Transfers and Repairs

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The next day, Peppermint Patty and Marcie went over to Charlie Brown's school to see the principal.

"Excuse me, Sir." Said Peppermint Patty.

"We've heard about a talent show coming next week. So we thought we'd try an act together." Added Marcie.

The principal explained that they couldn't take part because they don't go to Charlie Brown's school.

"You mean we have to be students attending this school in order to perform?! Good grief!" groaned Peppermint Patty.

"I was looking forward to performing!" sighed Marcie.

"Now I'm never going to impress Chuck!" Sighed Peppermint Patty. "Unless..."

Because her dad was off duty that day, Peppermint Patty asked him to transfer her to Charlie Brown's school.

Mr. Reichardt accepted the idea.

"For real?!" exclaimed Peppermint Patty. "Alright! Thanks, Dad!"

Marcie asked her folks the same question.

"Is there any chance you can transfer me to Charles' school?" she asked.

Mrs. Johnson said yes.

"You will? Thanks, Mom!" cheered Marcie.

The following Monday, as Peppermint Patty and Marcie went to Charlie Brown's school, there were surprised to see.....

"Franklin?" exclaimed Peppermint Patty.

"What are you doing here?" asked Marcie.

"My folks transferred me to this school." Said Franklin.

"Are you by any chance in Charles' class?" asked Marcie.

"Of course!" said Franklin.

"What a coincidence! That's where Peppermint Patty and I are going." Said Marcie.

"This'll be great! Chuck and I in the same class together!" smiled Peppermint Patty.

When it was class time, as Charlie Brown walked into class, he was surprised to see....

"Peppermint Patty? Marcie? Franklin? What are you doing here?" Charlie Brown asked them.

"Hi, Chuck! We asked our folks to transfer us to your school." Said Peppermint Patty.

"We want to take part in the talent show that's coming on Friday, Charles." Added Marcie.

"If you're looking to become my partner in the talent show, you're out of luck." Said Charlie Brown. "I'm already performing with someone else. Frieda."

"The girl with naturally curly hair?" asked Peppermint Patty.

"Er, Sir? Now is not the time to argue with Charles." Said Marcie.

"We have to take our seats." Added Franklin.

"Before we do that, did you destroy Snoopy's doghouse?" asked Charlie Brown.

"I was trying to get Peppermint Patty off of it." Said Marcie.

"And I was doing it for your attention, Chuck." Said Peppermint Patty.

"I knew it!" exclaimed Marcie.

"How about this. When we're finished for the day, how about coming over to my place to fix it?" suggested Charlie Brown.

Just as class was about to start, Marcie decided.....

"Franklin. Since Charles is sitting with the Little Red-Haired Girl, let's sit together." Said Marcie.

"Fine by me, Marcie." Said Franklin.

That left Peppermint Patty alone.

"Good grief! Now I'm the one without a desk partner!" groaned Peppermint Patty. "Unless....."

Peppermint Patty did get a desk partner. Who else but...

"Floyd?! Good grief!" groaned Peppermint Patty.

"Hi, Patty!" said Floyd.

"Floyd?! What are you doing here?" asked Peppermint Patty.

"I go to this school now. Since my lamb cake is sitting with another boy, I thought I'd sit with you." said Floyd.

"Very well, Floyd." Sighed Peppermint Patty. "But remember, you have to do as the teacher says."

"Anything you say, Sir." Said Floyd.

"Floyd, for as long as we're desk partners, don't call me 'Sir'!" demanded Peppermint Patty.

Once the school day was over, Charlie Brown brought Peppermint Patty and Marcie over to see the destroyed doghouse.

"Gee. There's no way we're gonna fix this, Chuck." Said Peppermint Patty.

"We'll take it in turns, Sir." Said Marcie.

"Good idea, Marcie." Said Peppermint Patty.

"I'll tell Snoopy what's happening to his doghouse." Said Charlie Brown.

"Say, where is Snoopy?" asked Peppermint Patty.

"He went over to stay with Heather until his doghouse is repaired." Said Charlie Brown.

Charlie Brown walked across the road to tell Snoopy some good news.

"Snoopy! Oh, Snoopy!" Charlie Brown called.

"Oh?" Snoopy cried.

"I have some great news for you." said Charlie Brown.

"Huh?" Snoopy was puzzled.

"Your doghouse is being rebuilt!" exclaimed Charlie Brown.

Yay!" Cheered Snoopy, and then he put his front claws into his mouth and whistled for his bird friends. They all flew down. Snoopy had to tell them the great news.

"Good grief!" sighed Charlie Brown.

Later, Charlie Brown went home to see Peppermint Patty resting on a deckchair while Marcie did all the work.

"Wow! I can see the doghouse is almost done!" said Charlie Brown. "Now....."

Charlie Brown looked at the front door of the doghouse and....

"Marcie!" cried Charlie Brown. "You forgot to make the door! Now how is Snoopy gonna get in? AAUGH!"

Charlie Brown's scream was enough to send Marcie flying.

Snoopy walked up behind Charlie Brown with a saw. He knew just how to get in. He got out a saw and cut the door.

"How clever of you, Snoopy!" smiled Charlie Brown.

Ay!" cheered Snoopy

Then Snoopy went back to Heather's to get his belongings back. Fifi looked on and was surprised by what he was doing. Snoopy explained to Fifi that his doghouse had been repaired. He told Fifi to come visit him anytime. Fifi, understanding Snoopy's words, blew a kiss to her favourite beagle. Snoopy, feeling the kiss, blushed.

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