A Talent Show and a Miracle

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The next day, Heather woke up from her bed. She got herself ready for school, and waited for Charlie Brown. But much to her disappointment, Charlie Brown didn't get out of the house.

"Still injured from yesterday. Good grief. Oh well. Better make the most of the school day without him." Heather sighed.

Heather prepared her lunch, and placed it in her lunchbox that read "CB + HW". Then, she picked up her books and pink pencil, and marched her way to school. As she got out of her house, there, waiting for her, was Sally.

"Morning, Sally. Charlie Brown still in bed?" asked Heather.

"Yeah. My big brother is still badly injured." Said Sally.

"Don't worry about it, Sally." Smiled Heather. "Your brother's sure to get better soon."

As they continued their way to school, the two girls met Linus, still sad.

"Hello, Linus!" called Heather.

"Oh! Morning, Sweet Babboo!" smiled Sally.

Linus wanted to tell Sally that he wasn't her sweet babboo, but he was too upset.

"Linus, what's wrong?" asked Heather.

"Janice doesn't wanna see me again." Sighed Linus.

"Wha?! How come?" quizzed Heather.

"Something about Mimi." Linus explained.

"Mimi..... oh yeah. I guess Janice misunderstood what I said about Mimi's brief visit." Heather said.

"Good grief." Sighed Linus.

"Don't worry, Linus. I'm sure to think of something." Heather suggested.

During school, Heather sat in her class as Mrs. Donovan called out the roll.

Mrs. Donovan called for Charlie Brown.

"Charlie Brown's absent." Explained Heather. "His sister accidentally crashed into his head yesterday."

Mrs. Donovan wanted to know how.

"I witnessed the whole thing. It was an accident, I promise." Heather said.

Mrs. Donovan understood this.

"Okay." Said Heather.

Later that day, there was an assembly for the whole school.

The principal called out that there would be a talent show going on.

"A talent show?" cried Linus. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Janice..... no wait. Janice doesn't want to see me again. Good grief!"

"A talent show! Next Friday!" cheered Heather.

At lunch time, Heather was having lunch. She wanted Charlie Brown to have lunch with her, but because Charlie Brown was absent, someone else sat with her. This someone else was Frieda.

"Hi, Frieda!" called Heather.

"Hello, Heather!" said Frieda. "Since the talent show is next Friday, there's just enough time to choose who to perform with. May I suggest doing an act with a red-haired girl with naturally curly hair?"

"I'd love to, but....." Heather said.

"But what?" pondered Frieda.

"I've already decided who I'm going to do an act with." Heather replied.

"You've already decided? Oh, good grief!" sighed Frieda.

"But you're still going to have lunch with me, right, Frieda?" asked Heather.

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