Janice and Mimi

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Meanwhile, Heather, thinking about Linus' feelings, decided to go to the Emmons' place and pay a visit to Janice. She knocked on the door, and who should open it but Janice's younger sister Britney.

"Yes?" asked Britney.

"Oh. You're not Janice." Said Heather.

"No, but I am her younger sister Britney." She said.

"Britney. Is Janice home?" asked Heather.

"She's in her room." Replied Britney.

"Okay. Thanks." Said Heather as she walked into Janice's room, and saw her sitting on her bed, still a bit bad tempered.

"Hi, Janice!" said Heather.

"Hello, Heather." Said Janice.

"Still angry about Mimi kissing Linus?" asked Heather.

"Yes." Said Janice.

"Janice. How would you feel if I reminded you Linus might have forgotten about his affections for Mimi?" asked Heather.

"He called her voice the most beautiful thing ever!" added Janice.

"Really? Maybe Linus just likes her singing voice. But he might not be as interested in her as he is in you." Heather explained.

"I....." Janice began. Then she paused for a few seconds.

"You what?" asked Heather.

"I didn't think of it like that. Do you think I hurt Linus' feelings?" asked Janice.

"Linus was very upset with what you told him." Said Heather. "Tell you what, Janice. If you meet Mimi, and ask him about Linus, maybe she'll understand how you feel about him."

"Any way I can do that?" asked Janice.

"I'll bring you to her grandmother's place after school tomorrow." Said Heather.

Heather walked home after that. As soon as she went into the backyard to check on Fifi, she was surprised.

"Fifi? Where's Snoopy? Don't tell me he's sleeping in your doghouse!" Exclaimed Heather.

Fifi shook her head, and told Heather with her actions where Snoopy had gone off to.

"You mean Snoopy went back home?" asked Heather.

Fifi nodded.

"His doghouse must be repaired. Well, thanks, Fifi." Said Heather. Then she walked over to the Brown residence to check on Snoopy. She was impressed to see that.....

"Snoopy's doghouse is repaired! I don't believe it!" cried Heather.

"You have Marcie to thank for doing most of the work." Said Charlie Brown.

"Hey! What about me?!" demanded Peppermint Patty.

"You didn't do anything, Sir!" said Marcie.

"Yes I did! I..... watched you build the house. That's doing something, isn't it?" Peppermint Patty said.

"Oh, good grief!" sighed Charlie Brown.

"At least Snoopy's home again." Smiled Heather.

Snoopy jumped towards Heather, and landed in her arms. Snoopy gave her a kiss on her cheek. Heather just giggled.

"Snoopy's thanking you for your hospitality." Said Charlie Brown.

"Glad to be at service, Snoopy!" smiled Heather.

The next day, as school was over, Heather and Janice walked together. Heather wanted to stop over at Schroeder's to practice for the talent show, but she wanted to take Janice to meet Mimi. As they got to a garden.....

"Oooooooo mio babbino caaaaro....." Mimi sang.

"That voice!" cried Janice.

"Mimi! Come along, Janice! I'll take you to meet her." Said Heather.

Heather and Janice walked into the garden to see Mimi doing the gardening.

"Oh! Hi, Heather!" said Mimi.

"Hello, Mimi!" said Heather.

"And.... Who's this beautiful girl you brought along? I think I saw her at a school fair one day....." asked Mimi.

"This is Janice." Said Heather. "Janice, Mimi. Mimi, Janice."

"Hello, Mimi. Nice to meet you." said Janice.

"Nice to meet you too, Janice." Said Mimi.

"I brought her over to speak to you about Linus." Said Heather.

"Linus? Janice! You mean to tell me you know Linus?" Mimi said in surprise.

"I sure do, Mimi." Said Janice. "He helped me while I was going through chemotherapy while I had leukaemia."

"Hold on a sec, Janice!" exclaimed Mimi. "You had cancer?"

"I did." Janice said, and then she explained. "Linus did everything he could for me while I was recovering. He even dealt with a bully who teased me for losing my hair from the chemo."

"Wow! Linus sure is tougher than I thought!" Mimi exclaimed.

"The real question I want to ask you is..... are you still interested in Linus?" Janice asked.

"I kind of forgot about him until the school fair." Said Mimi.

"And by the way," Heather added. "our school is holding a talent show on Friday, and I'll be performing there. Wanna come see me perform?"

"Well," said Mimi. "my family and I are going back home on Saturday, so sure. I could do with some entertainment before I leave."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Mimi." Said Heather. "Janice and I have to go. See you at the talent show! And thanks again for inspiring me!"

"See you there, Heather! Look forward to seeing you perform!" Mimi called.

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