Charlie Brown's Decision

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"So there's a talent show next Friday, Heather?" asked Charlie Brown.

"There sure is, Charlie Brown." Said Heather.

"Great! Because I can be your partner if you want!" smiled Charlie Brown.

"Er... about that." said Heather.

"What?" cried Charlie Brown.

"I'm already teamed up with someone." Said Heather.

"Who?" asked Charlie Brown.

"Schroeder's my partner." Replied Heather. "We're going to do music, while I sing and dance."

"And I wake up just to hear that?" thought Charlie Brown. "Good grief!" he then groaned.

"That's okay, Charlie Brown." Smiled Heather. "You can choose someone else to do a talent with."

"Okay, Heather." Smiled Charlie Brown.

"Great! Anyway, I have to go home now. Bye, Charlie Brown. See you tomorrow. Glad you're feeling better." Said Heather as she left.

"Bye, Heather." Said Charlie Brown.

Charlie Brown got out of bed and saw Sally in her beanbag watching TV.

"Hi, Sally." Said Charlie Brown.

"Big Brother! You're alright!" cheered Sally as she got out of the beanbag to hug Charlie Brown.

"I'm so glad you're alright, Big Brother!" smiled Sally.

"You're in a good mood today, Sally." Said Charlie Brown.

"I am! I'm doing a talent with my sweet babboo!" said Sally.

"With Linus? Good grief! I wanted to do my act with him. Well, I'll have to find a different partner." Sighed Charlie Brown.

So Charlie Brown went across the road to meet Snoopy. He knocked on the door, only for Heather to answer it.

"Charlie Brown! In high spirits again?" asked Heather.

"I sure am!" smiled Charlie Brown. "Because I know who to have as my partner for the talent show!"

"You know I'm doing mine with Schroeder, Charlie Brown." Replied Heather.

"No, Heather! I'm doing my act with Snoopy!" said Charlie Brown.

"He's in the backyard, Charlie Brown." Said Heather.

"Gee, thanks, Heather."

Charlie Brown went into the Wold residence and towards the backyard. Charlie Brown suddenly saw a sight he didn't expect to see. There, on top of Fifi's doghouse, were Snoopy and Fifi.

"Snoopy?! Oh, good grief!" sighed Charlie Brown.

"That dog he's with is Fifi." Explained Heather. "My parents adopted her not long ago. She used to be a circus dog from what I heard."

The next day at school, Charlie Brown arrived at school on time.

Mrs. Donovan asked Charlie Brown about his absence.

"I was at home with a bad injury yesterday, Ma'am." Said Charlie Brown.

Mrs. Donovan then told Charlie Brown to take his seat.

"Yes, Mrs. Donovan." Said Charlie Brown as he took his seat, which Heather saved.

"Hi, Charlie Brown. Still decided who to do your act with?" asked Heather, knowing how Snoopy was acting.

"Not yet, Heather." Said Charlie Brown.

"May I suggest another red-haired girl to do this with you?" asked Heather.

"I only see you, Heather, but you're doing yours with Schroeder." Said Charlie Brown.

At lunch, Charlie Brown sat on the bench having his lunch. Heather was doing her waltzing. Charlie Brown thought about who his talent act partner should be when who should sit with him but.....

"Frieda?" Charlie Brown said, and then he thought.

"So this is the red-haired girl Heather was talking about."

"Hello, Charlie Brown. Glad to see you up and well again." Smiled Frieda.

"I've been thinking, Frieda." Said Charlie Brown.

"About who should be your talent partner? Why not Heather?" suggested Frieda.

"Schroeder's her partner." Replied Charlie Brown.

"Why not Linus?" Frieda suggested again.

"He's performing with my sister." Charlie Brown answered.

"Since I don't have a partner, why not do it with me?" Frieda finally suggested. "How can you say no to a girl with naturally curly hair?"

"Alrighty, Frieda." Smiled Charlie Brown.

"Great!" said Frieda. "Have you thought about what act you should do, Charlie Brown?"

"Well, I could try a magic act I wanted to do, but I had to abandon when Sally flopped her act." Charlie Brown suggested.

"I'll be your magic assistant, Charlie Brown." Smiled Frieda.

"Wonderful, Frieda! You may not be Heather, but still better than not having a talent show partner at all." Charlie Brown said.

"I'm sure my naturally curly hair will help you, Charlie." Frieda bragged.

"Good grief! This is gonna take a long time." Sighed Charlie Brown.

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