Magic and Dragons

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Charlie Brown and Frieda were preparing for their trick. They had to wait on Woodstock and his friends. At last, the birds came.

"Woodstock! Glad you lot are here. We need you as part of our act." Said Charlie Brown.

The curtains opened again, and both Charlie Brown and Frieda were on the stage as part of their magic act.

"Tonight, the Great Browndini and his naturally curly haired assistant Frieda, will present to you, a magic act!" Charlie Brown proudly announced.

Behind Charlie Brown was a box he used to make Frieda vanish.

"First, I would like to turn my assistant into a dog. Frieda, if you would kindly step inside the box?" asked Charlie Brown.

"If I must." Said Frieda.

Charlie Brown escorted Frieda into the box, and closed the lid.

"Oh, Great Houndini!" called Charlie Brown.

"Oh?" called Snoopy.

Snoopy went on stage, wearing his magician's outfit, and prepared his magic.

"Abracadabra Alakazog. Turn this naturally curly haired girl into a dog!" Charlie Brown uttered.

The box opened, and out popped Fifi.

"Ay!" cheered Fifi.

"Ooh! Aah!"

Heather, who was backstage, watched on with amazement.

"Wow! It only makes sense Charlie Brown would turn Frieda into my Fifi! They both have naturally curly hair!" cried Heather.

"For our next trick, I would like to turn some birds into a girl with naturally curly hair! Great Houndini?" asked Charlie Brown.

Snoopy went backstage, and got out a table. Then, he whistled for his bird friends. They all flew onto the table.

"Watch as I turn these birds into the girl!" Charlie Brown said.

Snoopy went backstage and grabbed Linus' blanket.

"Hey! That's my blanket!" cried Linus. "Oh! I see what he's doing."

Snoopy covered his bird friends with the blanket, and as Charlie Brown spoke.....

"Abracadabra Alakazair! Give these birds naturally curly hair!" Charlie Brown uttered.

Snoopy pulled off the blanket and on the table was Frieda.


"Pretty!" Five cried.

"And now, for our final trick tonight!" Charlie Brown announced.

Snoopy walked back on stage with two wheely tables and on top, Frieda in a cardboard box, and what looked like her legs at the other end.

"Watch as I saw this lovely young lady in half!" Charlie Brown announced.


"Oh, good grief! I hope he doesn't cut my naturally curly hair." Frieda begged.

Charlie Brown placed the saw in the middle of the box, and started to cut. The final result, Frieda and her legs were separated.


"How did that feel, Frieda?" asked Charlie Brown.

"At least you didn't cut my naturally curly hair." Said Frieda.

"Watch as we put you back together!" said Charlie Brown.

Snoopy pushed the other table back, and then, Frieda got out of the box.

"Ta-da!" cheered Frieda.

Everyone gave a thunderous applause, and Charlie Brown, Frieda, and Snoopy took a bow.

"Before we go tonight, I tip my hat to you all." Said Charlie Brown as he removed his top hat, and out flew Woodstock and his bird friends.


"Did you see that, Marcie? Chuck knows his magic!" exclaimed Peppermint Patty.

"He's an amazing magician, Sir." Said Marcie.

Franklin walked in with his dragon head off.

"We're next, Sir Peppermint Patty, and Marcie." Said Franklin.

"Ahem?" Marcie called.

"Princess Marcie." Franklin said, correcting himself.

"That's better." Smiled Marcie.

"Now let's get out there!" called Franklin.

"Yes, Dragon Franklin!" cried Marcie.

The curtains opened again, and out on stage were Princess Marcie in a cardboard castle, and Dragon Franklin guarding the keep.

"Ha ha ha! Nobody's gonna save this princess!" roared Franklin.

The crowd trembled with fear.

"I said nobody's gonna save this princess!" Franklin roared again.

"Will somebody please save me from this dreaded lizard?" begged Marcie.

"Hush, Princess! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" Laughed Franklin evilly.

"Hush yourself, you mean old dragon!" shouted Peppermint Patty in her suit of armour, as she walked out on stage.

"Oh, Brave Sir Knight! You came to save me!" cheered Marcie.

"Come and fight me, you mean dragon!" called Peppermint Patty.

"Bring it on!" called Franklin.

Franklin and Peppermint Patty started to fight.

"Wait a minute! My sword!" cried Peppermint Patty.

Peppermint Patty got out her cardboard sword, and pretended to pierce it into Franklin. Franklin fell to the ground and feigned death.

"Oh, my brave knight! You slain the dragon!" cheered Marcie.

Marcie got down from the castle, and gave Peppermint Patty a hug.

The crowd watched with aw, and a loud applause was heard. Franklin got up, and he, Peppermint Patty, and Marcie bowed.

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