Jealous Peppermint Patty

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The next day, walking to school, Heather walked by Mimi's singing voice again. She was singing the very same song.

"Mimi again?" Heather said.

Heather snuck through the gate, only to find Mimi in her grandmother's garden.

"Mimi?!" exclaimed Heather.

"Oh. Hi, Heather. Shouldn't you be at school?" said Mimi.

"Shouldn't you?" Heather replied.

"I don't go to school in this town." Mimi said. "I go to a school far away, and that school's being fumigated because of an ant infestation."

"Ants?! Gross!" Heather groaned.

"I know. So until the poison wears off, my parents decided to bring me over here to visit my grandma." Mimi explained.

"So that's why you're here." Said Heather.

"That's right." Replied Mimi.

"Anyway, I'd best get to school. Don't wanna be late! Bye!" called Heather as she ran out of Mimi's grandma's yard, the rest of her way to school.

As soon as she arrived, Heather was out of breath.

Miss Donovan wasn't very happy with Heather's lateness.

"Sorry I'm late, Ma'am!" Heather puffed, and then explained. "I had to pay a visit. A visit to my new friend. A girl by the name of Mimi."

Miss Donovan then told Heather to fill out a time sheet as punishment for being late.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll fill out a time sheet." Said Heather.

"Mimi? Now where have I heard that before?" Lucy pondered, and then, she then thought back to Linus' birthday.

"Of course! That girl who came to my stupid brother's birthday!" groaned Lucy.

Later, when class was over, Heather continued her singing, and danced her way.

"Ooooooooooo mio babbino caaaaaaaro...."

Unbeknownst to Heather, there, sitting on her own front porch, was Peppermint Patty.

"Look at her!" scoffed Peppermint Patty. "If she thinks she can take Chuck off of me with her looks and her singing, she should think again! Now, what would Lucy do?"

Peppermint Patty was soon walking her way. Because her dad works late, she decided to spend the rest of the afternoon out. Marcie then saw what Peppermint Patty was doing.

"Er, Sir? Where are you going?" asked Marcie.

"I'm going to a place where Lucy always goes." Said Peppermint Patty. "You heard that Red-Haired Girl singing, didn't you?"

"You mean Heather, Sir?" asked Marcie.

"Yes. Doing her fancy singing just to grab Chuck's attention." Peppermint Patty sighed.

"I think she just loves singing and dancing, Sir." Marcie explained.

"If she sings so nicely, then that means Chuck won't pay any more attention to me!" said Peppermint Patty grievingly.

"You're in love with Charles, aren't you, Sir?" said Marcie innocently.

"Me?! In love with Chuck? Don't be silly, Marcie! Nobody could fall in love with Chuck!" said Peppermint Patty, trying to deny her own feelings for Charlie Brown.

"If you say so, Sir." Sighed Marcie.

Schroeder was sitting in his living room, playing his piano, when he got two unexpected visitors.

"Hello, Schroeder." Said Peppermint Patty. "Schroeder, do you know how to get a boy to like a girl like me?"

"If you're trying to get me to like you, forget it!" scoffed Schroeder.

"Oh, I don't want you, Schroeder." Said Peppermint Patty.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Sir." Said Marcie simply.

"It's Chuck. He's thinking too much about that Red-Haired Girl, and I'm trying to get him to pay more attention to me." said Peppermint Patty.

"There's no way I can help you out with that, Sir." Replied Schroeder.

"DON'T CALL ME "SIR"!" yelled Peppermint Patty. She was so infuriated with Schroeder calling her "Sir", she banged on the piano, sending Schroeder flying.

"Sir, that wasn't the right thing to do!" cried Marcie. "You could've given his bones permanent damage, Sir!"

"Marcie, you're the only one who can call me 'Sir', which means no one else can call me 'Sir'." Peppermint Patty explained.

"You're weird, Sir." Sighed Marcie.

Charlie Brown was sitting in the beanbag watching TV when he heard a knock on the door.

"Sally! Someone's at the door!" Charlie Brown called.

"Ooh! Is it my sweet babboo?" asked Sally sweetly.

Sally walked over to the door, and opened it.

"Rats!" groaned Sally. "I was hoping it would be my sweet babboo, but it's actually my big brother's."

"Hello, Sally." Smiled Heather. Is your brother home?"

"He's in the living room watching TV." Explained Sally. "Come on in. Big Brother! The Red-Haired Girl is here!"

"Red-Haired...." Heather pondered. "Oh yes. My hair is red."

Heather walked into the living room to find Charlie Brown sitting in his beanbag.

"Charlie Brown!" Heather called.

'Is that?!"

Charlie Brown sat up and turned his head round.

"Oh! Er..... Hi, Heather!" Charlie Brown said, starting to blush.

"Hello, Charlie Brown. Hope you don't mind me paying a visit." Said Heather.

"Not at all." Said Charlie Brown. "Here. Help yourself to my beanbag. I've gotta feed Snoopy."

"Such a gentleman." Heather thought.

Charlie Brown got off his beanbag, and Heather took his spot. Charlie Brown walked off to prepare Snoopy's food, and Heather picked up the remote to watch what she wanted to watch.

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