Heather Makes a New Friend

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Heather was walking home. As she'd reached the park, the sounds of an unfamiliar voice were heard.

"Ooooooo mio babbino caaaaro. Mi piace è bellooooooo bello ..." the voice sang.

"Now who could that be? That voice..." Heather pondered and she looked around, and there, sitting on the park bench, was the girl who attended Linus' best birthday ever, Mimi, dressed in her straw hat, and gardening dress.

"Such beautiful singing." Heather thought.

Heather sat down next to the singing girl.

"Hello." Heather said sweetly.

"Hi. I take it you like my singing, right?" Mimi replied.

"It's beautiful." Said Heather.

"Thank you. I've been singing like this ever since I first did my grandma's gardening." Said Mimi. "The name's Mimi by the way."

"I'm Heather, or as Charlie Brown calls me because of my hair, the Little Red-Haired Girl."

"Glad Linus isn't the only one who appreciates my singing." Said Mimi.

"Linus? You mean Charlie Brown's best friend?" Heather asked.

"Charlie Brown?" Mimi pondered, never hearing of Charlie Brown before.

"Charlie Brown is easily the funniest, most selfless, courageous, compassionate, and determined boy you could ever meet. Love him." Swooned Heather, remembering the things Charlie Brown had done since her arrival.

"So..... where are you off to, Heather?" asked Mimi.

"I'm going home. I got help from Schroeder to further motivate my dancing, and you just motivated me to sing." Said Heather.

"Best of luck, Heather." Said Mimi.

"Nice meeting you, Mimi! Goodbye!" called Heather as she walked the rest of the way home.

After her conversation with Mimi, Heather made her way home, thinking about Mimi's beautiful singing voice.

"Yes! That's what was missing from my dance routines!" Heather exclaimed.

Then, her mother called out.

"I was just talking to myself, Mom!" Heather called.

Heather walked into her room, and said to herself.....

"I could try singing!"

Heather spent the rest of the afternoon singing.

"Oooooo mio babbino caaaaro. Mi piace è belloooooooo bello.

Hmmm..... no. This song needs different words. Something people will understand."

Heather started singing the song again. Unbeknownst to her, Charlie Brown was walking over, attracted to the singing voice of his dream girl. He rang the doorbell. And Heather's father answered it.

"Oh, hello, Sir. I'm your daughter's friend, Charlie Brown. Is she home?"

Mr. Wold replied to Charlie Brown that she was.

"She is? Thanks, Sir!" cheered Charlie Brown as he went into the Little Red-Haired Girl's house, and followed her singing voice..... coming from her room. Charlie Brown knocked on the bedroom door.

"Come in!" Heather called as Charlie Brown opened the door.

"Er..... Heather?" asked Charlie Brown.

Heather turned around, and was surprised to see who'd just turned up.

"Hi, Charlie Brown!" Heather said politely. "Er, what are you doing here?"

"That singing voice of yours is heaven!" sighed Charlie Brown dreamily.

"Really? Thanks, Charlie Brown. Glad someone else appreciates my singing. I got helpful tips from Schroeder and Mimi." Said Heather.

"Mimi..... Mimi....." Charlie Brown pondered.

Then, he thought back to Linus' best birthday ever, when Mimi came over while singing "Happy Birthday" to Linus, and kissed Linus before leaving town.

"Oh yeah." Charlie Brown said. "The girl who came to Linus' birthday party. Linus thought it was his best birthday ever. I did hear her, but I didn't see her."

"Linus must've loved Mimi's singing voice, huh?" said Heather.

"By the sounds of it, Heather." Replied Charlie Brown.

"So anyway, Charlie Brown. I.... er.... Have to continue my singing. Nice to have you visit me. I appreciate you like my singing." Said Heather.

"Anytime! See you tomorrow!" said Charlie Brown.

As Charlie Brown left her house, Heather continued to sing.

"Oooooooo mio babbino caaaaaro..."

Charlie Brown returned home, still thinking about Heather's beautiful singing voice, and found Sally lounging on the beanbag watching TV.

"Hey, Big Brother. Where have you been?" Sally asked.

"I've been to..... heaven." Charlie Brown sighed dreamily.

"Heaven?!" exclaimed Sally.

"Did I say heaven?! I meant Heather's! Her singing is heaven." Charlie Brown said.

"You really love that Red-Haired Girl, don't you, Big Brother?" asked Sally.

"There's more to her than just looks, Sally." Charlie Brown explained. "Her kindness! Her dancing! And her singing voice! It's so heavenly!"

Snoopy then walked into the Brown house, doggy dish in his mouth. He walked up to Charlie Brown.

"Good grief! Alright, Snoopy. I'll feed you." sighed Charlie Brown as he went into the kitchen, and prepared Snoopy's dog food. He then walked outside with the dish, and placed it in front of Snoopy's doghouse. Snoopy came out, got on all fours, and ate the food.

Charlie Brown went back up to Sally and talked about what Heather had told him.

"Sally? You did meet Mimi, didn't you?" asked Charlie Brown.

"No." replied Sally.

"She briefly came to Linus' birthday party." Charlie Brown explained.

"What?! You mean to tell me another girl kissed my sweet babboo on his birthday?" Sally exclaimed.

"Come on, Sally! Her visit was only brief." Said Charlie Brown.

"Oh, you're right, Big Brother. At least Linus doesn't have to see her again." Sally said simply.

"Oh. But he might." Said Charlie Brown.

"Hopefully, she'll understand that Linus is my sweet babboo, and not hers, or Janice's, or Eudora's." Scoffed Sally.

"Sweet Babboo...." Charlie Brown pondered.

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