Heather and Peppermint Patty

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Charlie Brown was in the kitchen preparing Snoopy's food when another knock on the door was heard. Sally looked out the window, then went into the backyard to find her brother giving Snoopy his dish.

"Big Brother. Your girlfriends are at the door." Sally said.

"At the door? But she's in the living room." Charlie Brown replied.

"No, Silly! Your other girlfriends!" giggled Sally.

"Alright. Snoopy. You eat your meal. I'll get the door." Said Charlie Brown as he put Snoopy's dish down, and Snoopy got off his doghouse to eat his supper. Charlie Brown opened the front door and was surprised to see that Peppermint Patty and Marcie were there.

"Peppermint Patty? Marcie? What are you doing here?" exclaimed Charlie Brown.

"Hi, Chuck. Marcie and I came to see a Little Red-Haired Girl." Said Peppermint Patty.

"Wha?! How did you know she's here?" Charlie Brown asked.

"She lives right across the road from you." explained Peppermint Patty. "I asked her folks, and they told me she's not home. So, we thought she might be here."

"Come on in." Charlie Brown sighed.

Peppermint Patty and Marcie walked into the living room to find Heather sitting in the beanbag watching TV.

"Hey, Heather." Said Peppermint Patty.

"Oh. Hi, Peppermint Patty. Hi, Marcie. What are you two doing here?" asked Heather.

"Heard from your folks that you came to Chuck's place." Peppermint Patty explained.

"Oh. Er, I came over to spend more time with Charlie Brown." Heather explained.

"You're in love with Chuck, aren't you, Heather?" Peppermint Patty asked.

"Er..." Heather blushed.

"Sir, I don't think this is a good idea." Marcie tried to say.

"'Sir'?!" exclaimed Heather. "Marcie, exactly why are you calling Peppermint Patty 'Sir'? 'Sir' is a name used to address a guy. Patty is a girl."

"Er..... it's a long story, Heather." Said Marcie.

"Don't fret, Heather. Anyway, we just came over to see how you're getting on with Chuck." Peppermint Patty said.

"We're going wonderfully." Smiled Heather. "We wrote to each other while I was at camp. And I especially admire his selflessness and determination."

"See, Sir. She's getting on with Charles just fine." Said Marcie.

"Oh, Marcie. Did anyone tell you that when you're acting stern, you look just like Billie Jean King?" Peppermint Patty asked.

"Er.... Patty. May I suggest playing with Snoopy in the backyard?" Heather said.

"Great idea, Heather!" said Peppermint Patty.

Later, Marcie and Heather went to the sofa and had a chat.

"So Marcie. What exactly is Peppermint Patty doing here?" asked Heather.

"Peppermint Patty heard your singing voice, and figured out that you're doing this just to impress Charles." Marcie explained.

"Oh, Marcie! I don't do it for Charlie Brown. Besides, Charlie Brown already likes me for who I am." Smiled Heather.

"That's not all, Heather. I have a secret for you." Marcie whispered into Heather's ear. And after hearing the detail Marcie wanted to tell her, Heather was shocked.

"She WHAT?!" exclaimed Heather.

Marcie whispered into Heather's ear again. This made Heather stern.

"Well. We'll see about that!" Heather said sternly.

Meanwhile, in the Browns' backyard, there, sitting with Snoopy on his doghouse, was Peppermint Patty. She was so jealous of Heather's love for Charlie Brown, she decided to sit up with Snoopy until Charlie Brown started to pay more attention to her. Heather came outside to see Peppermint Patty. Much to her surprise, Peppermint Patty wasn't playing with Snoopy.

"Er.... Peppermint Patty? What are you doing?" asked Heather.

"Playing with Snoopy." Said Peppermint Patty.

"No you're not!" called Heather. "You're just sitting on his doghouse."

"How's this for playing?" asked Peppermint Patty as she hugged Snoopy, unintentionally choking him in the process.

"Don't do that, Patty! Come down from there!" called Peppermint Patty.

"Nope. I'm going to sit up here with my old friend Snoopy for the rest of my life." Huffed Peppermint Patty.

So that was that. Peppermint Patty simply sat on the roof of Snoopy's doghouse for the rest of the afternoon... for the whole evening..... well into next morning.

Heather got out of bed, got herself dressed for school, and was dancing her way out of her house. This didn't go without her noticing Peppermint Patty still on Snoopy's doghouse.

Is she still there?" Heather thought to herself as she went into the Browns' backyard to see Peppermint Patty.

"Patty? Why are you still up there?" asked Heather.

"I already told you, Heather. I'm going to sit up here until the day I die." Peppermint Patty huffed.

"Patty! Don't be foolish!" demanded Heather. "You have to get down from there! You need to go to school!"

"Forget it, Heather!" huffed Peppermint Patty. "The only one who understands my desires is Chuck's good old hound, Snoopy."

"Patty! Come on! If you don't go to school, your friends will miss you!" Heather called again.

"Eh, let 'em miss me, Heather." Said Peppermint Patty. "By the way, you have to go to school too!"

"Well, I'm not going to school until you get down from there!" Heather decided.

Over at Charlie Brown's school, Charlie Brown started to feel something was missing.

"That's strange. Where's the Little Red-Haired Girl?" Asked Charlie Brown. "Must be late again."

Miss Donovan called the roll for Heather.

"Oh, er.... Ma'am. Heather might be running late." Charlie Brown suggested.

Miss Donovan wasn't sure if she should believe that.

"Or she could have a sore throat." Charlie Brown decided again. "That means I may never get to hear her beautiful singing again." He thought sadly.

Back at the Browns' house, Heather was starting to grow frustrated with Peppermint Patty not getting off of Snoopy's Doghouse.

"Patty. If I make your lunch, will you get off of Snoopy's doghouse and go to school?" asked Heather.

"Nope." Peppermint Patty answered.

"What if it was a hamburger and fries?" asked Heather.

"No. I already told you. I'm going to sit with Snoopy until the day I die." Peppermint Patty repeated.

"You can still make it to second period!" Heather called out.

"I hate second period!" groaned Peppermint Patty.

"It's no good!" sighed Heather. "I'll have to wait for Charlie Brown to get home. He should know what to do about Peppermint Patty."

Heather sat outside the Browns' front porch, waiting for her favourite blockhead to return home from school. Already out of ideas on how to get Peppermint Patty off of Snoopy's house.

"It's no use sitting here. I know! I'll just sing and dance until Charlie Brown gets home." Heather suggested as she got up, and started singing and twirling around Charlie Brown's front yard.

"Ooooooooo mio babbino caaaaaaro...."

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