Talent Time

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The night of the talent show had arrived. Mimi was making her way into the school when she saw Heather walking in with Schroeder. Heather was wearing a pink sleeveless shirt, a pink ruffled skirt, a lighter pink bow in her hair, white socks, and black Mary Jane shoes. While Schroeder was wearing a black dinner suit, a white dress shirt, a red bow tie, black dress trousers, and black dress shoes.

"Heather! You look fab-u-lous!" cried Mimi.

"Thanks, Mimi!" smiled Heather.

"And is this Charlie Brown?" Asked Mimi, looking at the blonde boy.

"No, silly!" chuckled Heather. "This is Schroeder. I'm performing with him."

"Oh, hi, Schroeder." Said Mimi.

"Oh. Hello....." said Schroeder.

"Mimi." Mimi answered.

"Well, we'd best go backstage. We have to warm up for our performance." Said Heather.

"Best of luck, Heather!" called Mimi.

Just as Mimi was about to enter the school, there, standing, was Janice.

"Mimi!" exclaimed Janice.

"Hello, Janice." Said Mimi.

"Glad to see you, Mimi." Said Janice.

"I'm glad to see you tonight, Janice." Said Mimi.

"Look. I'm sorry for thinking you'd be taking Linus away from me. I didn't even know of your existence." Said Janice.

"That's alright, Janice." Smiled Mimi.

"Shall we be friends?" asked Janice.

"Yeah. We can be friends." Said Mimi. "Let's watch the talent show together."

"Great! Come on in!" said Janice.

As soon as everyone was seated, they waited for the curtains to be pulled. Lucy was in charge of the curtains, since she couldn't think of a talent to do.

Charlie Brown arrived, wearing his black dinner suit white dress shirt, black bow tie, and black dress shoes. Along with Frieda, who was dressed in a purple shirt, a purple pleated skirt, purple socks, and brown and white saddle shoes. Along came Snoopy and Fifi.

"Are you ready to warm up, Charlie Brown?" asked Frieda.

"Practice makes perfect." Said Charlie Brown.

Linus and Sally arrived. Sally was dressed in her cowgirl outfit, whilst Linus was dressed as a cowboy, with his blanket as a whip.

"Hey, Sally! Trying the cowgirl performance again?" asked Charlie Brown.

"Sure am, Big Brother!" said Sally. "But this time, my sweet babboo by my side."

"For as long as we're performing, I am your sweet babboo." Said Linus.

"However, we need something to use as a bull." Suggested Sally.

"Need something as a bull, huh?" came a voice.

Sally looked behind, and there, dressed as a bull, was.....

"Harold Angel?" said Linus.

"I can be your bull, Sally." Said Harold Angel.

"Great! You're in!" cheered Sally.

Marcie and Peppermint Patty arrived, and because they attend Charlie Brown's school now, they got a part in the talent show. Marcie was a princess in a red hennin and a red gown, and Peppermint Patty was a knight in a silver suit of armour.

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