Where It All Went Wrong

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She called him dad. That phrase had seemed to change everything about their relationship and gave them both permission to act more like—well—father and daughter. 

At least, that's what Hazel kept telling herself.

She wouldn't say that she regretted calling Master Kenobi "dad," but his changes in behavior were really starting to worry her. 

At first, it was subtle; he would hug her every day, kiss her head when tucking her in for the night, watch her when she went outside to meditate. And at first it was nice; it was nice to have that kind of love.

But then she noticed the bags under his eyes. The way he would become anxious and fidgety whenever she asked to go outside or leave his sight. The disturbances in the Force along with the occasional scream in the middle of the night. 

And she was worried.

She still had bad days, when the Darkside would eat at her. But now it seemed as though she wasn't the only one. And that scared her.


"Did you think you could help her?"

Obi-wan spun around searching the darkness surrounding him for the voice.

"You thought you could protect her? From me?"

A red saber ignited behind him, illuminating the dark space—revealing a faceless foe with Hazel at his feet. Obi-wan's breath hitched as he watched his pupil lie motionless on the ground.

"No." The figure rasped. "You have only succeeded in sealing her fate." Without warning, the figure swung his blade. 

Obi-wan curled into himself waiting for the blow to come, but it never did.

"Master? What are you doing on the floor?"

Opening his eyes, Obi-wan peered up only to reel back in shock. Anakin stood before him. The Anakin he had lost and failed. The Anakin that existed before the dark side corrupted him. The Anakin he missed terribly. 

"I... I'm not entirely sure."  Obi-wan whispered with confusion.

"Well, if you're done with whatever it is you're doing, we need to get to the girls. Ahsoka keeps comming me every five minutes complaining that her and Hazel are starving." Anakin chuckled. 


"Oh, come on Master, right now is not the time to joke around! We promised to take the girls to Dex's and Ahsoka will have my hide if she doesn't get to eat a nerf burger before our next deployment." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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