughing fit. She turned around , with her back facing Roxy as she uncontrollably coughed.
   Roxanne rubbed her back, soothingly, feeling more worried. "Y/n, are you sure your okay? You seem really sick. " Roxy questioned. Y/n nodded before struggling to climb off the bed. Y/n stood in the middle of the room, her hand pressed against her chest.
   Her fit soon ended, leaving her overall nauseous all over again. With precautions, y/n sat herself in the bathroom, her head resting on her hand.
   Roxanne followed, sitting on the edge of the tub, rubbing y/n's back. "I feel like I need to take you to the doctor," Roxy informed, worriedly. Y/n again shook her head, "I'm fine, this happens like once a year for me, it fucking sucks ass," y/n felt her mouth begin to water as she pushed herself to hunch over the toilet, dry vomiting, with nothing left in her stomach.
    Y/n groaned, feeling like crying as she sat back. "What about a bite to eat, at least some water and crackers, light on your tummy." Roxy suggested, grabbing a hair tie to pull y/n's hair back. Y/n nodded agreeing with her statement. "That might help.. Do you think there would be any way I could get cough drops or syrup as well? Or pills to deal with my nausea." Y/n pressed her index finger into her temple. "I feel too vulnerable.. " she muttered, flushing the toilet and leaning back into her original sitting position. Roxanne went back to rubbing her back soothingly before responding with, "I think I can do that. Ill leave you to get comfy however you want and then when I come back I can keep an eye on you and let you have your small snack," Roxy's face burned as blood rushed to her cheeks, her golden eyes staring into the back of y/n's head awaiting a sign of approval. Y/n hummed a yes turning around, too tired to worry, laying her head on Roxanne's thigh.
   Roxy put her hands into y/n's hair again, messing with it some as she tilted her head slightly, feeling comfortable and at peace with the silence filling the room. She took a deep breath, taking in everything. "Cmon y/n lets get you comfy then I'll be right back. "
   Roxanne gently lifted the girls chin to look at her. "I promise I'll take good care of you." Y/n smiled softly before standing up. Roxanne helped her get comfy in her designated choice of sitting.
    Roxanne left the room and walked through rock star row, going down to Freddy's. She knocked on the door, listening to his foot steps before he opened the door with a shocked expression. "Oh hello Roxanne!" He greeted as he invited her in. "Sorry I'm not gonna stay long, I was just curious if you had any crackers and like cough syrup?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "I've got just that for you friend!" He proudly boasted before walking into the back and coming back with exactly what she asked.
   Roxanne room them, thanking him and leaving. As she was walking back, she noticed Chica walking mindlessly. "Hey Chica, " she raised her voice slightly, waveing, hoping to catch the white haired girls attention. Chica noticed and instantly brightened. "Hello Roxy!" Roxanne mentally cussed at herself as the bunch of neon came running toward her. "How are you? How is y/n doing? We should all hangout soon! Maybe get pizza?" Roxanne was taken back by the sudden burst of energy. "Yea Chica maybe when she feels better, I'm sorry I gotta get to jer," Roxanne tried pushing past but Chica frowned and moved back in front of her. "Seriously Chica move, I wanna take care of her, " Chica continued to pout and didn't move. "I don't like the word maybe, " she reminded the wolf. Roxanne rolled her eyes, "okay, yes we will, " she emphasized the yes and walked past again making it back to her green room. Chica walked away satisfied.
   Roxanne went back into the room and set the acquired items on the desk. She walked to y/n and placed a hand on her forehead once more in anticipation of a lower temperature. Roxy felt satisfied with what exactly she wanted and handed y/n the items. "Thank you, " y/n patted the spot next to her, inviting Roxanne.
   Y/n took the lid off of the cough syrup, pouring the needed amount into it. She took the medicine as if it were a shot, giving a face of disgust. "I'm sorry I forgot to ask for the nausea pills, " Roxanne realized, instantly feeling guilty. "It's okay it hasn't been as bad as the past few days, " y/n opened the package of crackers and popped one into her mouth, slowly chewing.
   Roxanne relaxed her body, now sitting next to y/n. She slouched and felt reliefed for some reason. "I don't know why but taking care of you is like oddly nice, " the wolf admitted, looking at Y/n." Y/n swallowed the cracker before speaking, "you know Roxanne, I might allow you do this every time I get sick, it's a nice change.. "


Words- 1130

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