Schroeder the Motivator

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After school one day, Heather was in her family's living room, dancing. These dancing skills were what won her the winter dance that Charlie Brown accidentally made a mess of. Charlie Brown watched from his living room window the girl of his dreams dancing the afternoon away.

"She's such a great dancer." Charlie Brown said to himself. "She's as smart as she is a good dancer."

Heather didn't take any notice of Charlie Brown. However, she stopped dancing, and pondered.

"Sometimes, whenever I'm dancing, I feel like something is missing." Heather said to herself.

Heather's mother called out to her.

"Nothing, Mom! Just talking to myself!" Heather told her mother.

Heather walked up to her room, pondering about what could go with her dancing skills.

"Hmm.... A partner? No. Though Charlie Brown makes the perfect dance partner, I need something else. I know! Music! And I know just who to get music from."

Heather's dad then called out to her after she made her decision on where to go.

"Oh, nothing, Dad!" Heather called out.

Schroeder was in his house, playing some Beethoven music, when who should walk in but Violet. She was rather attracted to the music Schroeder was playing. Then, Lucy walked in to admire her favourite piano player. Much to her shock, Violet was resting on the piano.

"What are you doing here?!" Lucy demanded.

"Who wants to know?" Replied Violet smugly.

Lucy got down and rested beside Violet on Schroeder's piano

"If you're going to stay here, you need to like Beethoven." Said Lucy.

"I like Beethoven, so I'm staying here." Violet smirked.

"Rats!" Lucy groaned.

Schroeder looked at both Lucy and Violet, and pulled his piano away, causing them to fall to the ground.

"You blew it, Kid." Said Lucy.

Lucy, having had enough of Schroeder ignoring her, decided to go home. But Violet, who enjoyed Beethoven, decided to stay behind.

"Playing Beethoven, are you, Schroeder?" said Violet. "You know, Beethoven did want to get married, but never did."

Schroeder took no notice of Violet, as he continued to play his piano.

"Not talking, are you, Schroeder?" sighed Violet. "I take it you can't hear. Not like it matters because Beethoven wasn't able to hear. Now this I gotta tell Lucy!"

"If I kiss Schroeder, will he notice me?" Violet thought to herself.

Violet was still resting at Schroeder's piano when Schroeder walked away, frustrated with Violet thinking he was deaf. Violet started to pucker up, ready to kiss him. As Schroeder left the room, Snoopy walked in, and puckered up too. Violet, not realising until too late, kissed Snoopy's lips. Violet opened her eyes and saw Snoopy.

GROSS!" cried Violet as she ran out of Schroeder's house, her mouth filled with dog germs.

"Help! Help! Call the doctor! Get the ambulance!" Violet cried. "I kissed Charlie Brown's stupid hound! I'm poisoned! I'm poisoned!"

Schroeder came back and saw Snoopy, sitting on his piano like a normal dog.

"No sign of Violet or Lucy?" Schroeder asked Snoopy.

Snoopy gave a small snicker, and upon realising what had happened, Schroeder gave Snoopy a high five.

Schroeder went back to playing his piano when an unexpected visitor came over. The one who stopped on over at Schroeder's house was none other than Heather Wold the Little Red-Haired Girl. Schroeder looked up at the Little Red-Haired Girl, and was surprised.

"Well, this is different." Schroeder said.

"Hi, Schroeder!" Smiled Heather.

"Heather?! What are you doing here?" asked Schroeder.

"I need your help, Schroeder." Heather said.

"Are you talking about marriage, Heather?" Schroeder asked.

"Don't worry, Schroeder!" Heather smiled. "Don't think I'm trying to win your affections. I'm not interested in you anyway. It's something else I need help with."

Heather sat down right at the end of Schroeder's piano.

"So..... you like playing the piano, right, Schroeder?" Heather asked him.

"Yes." Schroeder replied.

"You know music helps people to dance, right?" Heather added.

"Of course." Schroeder replied.

"Just continue playing your piano, and I'll just dance to whatever music you're playing." Heather suggested.

"Well! Talk about a change of pace!" Schroeder exclaimed.

"Alright then. May I suggest Für Elise?" Heather decided, knowing one of Beethoven's best-known compositions.

Schroeder started to play Für Elise on his piano, and Heather got off the piano. She started dancing on her tippy toes like a ballerina, and twirled around. She continued to dance in Schroeder's living room, and as Schroeder stopped the music, Heather stopped dancing.

"Tee hee. Thanks, Schroeder." Giggled Heather. "Your music really helps. May I suggest another song? Maybe something that isn't Beethoven related?"

"Nope. Beethoven is mine and mine only." Schroeder replied simply.

"Oh, come on, Schroeder! May I suggest something along the lines of Oh My Dear Daddy?" Heather asked.

Schroeder thought about it, and then, he started playing O Mio Babbino Caro. Heather began dancing.

Once Schroeder had finished playing his music, Heather stopped her dancing.

"That was so beautiful, Schroeder." Said Heather. "Thank you for motivating me."

Heather walked out of Schroeder's house, and made her way home.

"That makes a nice change." Schroeder said to himself, liking the idea of a girl who would rather dance than talk about love.

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