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Obi-wan went back to the closet to think and hide his presence from Anakin. Kriff, he still couldn't believe that he was doing this. In all reality, he didn't want to fight his former padawan. He was like a brother or even a son to him! 

He heard Padme tell Threepio that they were approaching their destination and immediately hid his presence. He receded into the force and stayed there. All of a sudden, darkness surrounded him, and he couldn't escape. The Darkside of the force was attacking his mind. Obi-wan fought and fought to regain control until memories started flooding his mind...

A young Obi-wan waited for his youngling friend to surprise him with a visit. It had been a few months since Anakin came to the temple and he was just finishing his essential classes this week. In the months that passed, the two boys had bonded and now, Obi-wan was a knight, ready to take on a padawan. 

"Obi-wan!" Anakin exclaimed in surprise as he ran to his friend. To Anakin, Obi-wan was like his "big brother" and sometimes, he saw the Jedi as a father. But only sometimes. "Where have you been?! It has been three weeks since you last came to visit!" 

Obi-wan grinned mischievously, "Aw. It's nice to know you missed me Anakin!" 

"Obi-wan!!!" Anakin whined as the older boy ruffled his hair playfully. 

"I have been in my own training, which has intensified over the past few weeks. I came here to ask you something Anakin..." The boy looked at his brotherly figure with confusion as Obi-wan worked up the courage to speak. "Anakin Skywalker, will you do me the honor of being my padawan?" He finally asked nervously. 

"I-I..." Obi-wan grew nervous as the boy struggled to form words. "Yes!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Anakin ran into Obi-wan and hugged his middle. "Thanks, Obi." Kenobi sighed in relief, "No need to thank me, little brother." 

Anakin looked up in surprise and Obi-wan stared at him confused until he realized his mistake. "I think of you as a brother too, Obi-wan." The young boy said with a smile. "Then why don't we stay that way, hm?" 

"Promise?" Anakin looked with big eyes at Obi-wan. 


Master Kenobi's heart ached as he remembered that day. He had promised Anakin that he would stay with him and always be there for him. And Anakin promised too. he was, hiding in a Nabooian Skiff, trying to hide his presence from the same person who he now saw as a son more so than a brother. 

He faintly registered the ship landing and running before the Darkside pulled him under again. He desperately tried to escape to be ready to intervene in a possible fight. But he couldn't, his grief was overpowering and the Darkside of the force wouldn't let him go. It started to show him the losses of his life, starting with Satine.


Hazel had woken up when the ship landed and sensed a dark presence nearby. She looked around the ship to find someone to keep her company, but no one seemed to be on board. 

Confused, she snuck towards the back of the ship where soft voices could be heard. She called upon all her youngling training of the force and used it to sneak to the edge, just so she could see and hear the scene outside. She saw Padme hugging and talking to a taller man and sensed the tension in their conversation. She tried her best to listen in. 

"It's all right, you're safe now. What are you doing out here?" the man said. 

"I was so worried about you. Obi-Wan told me terrible things." The man looked at her and backed away, breaking the hug. "What things?" he said suspiciously. "He said you have turned to the dark side . . . that you killed younglings." Padme said almost out of breath. 

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