Promise After Promise Broken

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Obi-wan ran from the screams of hatred and pain in tears. It was done. He confronted Anakin and left him there to die, against his own will. He then remembered the girls he left behind and ran back as quickly as he could. "We have to leave before this new 'empire' discovers our presence here." he thought as he ran, leaving his feelings behind him.

He found the ship and spotted the youngling unconscious on the ground. 

"Master Kenobi! We have Miss Padme on board. Please, please hurry. We should leave this dreadful place." Threepio said from the top of the ramp and the Jedi nodded.

He scooped up the girl in his arms and raced to the ship's small med bay. As he ran, he studied the damage that Anakin inflicted on her small figure. He had impaled her shoulder where the blaster had hit her and slashed her chest, making her clothing charred and her skin cut up and burnt. He ran faster until he finally reached the med bay. Padme was already hooked up to life support and the med droid quickly set to Hazel's, taking the girl from the master's hands.

The Jedi thought carefully about his next course of action and decided it would be best to contact Senator Organa and tell him to prepare the med bay for birthing and pediatric operations. Afterwards, he returned to the med bay to check on his friend.

Padme stirred and looked up to the Jedi. "Obi-Wan? Is Anakin alright?" Obi-wan looked at her sadly not answering her desperate question. He brushed her hair back as she dropped back into unconsciousness. He then turned to face the youngling. The poor thing looked way worse than the senator. He sat next to her and pleaded with the force to keep her alive until she could be helped. He sensed her force signature slowly fading and he panicked.

"I will help our ad'ika," a female voice whispered softly. Obi-wan spun around and swore he heard something, before brushing it off and calling himself crazy and sleep-deprived.

He sensed his anger rising as he sat beside the youngling, helpless. He was disappointed in himself for losing control of his meditation, 

not being able to break free from the dark side's mind block, 

losing control of his emotions, 

failing Anakin, 

failing Hazel, and not being strong enough to keep his promises. 

He promised Hazel he would protect her and he couldn't. He promised Anakin he would always be there for him and now he couldn't.

"Please don't give up..." he whispered as his eyes began to water. "I'm here now Hazel. I promise I will never leave you alone again." Force, why was he crying?! He looked down at the tiny body and placed his hand on her small head. All of a sudden, he saw visions of a woman with blonde hair laughing with little arms waving up at her.

 "Hello, ad'ika." The woman cooed in a familiar voice. "Have you been brave while Amara takes care of you?"

"It is not getting any easier to stay hidden, Milady."  another voice whispered. "The war continues to rage throughout the galaxy and it gets harder and harder to stay away as more planets become consumed by it." 

"You know what you have to do, sister."  a calculated voice called out. 

The familiar blonde sighed as the baby calmed. 

"Take her to the temple then. It's the only place she'll be safe. She may very well meet her father."

Obi-wan gasped out of the trance. In time, it was like nothing ever happened. But what he saw, was...interesting to say the least. The figures were blurry, but he could make out the colors and even feel their touch. Through the force, he felt the figures' love, but also sadness, hesitation, grief, and fear. As he pondered on this, he didn't even notice the small girl stabilizing.

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