Chapter Ten

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   Y/n sat in front of Roxanne as she played with her hair, watching the TV. "Caden Parker, age 19, sexually assaulted 10 total girls, " the news told. "That was quick," y/n said in pure surprise. "I'm happy though. I feel so so much more safe now. Especially because I'm with you but you also just helped me a ton. I wouldn't have gone if I stayed in that floor that night." Y/n handed Roxanne a brush from beside her. "I'm glad kiddo, you deserve your justice, " She grabbed y/n's hips softly. Y/n hissed in pain kinda moving her body forward. "That hurts Roxanne.. " She whined.
   Roxanne looked confused. "Your hips?" Y/n nodded. "He left a lot of bruises on me.. They ended up having to take pictures of them all. And there were a lot." she turned around, taking the brush out of Roxy's hand. She lifted her shirt and pulled down her shorts, showing the hand bruises left on her. "They are still really sensitive.. " y/n mumbled. Roxanne tilted her head slightly with a sigh. "I wish I could have protected you more, " Roxy looked at y/n.
   She had this odd feeling overcoming her body. She really badly wanted to kiss her. She wanted to be able to love her she wanted to kiss her so bad. She wanted her to only be hers. She wanted to be possessive over her. She didn't want anyone else looking at her or touching her. She wanted y/n only for her. What the fuck was she feeling?
    Roxanne shook her head to rid her thoughts. "Thank you Roxy, I trust you most out of everyone. You were always my favorite. And you've continued to climb the chart of greatness. " y/n smiled knowing that it made Roxy feel giddy inside. Roxanne's tail began to wag slightly. "Fuck you, my tail is insane now" she playfully pouted trying not to smile.
    Y/n leaned forward giving the wolf a hug. She couldn't resist the need in the moment. "Did you know that your also super pretty. Your tail is beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. At all the shows they all look at you," y/n smiled brightly clinging to the bigger. Roxanne growled kiddingly and held her hands on y/n's waist, making sure to not hit her bruises this time.
   Roxanne flipped the girl over on the bed and looked down. She held herself up with her arms looking down at the girl. "Says you, your even more pretty, " Roxy said , her face flushing a light pink color before rolling beside her.
   "Thank you Roxanne, thats really sweet of you. " y/n turned her head to see Roxy's golden eyes staring up at the ceiling. "You know your totally the best though. In all realness, " Roxy let herself smile softly. "Thanks kiddo, I only usually get that from myself, " she giggled. "Im proud of you, " y/n moved her hand to grab Roxanne's.
   Roxy's eyes began to water. She was proud of her? She turned her head as a tear rolled down her cheek, makeup falling with it leaving a light grey streak. "Cmon kid I can't be crying in from of you, " she laughed softly before letting more tears fall. "Y/nnnn." She groaned, flipping onto her side to hide her face in y/n's shoulder. "Your ruining my makeup" she cried as she laughed at the same time.
   "Awh my big bad wolf is in all tears right now. " y/n teased before putting her hands in Roxy's hair. "You're okay though. I don't mind when you cry. Especially since I've cried plenty of times in front of you. " y/n ruffled her hair just as Roxy does to her.
   Roxanne sat up still crying and giggling at the same time. Y/n followed and looked at the Wolf's makeup running down her face. She wiped tears off of Roxy's face. "Roxanne Wolf I didn't know you could be so emotional." Y/n teased.
    Roxanne lunged on top of the girl, holding her down. They both began to laugh uncontrollably as Roxy still cried. "Your a fucking bitch sometimes you know" Roxanne giggled, putting only half her body weight on the girl. Y/n laughed harder, gasping for breaths as the wolf laid on her. "Roxanne your too cute! " y/n's eyes began to water.
   Y/n hadn't felt so nice with someone in ages. Not after she got her heart broken. This wolf made her feel happy. Y/n really did want to kiss her too, it was almost like a really bad drug she's never had before but desperately wants to feel.
   Roxanne sniffled, stopping her crying and whiping her face, using her elbow to prop herself.
     Y/n smiled up at the wolf as she wiped her makeup away. "You know your actually really pretty without makeup also... " y/n whispered really low knowing that it was a sensitive thing to her. Roxy's golden eyes flickered before slowly looking down. "I know your joking this time because I really don't look good. I look weird and unnatural." Roxy fell to the side laying on her back again next to y/n.
   Y/n sat up with a hurt expression on her face. "Thats rude! Your so pretty without your makeup! Your pretty no matter what! " y/n protested looking down at the saddening wolf. Y/n frowned from not being responded to. "Roxannee." She drug out. The golden eyes turned to look at her, "do you really mean it though?" Roxy's lip quivered slightly. "Roxanne.. Why would I ever lie to you?" Y/n asked. Roxy shrugged before looking back up at the ceiling.
    "Your too sweet kiddo." She sat back up and went to her desk to wipe the rest of her makeup off. "Ill give you this, only once. " she said walking back over to the bed, her face completely bare of her normal makeup.
   Y/n stared in awh. She truly was so pretty with or without makeup. But she never realized how gorgeous she was. "Wow.. " y/n mumbled as Roxanne rolled her eyes, sitting back down.
     Y/n made a swift move, pressing her lips again the taller. Is what she wished she could do. But for now she was only left to admire the beauty. "God your gorgeous. " y/n whispered taking in every little detail.
   Underneath roxanne's makeup, she had light freckles that sprinkled her face. She had slight eye bags from lack of sleep or stress and her golden eyes were brighter than ever. Her lips were pretty and plump, perfect. Y/n bit her inner lip looking at the wolf with pure adoration.
    Roxanne's face burned with shyness. She had never had someone look at her with such deep love or admiring looks. Roxy wanted to hide away usually every time her face was so bare and exposed, but the way this girl looked at her made her feel... Pretty.
  Roxanne's tail wagged some more. Y/n smiled softly and continued staring in awe. Her cute button nose, and just. Her freckles. She never knew that. And her eye lashes were so long, they were the literal perfect length.
    Roxanne couldn't take it anymore and hid her face in her hands. "Your staring to much , I'm too ugly. " she muttered, moving a finger from out in front of her eye to see y/n. "Sorry I was just admiring you, but your so fucking pretty, your the farthest thing from ugly. " y/n chuckled softly.
   She picked up her phone and laid back on the bed checking the time. "Roxanne you know you have a show tonight? It's 5:30 right now and I know it starts at 6:30. I don't wanna keep you from it, " she informed, setting her phone down to look back at the wolf.
   Roxanne shrugged and got up sitting down at her desk. "I really don't wanna go but okayy. " she groaned before pulling out her makeup. "Its okay cutie, you'll survive, it is your last show for the trip"


Words- 1361

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