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The next day, because it was Saturday, Heather woke up bright and early.

"Another beautiful morning." Smiled Heather.

Heather got out of her room, out of her turquoise pyjamas, but kept her aquamarine bow in her hair, and changed into her turquoise dress, turquoise socks and white Mary Jane shoes. She was going over to the Browns' place. As she approached the Brown place, she knocked on the door, and who should open it but Charlie Brown.

"Heather! Good morning!" called Charlie Brown.

"Morning, Charlie Brown!" smiled Heather. "You seem to be in high spirits today. Is it about Schroeder's trophy?"

"Yes." Said Charlie Brown.

"Schroeder decided he only loves Beethoven, which is fine by me. That's why he let you have his trophy." Said Heather.

"That's what he told me." said Charlie Brown.

"Anyway, Charlie Brown, I....." Heather began, but her words were interrupted by a car horn and a singing voice.

"Good grief! Who's that?!" asked Charlie Brown.

Out of the rear car door stepped Mimi.

"Mimi!" cried Heather.

"Heather!" cried Mimi.

"Mimi?" exclaimed Charlie Brown.

Charlie Brown walked over to Mimi and wanted to introduced himself.

"Hello Charlie Brown. Mimi's the name." said Mimi.

"Mimi? Er..... Did you by any chance go to Linus' birthday party?" asked Charlie Brown.

"I sure did." Said Mimi.

"Pity I didn't get to see you then." Sighed Charlie Brown.

"Not to worry, Charlie Brown." Smiled Mimi. "At least you're meeting me today. And your magic show was beautiful." Then she turned to Heather. "And Heather. I just wanted to say it again; Congratulations on winning the talent show last night."

"Thank you, Mimi." Said Heather. "And thank you for inspiring me to sing."

"Anytime, Heather. Anytime." Said Mimi.

As Mimi said this, the horn of the car honked.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I have to leave. Well, goodbye, Heather. Goodbye, Charlie Brown. Nice meeting you." said Mimi.

So Mimi stepped back in the car, and the car drove off. Mimi waved to Charlie Brown and Heather, and Charlie Brown and Heather waved back until the car was out of sight.

"Wow! Come on, Charlie Brown. Let's go to the park together." Said Heather.

"Yes. Let's..." agreed Charlie Brown.

Heather grabbed Charlie Brown's left hand with her right, and the two walked together, with Charlie Brown blushing as red as Heather's hair.

On the way, they stopped beside Lucy's Psychiatry Booth, and much to their surprise.....

"Linus?! And Janice?! What are you doing here?!" Heather asked in surprise.

"Hi, Heather! Hi, Charlie Brown! We're taking over Lucy's Booth." Said Linus.

"Schroeder told us what she did to you, so we decided to take over." Said Janice.

"Well, that's very clever, Linus and Janice." Said Heather.

Heather looked at the top of the booth and noticed.....

"Three cents?" puzzled Heather.

"Just wanted to lower the price." Said Linus.

She's a Great Song and Dance, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now