Old Master

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There he was. Qui-Gon Jinn, in all his glory. 

Obi-wan, on the opposite side of things, just starred. Stunned, to say the least.

"Hello, Obi-wan. It has been a long time." The master said with a smile, attempting to ease some of the tension his former padawan was creating. 

"Y-yes, it...it has..." Obi-wan sputtered out finally.

"I'm sure master Yoda has told you already of the reason I'm here?" 

There it was. Obi-wan's heart clenched. Was this the universe's way of telling him to stop dwelling on the past and be stronger? That the galaxy depended on his success in protecting Luke and passing on his knowledge of the force to him even after he was gone? 

"Yes, he did." Obi-wan replied, saddened to hear that his master was on the uni-

"I have missed you so much Obi-wan." 

-wait, what?

"You...have?" He blurted without thinking. 

"What, you mean to tell me that for all this time you didn't once miss me? My young padawan?" Qui-Gon teased.

Never mind, if anyone was going to be against the rules of the galaxy, it would be Qui-Gon.

"No, you know that's not what I mean." Obi-wan laughed. 

"Well then, it would seem that we have some catching up to do, don't we, Obi-wan?" The force ghost gestured to the sleeping girl inside, although he knew more about her than Obi-wan. 

"Yes, I suppose we do." Obi-wan sighed as he gestured for the two of them to go inside.


"So, you mean to tell me that the boy I said was the chosen one, actually destroyed the entire Jedi's existence? For love?" The force ghost said in disbelief.

Obi-wan prayed to the force that Qui-Gon couldn't do anything supernatural when he got upset and nodded his head in confirmation. 

"Force, what have I done?" Master Jinn sighed as he rubbed his forehead. 

"It is not your fault, master. If it should be anyone's fault, it should be mine. I suppose I didn't train him well enough." Obi-wan said.

"Obi-wan," Qui-Gon tried to place his hand on the Jedi's shoulder, "this is the fault of the dark side. The best Jedi are all susceptible to the temptation of the dark side and quite frankly, because the Jedi order looks down on such temptations, we fall to the darkness because of our loneliness." His voice became desperate for Obi-wan to understand. "It is not your fault Obi-wan. Nor is it mine. All we can do now is try to correct what the Jedi Order could not."

The young Jedi teared up and nodded his head. Somehow, at that moment, Qui-Gon materialized enough to hug his surrogate son and comfort him. Something Obi-wan had not experienced since...Satine.

"Obi-wan, what are you thinking about?" Qui-Gon asked knowingly with a smirk. 

"Dank Ferric Qui-Gon, you're just as bad as Hazel." The Jedi remarked.

"Careful how you speak in front of children Obi-wan. You don't want her to copy you." Qui-Gon teased. 

"Yes, yes. Although, I recall hearing the same words from you while children were present." Obi-wan smirked.

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