Predicaments in Parenting

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Finally, the week was over. Hazel had never been so happy in her entire life. The extra meditation time meant more strange visions and it got harder to hide them from Master Kenobi. On top of it all, she had become frustrated and confused by a lack of answers about her 'visions' and what they meant. Which in turn, caused her to be slightly unpleasant.

"I don't understand Master. She has never acted this way before..." A frustrated Obi-wan sat down at the table with the force ghost as he watched Hazel play with the sand as she read one of her lessons outside. 

"Perhaps she needs a break. After all, you have just made her meditate more than she ever has before." 


"I seem to recall a time when you got overwhelmed with your studies. And I also remember that you enjoyed visiting the room of a thousand fountains to calm yourself." Qui-gon hinted.

When Hazel came back inside, Obi-wan sat her down to talk. "Hazel, I have come to realize that you have been working very hard at your studies and meditation. Maybe a bit too, I have decided that a break might be in order." Hazel was filled with relief at the thought. "I have decided that you deserve to be rewarded, and I think it's high time you visited the town." 

"You mean it?!" Hazel bounced with excitement. 

"Yes, I do," Obi-wan smiled at her enthusiasm.


The town was quite far away. But the long, hot walk was worth it. Hazel loved how many people were going in and out of the streets and the sight of the market. Her favorite thing though was seeing children her age in town. Of course, she wasn't allowed to talk to any of them yet, but she waved to them from time to time and it seemed that they took a liking to her.

"I didn't know you had a daughter Ben." The shopkeeper, Marcus, commented. 

"Yes well, she usually stays at home, but I thought I would bring her along today," Obi-wan explained. Hazel was confused as to why everyone called her master 'Ben', but she decided to ask about it later. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you little one!" Marcus exclaimed. 

"Thank you. And you as well." Hazel muttered shyly.

After buying what they needed, the duo started the walk back home. "Master, isn't the hut that way?" Hazel questioned. 

"Yes, but we are going to make a quick stop first." The girl just shrugged and followed her master until eventually, they approached a rock formation.

Settling in their spot, Obi-wan took out a small binocular device from his cloak and fixated on a spot in the distance. When he found what he was looking for, he gave the device to Hazel to show her what lay in the distance. 

"That is Luke," her master explained, "we brought him here with us when we left Senator Organa, remember?" 

Hazel stared at the toddler for a second before recognizing him and nodding her head in response. 

"He is a very special baby, Hazel. He is strong in the force like you are. Which is why we have to watch over him." He added. 

The young girl nodded once again. 

"Hazel, one day, I will not be here with you and Luke," Hazel turned to him with fear and distress in her eyes. "I will always watch over you, Hazel. But the reason I work you so hard and push you is that I want to prepare you for when you will have to take my place."

The little girl sighed. "I understand."

"Hazel, you are an amazing person. And I am so proud of the young girl you are becoming." She smiled at the compliment and leaned into her master's side.


When they returned home, Hazel was fast asleep in minutes. She was utterly exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Obi-wan had tucked her in and whispered goodnight before going out to meditate. To say that he was a little worried about his padawan would have been an understatement. He had noticed that she tended to want to sleep more and more and was often lost in thought. He tried to think of every possible thing that could be affecting her in this way but had come up with no conclusion.

"Is something troubling you, Obi-wan?" Startled, the master spun around defensively only to find his former master standing behind him. 

"Oh, Master Qui-gon." He exclaimed quietly and he let his stance become relaxed. "It's Hazel,"

"Isn't it always?" Qui-gon teased. 

"Very funny master. But I fear there may actually be something troubling her." He explained as the two sat down in the dining room. "She always seems so tired and most of the time she gets lost in thought. I don't know what has gotten into her."

Qui-gon looked at his former padawan knowingly. "Tell me, Obi-wan, do you still have nightmares about the past?"

"Yes, almost every other night."

"So, do you think that Hazel might get nightmares often?" Obi-wan stared at his master in shock. "But she's only ten!"

"A ten-year-old girl who in the past four years has been hunted, shot, emotionally exposed to things no child ever should be, and has had to adapt to living in exile on top of continuing learning how to be a Jedi," Qui-gon responded.

"Ugh, you're right,--"

"I always am."

"--that doesn't help master!" Obi-wan complained. "I've been blind."

"Obi-wan," The force ghost attempted to rest a hand on the young master's shoulder, "no one is perfect and you have also been through quite a lot. Hazel is not blind either. She knows that you have much in your head that you don't talk about, so she leaves you alone and decides to not bother about her own troubles. However, she needs you to be there for her. Not as her master, but as a father figure." 

Obi-wan nodded. 

"She needs you as much as you need her. The Order is gone Obi-wan, and with it, all the rules of the code that kept us from our true purpose in the galaxy as Jedi: to love and show compassion."

"So, I shouldn't distance myself from her or fear becoming attached to her?" The young man asked.

"No. But remember Obi-wan, there is a point in life where we have to learn to let go of our children and let them live their own lives."

"I understand." Qui-gon nodded and left his padawan to himself.


A/N: Poor Obi-wan. They're both in for some hard times ahead. ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because it's the lightest one for a while...sorry not sorry. 

As always, stay safe and may the Force be with you!

Becka -

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