Poor Sweet Baby

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Later, at the school nurse's office.....

"My head hurts." Sighed Charlie Brown.

The nurse wanted to know how it happened.

"Well, my sister accidentally crashed her head into mine." Explained Charlie Brown.

The nurse asked how it happened.

"She was being pushed on the swing by Linus. But it was an accident." Said Charlie Brown, knowing it wasn't Linus' fault. "Yeah."

Later that day, after school...

Heather was in her bedroom, continuing her singing routine.

"My pooooooor sweeeeeeet baaaaaaby..." Heather sang.

Then, Heather stopped her singing and thought.....

"I could pay another visit to Charlie Brown." She suggested as she walked over to the Brown residence and knocked on the door.

"Charlie Brown! Oh, Charlie Brown!" called Heather.

But Charlie Brown wasn't the one to answer it. Who should answer it but.....


"Oh, hello Heather." Said Sally.

"Is your brother home, Sally?" asked Heather.

"He's in bed." Sally explained.

"Oh my! Is he alright?" asked Heather.

"Not exactly, Heather. But come on in." said Sally.

Heather walked into Charlie Brown's room and looked at him, in bed, fast asleep, with an ice pack on his head.

"Charlie Brown!" cried Heather.

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be alright, Heather." Said Sally. "My big brother's suffered worse than this. All those times he's done the football thing with Lucy, losing baseball games, losing that homecoming football game....."

"Yes, but I've never seen him in this state." Said Heather worriedly.

"Not too long ago, my big brother did the football thing with Peppermint Patty, and he ended up in a coma." Sally said.

"Oh. I'm sure Patty didn't mean to do that." said Heather.

"And I'm sure my sweet babboo didn't mean to swing me into my big brother's head." Sally said.

Just then, the telephone rang.

"Er, I'll answer that. You stay with your big brother, Sally." Heather said as she walked downstairs to answer the telephone.

"Hello?" Heather said.

"Is this Sally?" asked Linus.

"No. It's Heather." She replied.

"Heather? What are you doing over there?" asked Linus, surprised that Heather would be answering the Browns' phone.

"You pushing Sally so hard on the swing sent her directly into Charlie Brown's head." Heather explained.

"Oh, good grief!" groaned Linus. "Well, tell Charlie Brown that I didn't mean it, and Janice appeared out of nowhere. I caught a glimpse of Janice approaching me, and that made me push Sally so hard, she swung right into Charlie Brown."

"That was a silly thing to do, Linus." Said Heather. "Anyway, why did you call?"

"I wanted to phone Sally to tell her that I'm not her sweet babboo!" yelled Linus.

"Sally! Linus says he's not your sweet babboo!" called Heather.

"Isn't he the cutest thing?" swooned Sally.

Heather went back upstairs to see Charlie Brown, still in bed with his injury.

"Are you okay, Charlie Brown?" asked Heather.

Charlie Brown didn't respond.

"Oh, my poor sweet baby!" Heather said sweetly.

Then she started to break into song.

"Poor sweet baby! Poor, poor, sweet, sweet....


Show me where it hurts, I can make it well.

I would love some loving cups for playing show and tell,

my poooor sweeeet baaaaaby. Poor, poor, sweet, sweet baaaaaaby.

When you need a shoulder, come and try mine on for size,

I'm too good at holding hands, and drying tear-filled eyes.

Just try me, cry me, every one of your tears,

Don't deny me,

The pleasure of drying them,

stopping you crying them.

Don't despair for,

Smiles are what I am there for.

You don't need to call on me, by your home I'm always near,

Here to kiss and cuddle you, and whisper in your ear,

no feeeeeaaaaar.

Theeeeeere, theeeeeeere, baaaaaaby!

Poooooor sweeeeet baaaaaaby!

Poooooor sweeeeet baaaaaaby!

Heather's heeeeeeeeere."

"There there, Charlie Brown. You get well." Smiled Heather as she kissed Charlie Brown's right cheek, and left the Brown residence.

"Where are you going, Heather?" asked Sally.

"While your brother is out of action, Sally, I'll find a different boy to spend time with." Said Heather.

"Oh, my big brother's not gonna like that!" Sally said to herself.

"That's okay, Sally. It's only until your brother gets better." Smiled Heather.

"Good grief." Sighed Sally.

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