Talent Warm Up

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Once the school day was over, Heather went over to Schroeder's place.

"Hi, Schroeder." Said Heather sweetly. "Ready to practice for the talent show?"

"Ready when you are, Heather." Said Schroeder.

"So, what song shall we play? Any ideas, Schroeder?" asked Heather.

"Well, we could try O Mio Babbino Caro." Schroeder suggested.

"Yeah! However, I've been thinking of singing different lyrics for the song." Heather said.

"Well, let's practice!" Schroeder said.

"I'll practice the dancing, you play the music." Heather said.

"Great! Let's get to it!" Schroeder cried.

But just as Schroeder and Heather were about to start, who should barge into Schroeder's house but Lucy. Lucy wanted Schroeder to be her talent show partner. Much to Lucy's anger, there, in Schroeder's house, was Heather.

"What are you doing here?!" demanded Lucy.

"I'm here to practice with Schroeder." Said Heather.

"Practice for what?" demanded Lucy again.

"We're practicing for the talent show next Friday." Said Schroeder.

"What?!" exclaimed Lucy.

"Lucy, can't you see I'm performing with Heather?" asked Schroeder.

"You should be performing with me!" huffed Lucy.

"This is a talent show act? Good grief!" sighed Heather.

"Why don't you perform with someone else, Lucy?" asked Schroeder.

"I've got it!" suggested Heather.

Heather walked home and went into her backyard.

"Snoopy! Oh, Snoopy!" Heather called.

"Huh?!" Snoopy exclaimed.

"Come with me, Snoopy." Smiled Heather. "I want you to do something for me and Schroeder."

"Hmm." Snoopy pondered.

Heather and Snoopy walked back to Schroeder's house. And to no surprise at all, Schroeder was back on his piano, and Lucy was leaning at the end of it.

"Oh, Schroeder! If I give you a kiss, will you let me perform with you?" asked Lucy.

"One way to find out." Said Schroeder simply.

So Lucy closed her eyes and puckered up. Heather noticed Lucy had her eyes closed, so she ordered Snoopy onto the piano. Snoopy, seeing Lucy's eyes were closed, puckered up too. And when Lucy least expected it, Snoopy kissed her lips. Lucy opened her eyes to see.....

"BLEGH! I've kissed a dog!" cried Lucy in disgust. "Ugh! My mouth is full of dog germs! I'm poisoned! I'm poisoned! I'm poisoned!"

Lucy got off Schroeder's piano and ran out of Schroeder's place to wash her mouth.

"Good one, Heather!" laughed Schroeder.

"Thanks, Schroeder." Smiled Heather and both Schroeder and Heather high-fived.

"Now where were we? Oh yes. Your dancing, and my music." Schroeder said.

"Just try and stop me." smiled Heather.

Heather held her hands up in the air, stood on her tippy toes, and Schroeder played his music.

Meanwhile, Charlie Brown brought Frieda to his place, and got ready to practice. Sally came in to see what was going on.

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