The Dust Ball

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"And what about the children, Master Yoda?"

Obi-wan was relieved he didn't have to ask. He had controlled his eagerness as long as he could and was about to ask, but the senator beat him to it.

"Separated, the twins must be. Strong in the force, they both are." The men sat for a minute, brainstorming a plan where all the children would be safe.

"My wife and I will take the girl. We have always talked about adopting a baby girl to raise as our own. But, the Empire has seen Hazel and she will not be safe with us." the senator said gravely. 

"Hm," Yoda started, "To Tatooine, she must go, the boy also to his family. Obi-wan, take them you will. To train the youngling and watch over the boy, your task will be."

The Jedi was overjoyed with this and nodded his head. 

"Trusting you I am. Train the girl in the force you shall, hiding her presence, her first lesson shall be. A strong connection in the force to you, she has. Safe she will be with you, old friend." He said sternly to Obi-wan. He was silently threatening the younger Jedi to keep Hazel safe or else, and Obi-wan understood entirely. 

"Yes, Master."

Once he was dismissed, Obi-wan rushed back to Hazel's side. As he approached the door to her hospital room, he could sense sadness and hear soft sobbing coming from the room. "Hazel?" He opened the door and barely saw her rush to hide something from him, rapidly shoving something in her pocket. "May I come in?" the Jedi asked.

"Yes, Master." She said quickly and he entered and sat next to her on the bed. Hazel was in her youngling robes once again and her boots were next to her. Her small bare feet hung over the edge of the bed.

"Is there something you would like to show to me, young one?" He asked knowingly. She sighed and took out what looked like a small holodisk from her pocket.

"When I was in the creche, one day I found this with a note. I had my best friend Zett read it to me, he said that the note read 'remember.' I think it might be my mother, but...I don't know for sure since I don't remember what she looked like." Hazel spoke softly.

She handed the stunned Jedi the disk and he looked it over. On the back, it had the Night Owl insignia. 

"Leave it to Bo-Katan to know who she is." He thought. "May I look at the hologram?" Kenobi asked the youngling, to which she nodded and turned on the device.

The holodisk contained a picture of a woman with light hair and teal eyes, much like Hazel's. Her skin was pale, and she smiled with a baby in her arms. He saw Satine, in all her glory, holding a small bundle of joy with a smile that could make any sun jealous. Obi-wan missed that smile.

"She, um, is very beautiful. I can see where you get your beautiful eyes from." He said, trying to lift the sadness of the room. 

"Thank you, Master Kenobi. I think so too." She said softly. The Jedi could read her emotions as clear as day and decided to side hug his new companion. The daughter of a duchess. 


Obi-wan walked with joy to the ship he was lent by the senator with Hazel and baby Luke. Of course, he was sad about the situation they were in, but he was glad he would have Hazel going with him. He could protect her and raise her as his own while simultaneously watching over Luke. It was as if the force willed it so, but to be safe, he didn't jinx it.

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