ACT I - Epilogue

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"Passed the test, did he?" Master Yoda asked the force ghost in front of him. 

"With flying colors my old friend." Qui-gon said with a blinding smile. 

"Good. Safe the two of them will be with the truth hidden. Hazel most of all."

The Jedi silently agreed, but Yoda could sense the ghost's unease. "Troubling you, something is?" he asked.

"Ever the perceptive one Master Yoda," Qui-gon said with a...less blinding smile, "I do not like the fact that we are hiding things from them. Especially Obi-wan. He deserves to know the truth. And so does the girl, when the time is right."

Master Yoda thought for a moment before answering. "Safe she must be for her to find her path, from the dark side and herself. Our hope rests on her and the boy. Agree with you I do, but when they are ready, then tell them you may." 

Qui-gon nodded and then faded away, leaving Master Yoda in his new home.


A/N: ACT I DONE!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading this far in. Hazel's story is just beginning and I'm so excited for what's to come! Act II is coming soon!

As always, stay safe and may the Force be with you!

Becka - 

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