A Surprise for Snoopy

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A couple of hours later, Charlie Brown came home, and much to his surprise, the girl of his dreams was there, singing and dancing.

"Heather?!" exclaimed Charlie Brown.

Heather, hearing Charlie Brown's voiced, stopped her singing and dancing.

"Hi, Charlie Brown!" Heather called sweetly.

"We missed you at school. What are you doing here?" asked Charlie Brown.

"I noticed Peppermint Patty is still on Snoopy's doghouse, and I've been spending the whole day trying to get her off and send her to school." Heather explained.

Charlie Brown and Heather went into the backyard to see Peppermint Patty and Snoopy.

"See! She's been up there since yesterday afternoon." Heather said.

"What can I do?" asked Charlie Brown.

"Good answer, Chuck." Replied Peppermint Patty.

"Peppermint Patty! If you don't get down from there, I'm going to pull you off!" Heather said sternly. .

Charlie Brown showed some concern, remembering what happened once when Marcie tried getting Peppermint Patty off of Snoopy's doghouse.

"Er, I don't think that's a good idea." Suggested Charlie Brown.

"You're right, Charlie Brown. It'll only damage Snoopy's doghouse." Heather agreed.

Then, Marcie came over. She too noticed that Peppermint Patty hadn't come to school that day. Marcie then saw Peppermint Patty on the roof of Snoopy's doghouse.

"Sir?! What are you doing up there?" asked Marcie.

"I'm sitting up here with Snoopy." Said Peppermint Patty.

"Sir. We missed you at school. Why are you sitting up there?" Marcie asked again.

"I wanna sit up here until the day I die!" Peppermint Patty answered.

"Er, Charlie Brown. I think we'd better get out of here." Heather suggested.

"Great idea, Heather." Said Charlie Brown. "Let me see more of your dancing and hear more of your singing."

Heather wrapped her left arm around Charlie Brown and escorted him out of his backyard, to her house, leaving Marcie to take matters into her own hands to get Peppermint Patty off of Snoopy's doghouse.

"Sir, if you don't get down from there, I'm going to drag you down!" Marcie decided.

"Don't, Marcie! No!" called Peppermint Patty. But it was no good.

Marcie grabbed Peppermint Patty by her right leg, trying her best to get her off of Snoopy's doghouse, only for Peppermint Patty to hold onto the back of it.

"Marcie! You're destroying Snoopy's doghouse!" called Peppermint Patty. "Someone stop her! She's lost her mind! Let go of me, Marcie! Let me go! Oh no!"

Soon, Snoopy's doghouse was in pieces, and Marcie, Peppermint Patty, and Snoopy flew onto the ground.

"Wow!" exclaimed Marcie.

"Alright, Marcie! I hope you're happy!" groaned Peppermint Patty. "You destroyed Snoopy's doghouse!"

"I didn't mean to, Sir. I was trying to get you off." Explained Marcie.

"You didn't have to do that, Marcie!" huffed Peppermint Patty.

"Come on, Sir. Let's go home." Marcie decided.

Charlie Brown soon came home, ready to prepare Snoopy's supper, and once he'd finished, he went out back. As soon as he saw Snoopy's doghouse, he was shocked.

"AAUGH!" he screamed.

Snoopy looked at Charlie Brown, and mimed to explain what had happened.

"You mean to tell me Marcie broke the house down while trying to get Peppermint Patty off?" Charlie Brown asked, and Snoopy nodded.

"Oh, good grief!" groaned Charlie Brown. "Don't tell me I have to rebuild your doghouse again!"

Snoopy just mumbled angrily as he tucked into his dish.

That evening, Snoopy gathered his belongings that didn't get damaged in his doghouse, and he prepared to move out of the Browns' yard until his doghouse was repaired.

"Snoop? Where are you going?" asked Charlie Brown.

Snoopy packed his belongings in a suitcase, put his dish on his head, and moved out.

"Snoop. Where are you moving to?" Charlie Brown asked again.

Snoopy didn't go too far. He went over to the Wolds' place. He kicked the front door. Who should answer the door but Heather.

"Hello Snoopy. What are you doing here?" asked Heather.

Snoopy used his actions to explain to Heather what had happened to his doghouse.

"Oh! That's terrible!" cried Heather. "Don't you worry, Snoop. Until your doghouse is rebuilt, you can stay with me."

Snoopy cheered, and as Heather picked him up, Snoopy kissed her left cheek. Heather giggled, but though her face was covered in dog germs, she decided to wash it off later.

Mrs. Wold called out to Heather.

"It's just Charlie Brown's dog." Answered Heather.

Mrs. Wold told Heather to take Snoopy out back.

"Yeah, I'll take him out back." Replied Heather as she brought Snoopy around to the backyard.

"You're going to love what I have in the back, Snoop." Smiled Heather.

Snoopy simply pondered about what Heather was talking about. Something Snoopy would love. As soon as they reached the backyard, much to Snoopy's delight... a pale pink dog with deep pink fur on her ear tips, head, and tail tip, and wearing a purple collar.

"Snoopy. I want you to meet my new dog, Fifi." Heather said. "My parents adopted her from the animal shelter. The folks at the shelter say she used to be a circus dog."

Snoopy was very excited. Fifi stood up, and started to attract him. Snoopy walked up to Fifi with love in his eyes. Snoopy simply hugged Fifi as soon as they got into contact.

"I think somebody's in love!" Heather smiled.

Heather left Snoopy and Fifi alone with each other, and she walked over to the Browns' house again. Then, she knocked on the door. Inside, Sally was in her beanbag watching TV.

"Big Brother! Someone's at the door!" called Sally.

Charlie Brown heard the door and his sister, and then he walked over to the door and answered it.

"Hello, Charlie Brown." Said Heather. "Heard from Snoopy that his doghouse was destroyed. So, until it's repaired, you wouldn't mind him staying with me for a while, would you?"

"Er..." Charlie Brown blushed.

"Charlie Brown? Are you okay?" asked Heather.

"I don't mind at all. You keep him as long as you like." Smiled Charlie Brown.

"Thanks, Charlie Brown." Giggled Heather. "Oh. And by the way, is it possible I make up an excuse for not going to school today?"

"You could say you had a sore throat, but how would the teacher believe your lie?" suggested Charlie Brown. "Hmmm..... I know. Just say you sang so much, you lost your voice, and had to stay home until your voice returned."

"Oh, Charlie Brown." Heather said. "You are as smart as you are helpful. You're letting me keep your dog for a while, and you made up a clever excuse for me not attending school today. Thank you, Charlie Brown. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Then, Heather waltzed her way home to see how Fifi and Snoopy were getting along.

"I wonder how Charlie Brown's dog is getting on with my Fifi?" Heather thought to herself.

As Heather went into the backyard, she saw Snoopy and Fifi sitting on top of Fifi's doghouse, with Snoopy acting as the World War I Flying Ace.

"Good grief!" sighed Heather.

She's a Great Song and Dance, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now