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Once Obi-wan had Hazel's wounds bandaged up, he headed straight for Senator Amidala. He knew she would not be pleased to hear of what has happened, but he owed his friend some of the truth. And he needed her help. 

As he neared the door, he turned to the youngling and bent down to her level. "Hazel, I have a task to complete so I'm going to leave you with a good friend of mine until I can come back and get you. Is that alright?" 

She stopped in front of the luxurious door in front of the pair and it broke Obi-wan's heart how her eyes perfectly mirrored the fear he could sense starting to leak out into the force from the little girl. Suddenly, her face became determined, "Another familiar facial expression..." He thought as she breathed in deeply and answered him calmly, "Yes, Master Kenobi. That's okay." 

This little girl was full of surprises; she was no longer exhibiting her feelings in the force. Obi-wan turned to knock on the door.

 "Hello, might I help you . . . Oh, it's you, Master Kenobi. Come in, quickly." He led them into a home that shown with the now rising sun. "Has...has Anakin been here?" Obi-wan asked.

"Yes, right after the attack on the Jedi temple." They were led to the living room where Padme was waiting. "Obi-wan!" She got up quickly and gave him a hug. As she let go of her friend, she saw a small lump under the Jedi's robe. Kenobi felt Hazel hide in his robe and bent down to take her out.

"Hazel, I have to speak with Ms. Amidala. Threepio will entertain you in another room for the time being until I have to go. Is that alright?" She shyly nodded and was led out of the room by a grumbling golden droid. "Padme, the Republic has fallen...the Jedi order is no more..." 

"I know, it's hard to believe everything to which we've dedicated our lives is gone." She stated sadly. 

"I believe we have been part of a plot many years in the making." 

"The Senate is still intact, perhaps there can still be hope." Obi-wan looked sadly at his friend, "No. Padme . . . It's over . . . The Sith now rule the galaxy." She stared at the Jedi in disbelief. "The Sith!?" He nodded and then shifted into the topic he dreaded. 

"I'm here looking for Anakin . . . When was the last time you saw him?" She looked at him quizzically. 


"Do you know where he is now? Did he say where he was going?" She looked down, "No." 

Obi-wan sighed and decided to be truthful and hoped that his honesty would get her to open up. "Padme, I need your help. He's in grave danger." She looked up alarmed, "From the Sith?" 

Oh, how he wished that were true. "No, from himself," his eyes started to water, "Padme...Anakin has turned to the Darkside." "You're wrong! How could you even say that?!" He turned from her heated glare and continued, "I have seen a security hologram...of...him killing younglings...Hazel is the only known survivor, Padme." 

She thought of the small girl who hid in her friend's cloak and made a face of horror thinking of what she had to endure. "Not Anakin! He couldn't!" She sunk down on the couch as her friend painfully continued. 

"He was deceived by a lie. We all were. It appears that the Chancellor is behind everything, including the war. Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice." The bold senator's eyes threatened to water as she tried to gain composure. 

"I don't believe you...I can't."

 He looked at her solemnly as he sat beside her. "Padme, I must find him." She looked at him defiantly, "You're going to kill him, aren't you?" 

Obi-wan looked to see her abdomen fuller, which confirmed his suspicions. Padme was indeed pregnant. He thought he had sensed new life in her but had never seen her shape change until now. "How in the world did Padme even-ohh. OHHH! OH ANAKIN! You really did break the code this time didn't you..." He felt awful now. He finally choked out his answer, "He has become...a very great threat." He stood up and turned to check on the youngling to say goodbye before turning to ask Padme the question on his mind. "Anakin is the father, isn't he." He said more matter-of-factly than in question. Padme just looked down, avoiding the Jedi's gaze. He sighed and kept going, "I'm so sorry."

He paused just outside of the doorway. "Will you please take care of the youngling for me? She will be safer with you." Padme nodded and he continued out the door.

Once Kenobi managed to pull himself together, he started to search for Hazel. That is, until he heard her scream. He ran into another living room to see the little girl being tickled by an astromech, much like R2, while Threepio was just returning from a kitchen-like area. 

"R6! W-what are y-you d-doing?!" She squealed. It filled the Jedi with joy to see Hazel being able to be a carefree child once again, however fake it may have been. 

"R6 come along. Leave poor Hazel alone...Oh! Master Kenobi, would you like anything? Maybe tea or something to eat?" Before the master could speak to decline Hazel spoke up pointing to the fruit and water in the droid's hands. "3PO, who is that for?" She asked. 

"Um, it's for you Miss Hazel..." the droid replied nervously. 

"But when you asked, I declined Threepio." She reprimanded him. "And ever so politely as well!" She gave him an exasperated look before taking the fruit and drink and handing it to Kenobi. "Here Master Kenobi! You can have it." 

He smiled inwardly as he reached down to the small girl's outstretched hands for the fruit and cup. "Thank you, Hazel." He took a bite of the fruit for her satisfaction and then set the substance aside. "Hazel, I'm going to go on with my important task now. Miss Amidala will look after you." The girl looked sad but agreed, nonetheless. "Excellent. Threepio will take you to her. I will come back for you, I promise." She nodded and with that, the youngling left Obi-wan to think of a plan to find Anakin, although he already had an idea.


I walked with Threepio to a room that was much bigger than the one we were in originally. He announced my presence then left me with a beautiful young woman with a rather round tummy. Her hair was dark, and it complimented her skin perfectly. 

"Hello, little one. What's your name?" Padme already knew her name but felt like she needed to break the ice. 

The little girl stepped forward and stated softly, "My name is Hazel." The senator's heart warmed at her little voice and replied, "Well it is very nice to meet you, Hazel. My name is Padme." 

She decided that she would ask if Obi-wan left to see if it was safe to go and find Anakin. "Tell me, has your master left yet?" The little girl looked slightly sad but, for a six-year-old, was able to hold in her emotions surprisingly well. "Yes. He said he was leaving the last time I spoke to him." The senator thought for a bit before walking out the door and beckoning the girl to follow. 

"Hazel, would you like to join me on an adventure?" 


A/N: I did warn y'all it would take a while, but here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed Hazel's cuteness. What do you think is going to happen on Padme's "adventure"? 

Feel free to comment and send feedback!

May the Force be with you and stay safe!

- Becka -

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