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Meanwhile, the figure found a closet to hide in. He could hear some of what the pair were saying. Threepio and Padme were the only ones there to his knowledge. That is until a muffled voice called out, "Well, thank you Hazel. Now strap in, we're about to jump into hyperspace."

"HAZEL!?" The figure took off the hood of his cloak, revealing a frustrated Obi-wan. He already had to confront his former padawan, and now this! "The force must be angry at me." He thought as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

He listened to the girls' conversation and with what he could make out they seemed to get along quite well. He was pleased that at least Hazel could forget her worries with Padme, if only for a bit longer. It made him wonder if she would ever be able to be a child and live at ease. He guessed that her future rode on his and Master Yoda's victory. Force, he wasn't ready for that kind of pressure. He wasn't ready to face his closest friend. He wasn't ready for what was coming.

Suddenly he heard muffled shouts coming from the cockpit. 

"He is not a Sith!" 

"He will kill you if he has to Mrs. Padme!" 

"He would never hurt me, Hazel. And I promise that he won't hurt you either." 

Kenobi could sense the youngling's panic and decided to intervene. As he approached, he heard Hazel arguing that Anakin had gone to the Darkside. "I won't believe it...not until I see it for myself." Padme whispered. 

He decided to reply to her rhetorical comment. "Then I guess we'll find out won't we, senator?" The startled woman turned around with fear leaking out of her force signature. "Obi-wan!" The Jedi turned to the youngling.

"Hazel, I need to speak to Padme. Please wait in the common area for me?" Hazel nodded, sensing the tension in the force, and glanced at Padme empathetically. As soon as she sat down, she heard muffled yelling.


"Padme what were you thinking?! I asked you to keep Hazel SAFE! Not bring her on an 'adventure' to a possible death!" 

"Anakin would NEVER hurt her!" She spat.

"YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!" They were both surprised at Obi-wan's outburst and he immediately apologized. "I'm sorry Padme. I truly am. But you left me no choice. You can go out and see Anakin. Try to reason with him, and if you succeed, I won't reveal myself." Padme only nodded and Threepio went to check on Hazel.

He found her sadly gazing at her feet as she sat on the booth with the table in front of her. He felt bad for her and decided to chat with the girl. Hazel was grateful for the distraction and listened to Threepio's ongoing chatter with intent.

Then, all of a sudden, she felt an overpowering, dark, evil, and familiar presence through the force that made her tremble. She started to retract and hyperventilate. She couldn't see anything anymore and it felt like darkness was engulfing her. The youngling curled up into a ball and started to gasp for breath as images of blasters and Zett flashed in her mind along with the eyes of the Sith that chased her. 


"Come on! We have to get to the council room!"

 An older padawan yelled over the blaster fire. His master had instructed him to go and get us to safety while he bought us time. I felt him fade into the force a couple of minutes ago and I think that his padawan did as well. My best friend Zett held my hand as we approached the council chambers. 

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