The Angel

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Hazel was a little unsure at first, but eventually became excited at the idea of adventuring somewhere off-world. 

"Here Hazel, you can change into these new clothes, They're from the temple so they should fit comfortably." The little girl nodded and ran to change quickly, excited to get out of her burnt robes. Padme had one of her guards sneak into the temple and confirm what Obi-wan had told her.

The guard in question was a father himself, so by instinct, he snagged an outfit for the young girl to change into before leaving the force forsaken place. To say Padme was grateful was an understatement, especially when the youngling was the last thing on her mind. As guilty as she felt about such a notion, she couldn't help but be more worried for her husband. All she could make out of her racing thoughts were her worries and plans on how she would reason with him. If he could be reasoned with. 

Force, why did her life have to be so hard. Was being happy and in love too much to ask?


"My lady, let me come with you." Padme's head guard, Captain Typho, was on her tail as she walked to her ship. 

"There is no danger. The fighting is over and... this is personal." The captain was reluctant to let the senator and little girl go without him. Even though the youngling carried a weapon, he wasn't totally at ease with the fact that it would come to her for defense. He had a very bad feeling. "As you wish, my lady...but I strongly disagree." Padme wasn't really in the mood for his over-protectiveness at the moment so she came up with a very weak excuse, "This is something I must do myself; I'm only taking Hazel because I promised Obi-wan I would look after her. Besides, Threepio will look after me." 

The droid, on the other hand, did not enjoy the comment that came with a responsibility, a dangerous one at that. "Oh, dear." The three of them boarded Padme's ship and headed towards the cockpit. As the ramp started to retract, a figure climbed aboard the ship before it took off. 


I could tell Mrs. Padme wasn't really paying attention to Threepio. I could sense her sadness and pain through the force. I also sensed another person on the ship, but I didn't know who. Maybe it was the man with the eye patch? I looked over at Mrs. Padme again to see her crying. I reached over to touch her arm, "Don't cry, Mrs. Padme. It will be okay."


Padme looked at the small hand on her arm. She was filled with warmth at the little one's comfort and was glad she was there. Suddenly she realized that she barely knew anything about the youngling and decided that getting to know her would be a great distraction. "So, tell me more about yourself Hazel. Do you know where you come from? Who found you? I know that most younglings are brought to the temple at a young age, do you remember anything from before the temple?" 

In all honesty, the senator had limited knowledge on how the Jedi Order operated. She only saw Anakin's induction into the order, anything else she was left to guess.

The small girl in question was taken aback by the questions. She made a face of deep thought before answering. "No, I don't know where I come from. Most younglings don't. Master Yoda said that he found me delivered to the Council by a warrior that demanded that I would be accepted into the Order. They claimed that I had a high midi...something count. I only have the stories of Master Yoda has told me, but I don't remember anything other than the temple..." She sighed.

Flashes of blaster fire and screams echoed in her mind. Hazel remembered the massive disturbance in the force. Running for her life. Hiding in the shadows. Those were things she desperately wanted to forget. 

Noticing the far off look in her eye, Padme continued with lighthearted questions. Her favorite color. What she wanted to eat. If she liked sweet or sour. Before they both knew it, they were chatting away like best friends. And Padme gained another admirer. 

By the end of their conversation, Hazel adored the Naboo senator. "Mrs. Padme?" The woman looked to her small companion. "Are you an angel?"

 Padme's breath stopped. Anakin had asked her that question as well when they first met. "N-no. I'm not." 

The little girl felt the need to comfort the senator again, so she quickly added, "Oh, well, you are very beautiful! Even with your two younglings in your tummy." Padme was startled by the child's remark and put her back in her chair. "Wait--how did you know...?" 

"I can sense them. They are force sensitive." Hazel replied, as if it were no big deal, while a stunned Padme stared in awe. "How in the force does she understand any of this?" Padme thought. "Well, thank you Hazel. Now strap in, we're about to jump into hyperspace." The little girl did as she was told and the three of them watched as the stars started to whiz by in a familiar spectacle. 


A/N: Sort of a filler chapter but I wanted to add some fluff before stuff hits the fan. Just a warning, the next chapters will be a bit heavier. 

Thanks again for reading and stay tuned for more of Hazel! 

Stay safe and may the Force be with you!

Becka -

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