Teamwork and Heartbreak

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Meanwhile, Schroeder was playing his piano. And as he'd stopped playing his music, Heather arrived.

"Schroeder! Just the boy I need!" Heather cried.

"Heather!" exclaimed Schroeder.

"While Charlie Brown's out of action....." Heather started.

"Out of action?" Schroeder cried.

"His sister accidentally hit him in the head with her own head." Heather explained.

"Good grief! That must've hurt!" Schroeder exclaimed.

"I know. Linus made her do that, and I'm sure he didn't mean to swing her so hard." Heather said. "Anyway, I've been suggesting something, Schroeder. How about we....."

"Cuddle up?" suggested Schroeder.

"No." giggled Heather. "Why don't we be a music duo? You play your music, while I sing and dance."

"That's... that's..." Schroeder stammered.

"Yes?" Heather started.

"That's a wonderful idea, Heather!" exclaimed Schroeder as he got up, and both he and Heather high-fived each other.

Later, Heather walked home, happy that she and Schroeder would be a music duo.

"Can't wait to start our first routine together." Heather said to herself. "On an unrelated subject, I wonder how Snoopy's getting on with my Fifi?"

As Heather went into her backyard, she was surprised to see that Fifi was sitting on top of her doghouse, and Snoopy was in the door of her doghouse.

"Good grief!" Heather groaned.

As Heather was going back into her house, she heard someone ring her doorbell. Heather went to the front door and opened it.

"Janice! What a nice surprise!" exclaimed Heather.

"Hello, Heather." Smiled Janice.

"Er..... what are you doing here, Janice?" asked Heather.

"I heard about what happened to Charlie Brown." Janice explained.

"How did you know?" asked Heather.

"Linus told me." Janice answered.

"So, is there a reason you came to my place?" asked Heather.

"Thought you'd need company while Charlie Brown rests up." Janice said. "So if you don't mind me...."

"I don't mind at all, Janice." Said Heather. "Come on in."

Mrs. Wold called out.

"It's just Janice, Mom." Said Heather.

Mrs. Wold wanted to know why.

"Just coming over to keep me company." Said Heather. Then she turned back to Janice. "Come to my room, Janice, and I'll show you what I've been doing."

"Sure, Heather!" Janice said excitedly.

As the two girls went into Heather's room, Heather was ready to demonstrate to Janice what she'd been doing. But Janice noticed something on Heather's bookshelf.

"Is this a dance trophy, Heather?" asked Janice.

"It is." Said Heather.

"Charlie Brown didn't give you his, did he?" asked Janice.

"No. I won this one from a winter dance contest." Said Heather. "Charlie Brown was funny during that dance."

"Oh." Said Janice.

"I let Charlie Brown keep his, not for winning the fundraising dance competition, but for sacrificing his chance to dance with you, and letting Linus dance with you. You still have your dance trophy, right Janice?" Heather said.

"Yes, Heather." Said Janice. "About that dance I won, that was the best night of my life, Heather. Not just because of my victory, but Charlie Brown let Linus dance with me."

"He only did that because he wanted to dance with me. That was so sweet of him." Heather swooned.

"Good old Charlie Brown." Smiled Janice. "Anyway, what did you wanna show me, Heather?"

"I can do more than just dance, Janice. I can sing too." Said Heather.

"Show me, Heather." Said Janice.

"Alright, Janice." Heather said.

So Heather cleared her throat, and started to sing.

"O mio babbiiiiiiino caaaaaro....."

Once her singing was finished...

"That was beautiful, Heather!" cried Janice.

"Thanks, Janice." Said Heather. "I've been thinking about rewording this song myself."

"I hope you have great ideas." Said Janice.

"I got some help to sing from Mimi." Heather explained.

"Mimi? Who's Mimi?" asked Janice.

"I heard she went to Linus' birthday one day, and kissed him." Said Heather.

"You mean to tell me there's a girl who Linus loves that's not me or Sally?" exclaimed Janice. "Good grief!"

"Oh, come on, Janice! Mimi told me that her visit was only brief!" Heather explained.

"Well, there's just one thing for it." Said Janice as she marched off home.

"Janice! Wait! I..... oh." Sighed Heather.

As Janice got home from her visit to Heather's, she phoned up Linus. Linus came to his phone to pick it up.

"Sally?" asked Linus.

"No! It's Janice!" Janice replied.

"Janice?" exclaimed Linus.

"Yes, Linus." Said Janice sternly. "I phoned to ask you, do you know a girl named Mimi?"

"Um, yes, Janice. That birthday she came to was my best birthday ever." Linus sighed dreamily.

"What?!" exclaimed Janice.

"Her singing voice was so beautiful....." sighed Linus.

So long forever, Linus!" Janice replied as she hung up on Linus, and Linus just stood at the phone, with signs of heartbreak.

"Janice? I can expla..... oh good grief!" groaned Linus.

Linus, feeling upset that Janice would never see him again, went up to his room, grabbed his security blanket, and cuddled it sadly.

"My stupid brother and his stupid blanket!" groaned Lucy as she saw Linus.

Linus was too upset to take any notice of Lucy.

She's a Great Song and Dance, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now